Chapter 04

Chapter 4: Wynafryd Manderley

The hour was late, as the feast thrown by Lord Wyman Manderley to welcome the royal family to White Harbor and the North in general raged on. The entirely Manderly household was crammed into the Merman's Court, along with every noble and rich merchant that had been present in the city. The long tables were overfilled, and crowds spilled out through the doorway.

This was the first time that Robert had officially met the Lord of White Harbor. Laying eyes upon Wyman Manderley made Robert gladder of his decision to resume his training and regain his old form as his host was a scary reminder of how far Robert had almost fallen over the years.

Seated on large cushioned throne of weathered oak, the fat lord's chins wobbled as he conversed with his guests while stuffing food and drink into his mouth.

Robert was sorely tempted to slip back into his old ways as a few comely serving maids kept coming his way but reminded himself of the promise that he had made to himself.

He was a King and a King's cock should not be stuck in just any available warm cunt. Throughout the feast, Lord Wyman and his family had tried to keep Robert and his family engaged in conversation while fishing for the reason behind his decision to begin his royal progress in the North instead of the capital. Fortunately, Robert had managed to politely evade giving any relevant details since he did not want any rumours to spread till, he had chance to speak with Ned.

His host had not managed to get anything out of Cersei either but that was due to the fact that she did not bother to speak with anyone

Beyond the expected courtesies. Plus, she herself did not know much as far she was concerned, Robert's decision was based on him longing to meet his old friend. She did not know of Jon's failing health or Robert's decision to bring Ned to the capital as the new Hand.

In his old days, Robert would have been completely drunk by now and busy fondling and groping any serving maid who was within his reach. But as he had scaled back on his drinking, he began to notice things that he would have not noticed in the past.

Like the serving maids who tried to capture his attention seemed to be taking direction from Lord Wyman's heir, Ser Wylis Manderley.

Robert surmised that his host was trying to ensure that the King's needs were met. After all his lecherous ways were no secret in Westeros.

However, it seemed that the serving wenches were not the only ones interested in him, referring to the sly glances that Lord Manderley's eldest granddaughter had been sending his way. Normally, he would have chalked it up as a young girl's curiosity and awe at being in the presence of a King but his instincts were telling him that it was more than that.

Soon enough, Cersei made her excuses and asked permission to retire for the night, which he was glad to grant and be rid of her insufferable presence. And so, his wife and children departed from the great hall. After regaling the people with one last wartime story, Robert decided to retire for the night as well.

Back in his chambers as Robert was getting ready for bed, there was a knock at the door. His Kingsguard announced that Lady Wynafryd

Wished to speak with him. Upon hearing her name, Robert's instincts flared up once again and he commanded that she be allowed in.

"Lady Wynafryd, the hour is late. Is there something urgent that you wished to discuss?" Robert asked as his eyes took in the young woman before him.

The eldest daughter of Ser Wylis Manderley was young maid of seventeen name days. Her long brown hair was drawn into a braid over one shoulder, laid across her blue-green linen dress which served to draw attention to her generous cleavage. The Gods had clearly blessed the young mermaid as despite her age she possessed the curvaceous figure that most grown women would envy.

"Forgive me for disturbing your rest, my King. But my grandfather had forgotten to speak with you on an important matter during the feast and wished to request for an audience in the morning. If you would be kind enough to oblige." Wynafryd stated as she performed a curtsey that allowed Robert to get a better view of her cleavage.

A fact that Wynafryd herself was aware of, if Robert was reading her body language correctly.

"Lady Wynafryd, this request could have been made in the morning and that too by a servant. There was no need for you to come here at this hour." Robert said.

"Now tell me, what is that you truly want or to be more precise what is it that Lord Wyman wants?" Robert questioned, causing a flustered look to form across her face.

Wynafryd quickly composed herself and told Robert that her grandfather had proposed the idea of constructing a new sea port on the western shores of the North but had been refused by Lord Stark on the grounds that such a venture for require approval from the crown as well as a generous sum of funds.

And so, when her grandfather had learned of King's impending arrival, he decided to seek his favour on the matter.

"This is quite a large endeavour and if successful could not only change the economy of the North but its military might as well. Not to mention increase your own family's wealth and influence significantly," Robert said as he mulled the idea over.

'So, when the serving maids failed to catch my eye, Lord Wyman sends his granddaughter to win my favour. For Northmen, the Manderleys sure acted like the scheming lords of the south,' Robert thought to himself.

"My grandfather realizes how valuable this project would be to both White Harbor and the entire North."

"And we are determined to earn your blessing by any means possible," Wynafryd said as she drew closer to Robert, her eyes suggesting her intent.

"Well, you're going to have to work hard to earn my favour. Are you up to the task?" Robert said, eager to see if the girl had the steel to follow through on what she was suggesting.

Wynafryd promptly knelt down and ran her hand over the King's crotch, before pulling his massive member out of his breeches.

The sheer size of the organ caused her mouth to gape open in surprise. Then again, she mused that someone who was called the Demon of the Trident would have been well endowed.

She snapped out of her thoughts and wrapped her fingers around the King's cock and started to pump him up and down.

Robert relished the feeling of Wynafryd's warm hand wrapped around his cock, as her ministrations caused it to swell in size.

'Never doubt your instincts, Robert. To think you would have ended up with some common kitchen wench instead of this gorgeous maiden if you had stayed on your old path.' Robert mused to himself.

"You have such a nice, hard, cock, your grace," Wynafryd said as she caressed his cock.

"I am a maiden but my mother has educated me in the ways of men and women. However, I would be grateful for your instruction as well. I want to please you to best of my ability."

"I want to put it in my mouth… do you think I can put it in my mouth?" Wynafryd asked.

Robert nodded in response and Wynafryd placed her hot lips on the head of his cock. Her tongue flickered out around his throbbing, swollen head. The warmth spreading around Robert's head made him feel really good.

Wynafryd wrapped her right hand around the base and felt it when taking the top head into her mouth. The left hand made its way towards her balls and started to tickle them. She squeezed and stroke them.

Wynafryd seemed to have natural skill, as her tongue swirled around his cock, while making sure to hit all of the points that brought him pleasure.

"That's it Wynafryd, keep… sucking my cock," Robert moaned.

She had no intention to stop sucking him off. Her hands caressed him, mouth sucked him, and brought increasing amounts of pleasure.

"I'm going to….I can't hold it….I'm….." Robert grunted, but Wynafryd didn't stop.

She double downed on her oral service, and kept slurping on him, while squeezing his heavy balls. They held a surprisingly abundant load for her.

Robert groaned and started to fire the load deep inside of her mouth. Wynafryd brought her lips further down and sucked his cum down into her mouth. She swallowed the warm load. He pumped maybe a half of a dozen loads before settling down.

Wynafryd pulled away from him, and touched her thumb across his cock. She gave it a light and loving caress, before reaching up.

"I know what you want," Wynafryd said. "When my body started to change, my mother told me of one of my most attractive attributes and that it would draw the attention of all men. It's what all men want…. She said to me"

Wynafryd pulled down the front of her dress and freed her large, round breasts. The succulent, mouth-watering flesh struck Robert in the face.

Robert captured the beautiful mounds in his hand and touched them.

"Play with them," Wynafryd encouraged him. "Suck on them, they're all yours, my King."

Robert's face disappeared into the generous mountains of flesh and Wynafryd stroked his cock while he sucked on her tits. His mouth was all over her. By making use of years of experience, Robert managed to quickly deduce all of the spots that made her feel so good.

"Good, mmmm, very good, "Robert said. "You're so good, but I think I know how we can have even more fun."

Wynafryd understood Robert's hint and slipped off her dress the rest of the way. She wiggled out of it, her wide juicy ass pushing out of it. She was now completely bare.

"You have a gifted mouth, Lady Wynafryd, but so do I," Robert said as he instructed the young maiden to lie back on the bed, with her legs spread open.

Robert caught a hint of her womanly scent and saw how she dripped wet with moisture. Her pussy lips were slender and looked pretty tight, tighter than anything Robert imagined.

"I about to give you the 'Lord's Kiss' or in this case the 'King's kiss' if we're being accurate," Robert said.

He leaned in and swirled his tongue around the outside of her lips. He caught some of the nectar on her lips and brushed it up.

"It's incredible!" Wynafryd breathed.

Robert's primal instincts kicked in, as he continued to swirl his tongue within her juicy folds. His tongue twirled inside of her. Robert decided to test out a new trick that he had picked up during his nights with Shae and began to recite the lyrics to the Dornishman's wife while eating away at Wynafryd's sweet, young pussy.

Wynafryd's hips bucked up to hit Robert in the bridge of the nose when his tongue started to dance against her cavern and licked her.

"By the Seven!" Wynafryd breathed as her hips struck Robert in the face.

The skilled King continued to munch on her pussy, not allowing anything to disrupt his rhythm.

Every time, Wynafryd thought she had hit the ultimate height of pleasure, a new even more pleasurable wave hit her.

Robert went down deep between her dripping hot thighs. A primal force now drove him forward, with the licking and suckling deep between her legs. She placed her hands on the back of his head.

A rush of hot juices splashed Robert in the face. He drove deeper down in between her thighs and lapped up even more juices.

"I'm ready for the main course now," Robert said when he pulled his tongue out of her.

"I'm not sure if…" Wynafryd managed to say before Robert looked towards her with a gaze from his eyes that were burning with lust.

Any hint of backing out had left her immediately. She turned over and pressed her hands and knees up against the bed, with her thighs spread far and wide.

"I'm ready to become a true woman," Wynafryd said. "Please, my King, fuck me, I'm so wet."

Robert ran his hands over her curvy flesh and moved down. He smiled at the breath she hitched in when he took a nice firm grasp around her ample ass cheek. Robert rose his hand off and slapped it against her.

"Your Grace!" Wynafryd yelled.

"Did you like that?" Robert asked as his throbbing hard cock pushed against Wynafryd's lips.

"You are about to receive a great honor, Lady Wynafryd. You're first time will be with a King. Are you pleased?" Robert inquired.

Wynafryd simply nodded in response. It was indeed a great honor to have the ruler of the Seven Kingdoms take her maidenhead. She had grown up hearing tales of the mighty Demon of the Trident who had destroyed the evil dragons and claimed the crown. And now here she was about to experience her first time with this legendary King and hero, she thought to herself as Robert almost slipped deep inside of her.

"Good, I'm glad," Robert said. "So, hot… so tight…"

As Robert eased inside of her, Wynafryd held her hands against the bed.

"There is no backing out now. Your about to be marked for life," Robert teased. "I'm sure that you will have some explaining to do to your future husband, whoever he may be."

Robert ran his fingers down her spine. One long thrust brought the point of his cock deeper between her legs. Those thick throbbing balls smacked against her thighs. Robert held onto her and slammed inside of her again.

"Yes, I… will… have some explaining to do," Wynafryd gasped. Robert clutched her hips and continued to rock, increasing his tempo inside of her. "But, don't care, because it feels so good…"

"It does feel so good, to be so bad," Robert said. "I can tell that you are a maiden or were at least till now but you weren't completely innocent before coming to my chamber either. Talks with your mother could not have prepared you this well."

"I've teased….some boys, but… never did anything," Wynafryd said. "Well, not with any men… at least….."

Robert's interest had been piqued.

'So, she's not some innocent maiden that was being forced to do her family's bidding.'

"So, you're just a tease, aren't you?" Robert asked. "Or have you been waiting for a special someone? Never thought that it would be a King, did you?"

Wynafryd's breast were being squeezed underneath the palm of Robert's hand. He manipulated the supple flesh and made her moan. The pleasure she felt rewarded Robert with a steady heat pumping through his loins. Robert balanced on her and rocked inside her.


She came, boy did she ever cum. Robert smiled when picking up the pace, riding her orgasm for everything she was worthy. Robert drilled her pussy without any mercy.

"This is what you want, isn't it?" Robert asked. "This is what you need?"

Wynafryd nodded in response as his cock pushed deeper inside of her. It lengthened and pressed into the inside of her womb.

Perhaps it had been her own lust added imagination, but Wynafryd could have sworn that she felt his cock extend, and getting longer the more he pushed inside of her. Her breathing intensified the further Robert pushed deeper inside her.

Robert rode out the next orgasm and just hammered her harder in response. He enjoyed the feel of her pussy wrapped around his cock when feeling her juices around him. Robert wanted to feel the warm feeling, the warm sensation once again. His fingers caressed the underside of her breasts, and started to rub against her nipples.

"I can't pull out," Robert said. "I guess I'm going to finish."

"Oooh, you're going to cum inside me?" Wynafryd asked. "Don't worry, I'll take moon tea after leaving here. Take your pleasure. Fuck….my brains out."

Wynafryd barely managed to belt out those last few words on the account of Robert plunging his thick cock deeper inside of her. His hard balls slapped against her thighs, with several smacking sounds followed Robert's actions as he rode her to a spectacular conclusion.

"I'm almost there, don't worry, you're going to get everything which is coming for you," Robert said as he plunged into her and struck a pleasure chord inside her.

Wynafryd's wet walls collapsed down onto him. Her body racked up and down in a constant state of orgasm, which was not helped by the fact that Robert squeezed her delightful breasts against the bed.

Robert's balls tightened. He couldn't hold back much longer, not that he wanted to. He slammed into the wet and hot hole. The cum churned up and the load finally had been lost.

Their orgasms met mutually in the middle. Robert held onto Wynafryd's soft tits, to keep prodding her insides with his huge, thick cock as his heavy load of cum fired inside of her.

Wynafryd's entire body swelled up to accommodate the huge load of cum. Robert pushed her against the bed, slamming against her.

Their hips worked against her from behind as Robert's hands ran all the way underneath her body.

Robert pulled out of her and allowed Wynafryd to slide back onto the bed, with cum dripping down between her legs.

"So, do we have your blessing, my King," Wynafryd panted out, while trying to catch her breath.

"Aye, but it is a great boon that you seek. It will require a lot more labour on your part." Robert said.

"But don't fret, I have an idea that will please both your family and me. I will discuss it with Lord Wyman on the morrow."

"However, you're going to have to entertain me till then," Robert playfully added as he and Wynafryd resumed their carnal activity.