Chapter 23

Chapter 23: A Day in the King's Life

Sansa Stark & Margaery Tyrell

A butt-naked Robert made his way to his personal bath chambers, humming a tune that exuded his good mood. The bath chamber had been designed in Valyrian fashion by the Targaryens with a large bath tub located at the center.

Fortunately for Robert, the tub was in the shape of blossoming flower rather than a dragon, unlike everything else that the Dragons had built. The tub was massive, easily able to seat eight or more people and surrounded by stone benches on its side. However, its best feature was that somehow the water in the tub was able to stay warm for hours without having the need to add fresh hot water to it.

Which in turn allowed Robert to enjoy many passionate fucks within it over the years.

It was clear that Dragonlords of Old had shared similar tastes of the Stag King.

After enjoying an intense night of passion with his wife last night, by some bizarre twist of events, he had managed to get Cersei to meet with the Tyrells to broker a deal and establish rules for the position in court and Robert's bed. And even more surprisingly, his cold and distant wife seemed to excited at being given the task.

The sun was beginning to climb across the sky and the cool sea breeze were helping to set the scene for a warm and pleasant day. And it was about to get a lot better for the King of Westeros.

"Good morning, my King, I trust you had a pleasant evening, last night"

A low and seductive purr of a voice greeted him and Robert turned around to see the Red Wolf of Winterfell herself, Sansa standing before him. She was dressed in a white robe that wrapped around her body, showing a hint of her long and gorgeous legs as she twirled around. This was done intentionally so Robert could catch a hint of her nubile and perfect ass.

"Aye, it was and it looks like my morning is about a good one as well," Robert commented as he stepped towards the red-head. "I was hoping to run into you, its been a while."

The auburn-haired vixen smiled as she took in her lover's naked visage. No matter how many times she gazed upon his perfectly muscular form, she always ended up craving more. She took in how delicious he looked and she wanted to take all that she could from him. She placed her hands on his hips and surveyed him, tracing the patterns of his muscles with her eyes.

"The feeling is more than mutual. I was starting to think that you got tired of me," Sansa commented as she stepped back placing her hands onto the side of her hips and continued to eye him. She undid the sash of her robe but did not let it fall. "Which is why I decided to surprise you."

Robert smiled. "Perish the thought, Sansa. You are and will always be one of my favorites."

"I am happy to hear that," Sansa remarked to him. "So why don't you let me remind you of why I'm among your favorites."

"I will raise no protests to that," Robert remarked as he stepped towards her and she led him towards the massive and intricately designed pool that was filled with warm and soothing water.

Sansa stripped off her robe the rest of the way and jumped into the pool. The water splashed against her body and she turned her hand around to beckon Robert forward. The King was only too happy to join her in the water, to kick back and have some fun.

"I have grown quite fond of Lady Margaery," Sansa remarked as she swam in the water with him. "But a delicate Golden Rose and fierce She-Wolf are very different creatures."

"True and rest assured that I am aware of the value of both," Robert offered as he saw the peak of her breasts above the water as she rolled the droplets of water over them.

"Of course, you might need to refresh my memory a little bit," Robert added and smiled at the young maiden who smiled back, albeit a bit more nervously.

"It's why I am here. Let's have some fun," Sansa said to Robert but he grabbed her around the waist and pushed his crotch against hers.

"Yes, fun, a lot of fun."

Robert answered as he spun her around and pressed his crotch against her rear, his mouth against her ear.

"Still, it's been a while. You might be a bit rusty," Robert stated as he brushed his hand through her auburn locks. The randy King held her from behind and wrapped his arm around her waist tighter as he teasingly pressed against her. "I think you could benefit from a thorough practice session. Perhaps, I should send for one of our mutual friends to spice things up a bit"

"That sounds wonderful," Sansa commented as the King ran his hands down her back and cupped her from behind. "But…. I think that I more than capable of satisfying you by myself."

"Well, let's see if you can live up to your words," Robert remarked as he drank in the form of the nubile beauty and she bit down on her lip, really enjoying the sensations that came from having the mighty King drink in her visage. "The fact is that I want you, Sansa"

"If you want me, then you shall have me, my love," the maiden stated as she chewed on the side of her mouth.

"I will have you, because I will take you," Robert told her as he roamed his hands down her and pressed against her, before hoisting her up out of the water, and carrying her out of the water towards a nearby bench.

Sansa slipped onto the bench and sat with her legs spread.

"I'm yours, my King," she stated in a lustful purr as she placed her hands on the side of her legs.

Robert stepped forward and pushed her back onto the bench. Sansa wrapped her legs and arms around Robert and pressed himself against her body. He kissed her mouth rather hard, using his lips to cause sexual fire to rise from within her. He kept up the kissing, moving his way down to the side of her face, kissing her over and over again, before he shifted his attentions to the side of her neck.

"Yes, that's it," the elder daughter of Ned Stark cried out as Robert kissed her and lavished her breasts, with her nipples sticking out for him to play with. Robert took one of the hard buttons in his mouth and enclosed it around his lips, before he sucked her nice and deeply, feeling it grow and pulse within his lips. Robert was having the time of his life as he was sucking her, really feeling the pleasure heightened, while keeping up the pace.

Robert tasted the lovely flesh that was encased in his mouth and he reached down, brushing his fingers past his stomach, before cupping her dripping wet pussy. Sansa closed her eyes and she felt a burst of pleasure course through her.

'How lovely, you're already wet, Sansa' Robert thought.

"Let's have some real fun," Sansa stated and Robert knew what his idea of fun was now as he travelled around her amazing form. His mouth was placed on her dripping hot pussy before working his tongue deep into her.

The auburn-haired beauty enclosed her mouth around his massive member and began to deeply suck on him, feeling the pleasure of his throbbing cock being entered around her. The red head's mouth wrapped tightly around his cock, before she inhaled it, and kept up her sucking. She was determined to take every single bit down into her mouth and take everything that he had to offer.

'Yes, take that pussy and give it a work out, oh your tongue is amazing, a gift from the gods,' Sansa thought to herself.

The King licked around her centre, feeling a lemony taste come from her. He collected it on his tongue and swallowed it, indulging himself into the savoury taste. It was something that was amazing beyond all measure and he could not wait to take even more of it into his mouth. The stormy blue eyes of Robert were widened with pleasure as he kept indulging himself into even more of the lusty maiden.

Sansa felt him work into her and the screaming pleasure continued to course through her body but she happily sucked on his prime manhood. Her eyes screwed shut as she kept up the pace and kept sucking him, slurping up, and just inhaling even more of his throbbing hard cock.

"Mmm, mmm, mmm, delicious," Sansa remarked as she was about to suck the cock right out of him.

She was going to slow down the pace, so both can savor the experience and his mouth was working around her pussy, getting it extremely damp and ready for him. His head was buried between her nubile thighs and his tongue worked its magic deep into her, her eyes closed rather tightly as she panted, her nipples stiffened and her rising heart beat quickening the pace.

Robert knew that he was going to cum any minute now with the way that she was working onto his throbbing cock. She really pushed around his member and licked and slurped around her. The maid of Winterfell indulged herself into further pleasures.

"Keep it up Robert, keep it up my King," she purred but Robert grabbed her face roughly and pulled his cock from her mouth.

"I was going to taste something rather delicious of yours but while I like your pussy, it's going to have to wait," Robert commented as he grabbed Sansa around the hips and flipped her over, her breasts pressed against the bench and her ass inclined in the air, pointed up towards him, prime and ready for the taking.

The blue-eyed King kept his eyes on her, a grin crossing his face as he soaked in the delicious rump that was presented to him.

"So, are you going to take it or not?" Sansa asked as he lifted his fingers and smiled as he caressed her ass, running his fingers inside it.

"In a moment," Robert remarked as he grabbed her. "Ready or not, here I come?"

Sansa closed her eyes as carnal energy swirled around them and Robert used his throbbing cock to enter her tight ass. The future Princess of the Seven Kingdoms felt the erotic sensations course between her ass cheeks as Robert pushed into her. It was amazing to feel all of this meat between her ass and she pushed back to encourage him.

Robert grabbed her shoulders and pumped his throbbing cock into her ass, thrusting deep inside her and Sansa bit down on her lip in the pleasure, moaning in a high pleasured expression. She bit down her lip before the King drilled into her amazing ass. It was so warm and pleasurable; it gave his throbbing cock a go over.

'Yes, Robert, take me,' she thought as he drilled into her.

He smiled showing all of his white teeth before he reared back and plunged inside her, speeding up the momentum and taking every single bit of her ass as it wrapped around him. He felt the sensations of it tightly wrapped around him and Robert returned fire, setting a

Nice pace as he kept drilling harder into her perfect, supple ass. His hands groped around her as there was a few seconds where he groped her hard from behind.

She closed her eyes shut as the lusty Stag kept working inside her, using his throbbing prick to give her rectum a work out. He had no idea how much longer he wished for this to pick up, only that he enjoyed keeping the pressure and the pleasure on her ass.

"You should have known this was coming," Robert grunted in her ear, holding her arms so she could not give herself any relief.

Sansa breathed rather loudly as his cock penetrated her, yes, she knew that this was coming and welcomed it, she welcomed every single inch of him. Every single inch that coursed through her body as her orgasm was denied.

"Your ass belongs to me," Robert whispered in her ear.

"Yes…. Yes," Sansa breathed as Robert cupped his hands around her breasts and squeezed them rather hard.

She breathed heavily as her pussy wrapped around him tightly and he kept spearing his length deep inside her. The auburn-haired maiden kept up the pace and Robert's throbbing cock passed between her, working into her, thrust after thrust.

After some time of giving her ass a work out, Robert decided to switch venues. He pulled out of her and hovered over her dripping hole.

But just as he was about to impale her juicy pussy, Robert heard voices from outside and soon enough, his idiot squire, Lancel was knocking at the door.

"Your grace, pardon the interruption. But Lord Stark is requesting an audience," the blonde fool stuttered. "It is rather urgent."

A panicked look washed across Sansa's face and she tried to make a hasty exit via one of the secret tunnels, only to be stopped by him.

"But your…." She began but Robert merely placed a finger on her luscious lips to silence her. It was obvious that his young paramour was afraid of being discovered by her father and him learning of her recent scandalous activities.

Years of experience had helped the King of Westeros develop an instinct to handle such situations. He promptly picked up her discarded robe and threw it over her face while instructing her to stay quiet, before bidding Ned entry into the bath chamber.

"Your gra…. Gods! Damn it! Robert, why didn't you warn me," Ned groaned. "I thought that you were dressed… and alone for the matter."

Robert gruffly laughed as he watched his northern friend squirm while struggling to avert his eyes from the scandalous sight of his King and dear friend with one of his whores. At least that's what he thought.

Imagine how he'd react if he found out that Robert's plaything was none other than his precious daughter, Robert mused to himself.

"Lighten up, Ned. You always look so serious, like the weight of the world is on your shoulders," Robert remarked casually. "Want to have a go with her, a good fuck can release all that stress."

He did not think it possible, but Ned became even more flustered while Sansa began to squirm as she tried to move her hands to cover breasts while staying hidden under the robe.

"HA HA HA…. Gods! The look on your face," Robert laughed loudly while slapping his hand on Sansa's bare thigh.

"Robert, please be serious. I bring sorrowful news," Ned said sombrely with a grief stricken look on his face. "Lord Jon has passed

Away. His steward found him dead in his bed."

A sense of shock washed over Robert and he was left speechless. However, Ned just continued on.

"I've asked both GrandMaester Pycelle and Lady Talisa to conduct an examination to determine the exact cause of death," the Lord of Winterfell informed and proceeded to speak upon the funeral arrangements that would have to be made.

Robert regained his senses just as Ned finished his report.

"Yes, yes…. Ugh, do what needs to be done, Ned," Robert said and Ned took his leave after being assured by him that they would speak later in the day.

"Your grace, I'm sorry for your loss," Sansa said as she tossed the robe off her face.

"He was like a father to me," Robert said with a heavy voice, feeling an even heavier heart. "There are very few people who I consider as my own and today I just lost one of them."

"Is there anything that I can do?" Sansa gave him a sympathetic look. "Let me help ease your grief."

The auburn-haired beauty started to stroke her pussy and the sight stirred his lecherous spirit again and for a brief moment he forgot all about Jon Arryn as he cupped her breasts with his rough hands.

"Robert," Sansa begged him.

A grin broke across his face as he continued to cup her breasts, causing even more pleasure crashing through her body in the most amazing waves.


She screamed as his throbbing manhood penetrated her and worked inside her like a heat seeking missile. Sansa used her pussy muscles to give him the greatest sensations, as great as the ones that he gave her while he kept pushing and slamming into her, working around her tight walls with even greater sensations of penetration.

"Keep it up, keep it up," she chanted as he worked into her and kept pushing his throbbing manhood deep into her center.

Robert used his cock to penetrate Sansa at great speed, working into her tight walls. The red head tightened around him as he pushed himself to the most insane levels. The dark-haired King kept working around her, feeling the amazing sensation that was coursing around him, working around his throbbing prick.

"Yes, keep it up, keep it up," Sansa told him as she bit down on her lip and Robert pushed himself to a new level, working himself into her. The maid of Winterfell was really a going at it and she scratched her nails onto the bench as he moved up to the next level.

Robert pushed into her and stretched her out as he manipulated her with his actions, penetrating into her tight canter. Sansa was closing her eyes and she tightened around him. Her gushing cunt lubricated his probing prick and he picked up a steadier pace, working into her center, pushing deep into her and slamming himself deep into her gushing cunt.

"Yes, one more round, keep it up, keep it up," she challenged him as she rocked back and Robert did in fact keep it up as much as he could, working himself into her center.

Robert was feeling the tight warmth that she exhibited and the two of them rocked the bench beneath them. He speared into her delicious pussy and worked her, kept working her like the woman in need.

She kept breathing and panting heavily as he pushed himself in and out of her, working into the homestretch. He kept drilling into her

Pussy, getting into her, working into her more and more.

After plenty of time passed, Robert was feeling himself reaching the edge. How much time, well he could not say? All he was doing was exploring every single dripping inch of this devious vixen that squeezed and worked around him. The dark-haired King kept pushing into her, he explored every nook and cranny of her body as he penetrated her.

Sansa closed her eyes and clenched around his rod.

"Cumming," Robert breathed hotly in her ear and she turned around before capturing his mouth into a scorching kiss that send erotic energy through both of their bodies.

There was an unmistakable plea for Robert to come for her and that's what he did, working into her center with thrusts, getting deeper into her. His balls smacked against her and she latched onto his tongue, sucking it deeply, before the edge of the climax was reached.

Robert finished into her, spurting his thick essence into her, spraying her tight hole with his fluids.

He pulled Sansa into a tight embrace and a smile crossed her face as she gave him a scorching kiss goodbye.

"It's time for you to leave, love, but I'm sure that I'll call upon you again," Robert commented. "And trust me it will be sooner rather than later. Being King is a very stressful task."

Sansa couldn't resist giving him a teasing smile as she locked eyes with him. "So that's all I am, stress relief to the King?"

Robert simply smiled back at her, before pulling her into another deep kiss. Their tongues danced together and the two of them locked eyes as they melted into the passionate embrace.

"Believe me, my dear, there are far worse fates," he remarked as he exited the bath chambers.

What little calmness that Robert had felt after his refreshing bath with Sansa was soon replaced by a feeling of grief and anger after the formal announcement of Jon's death in the throne room. No sooner that he had stepped down from the throne, he was swarmed by a gaggle of sycophant couriers offering their condolences.

One did not need a great political sense or supernatural abilities to differentiate the lies from genuine words. Truth be told, it was an expected reaction. But still the very nerve of these human scum who poorly hid their desire and ambition for the now vacant office of the Hand, was something that threatened to bring out his famed rage.

Thus, the King had quickly made his way to his personal sparring yard so that he could channel the rage properly rather than unleash upon some idiot ass-licker.

Robert had come across the place upon his return to the capital. It was overly spacious and located away from the yards and grounds that were in frequent use. It had been in a poor state with wild grass and roots running rampant from the years of neglect. Though there was no shortage of training areas in the palace, this place was unique as its remote location provided a level of solitude and privacy which was unheard of in the capital, especially in the Red Keep. The fact that Robert could test and practice his arcane and mystical abilities in it without fear of drawing attention was an added bonus.

Last thing that Robert needed was for some fool Septon proclaiming him as a heretic and devil worshiper, the Red Priestess's presence was enough of a nuisance for the devotees of the Seven. Thus, Robert had marked this area off-limits to other residents of the Red Keep by assigning his trusted guards to protect it after having

Builders work overtime to restore and furnish it to working condition. The guards were given the strictest instructions to not allow anyone but the King within or near it, with only some of his more special guests like Lady Melisandre and Lady Dacey being the exception to the rule.

The yard's location also served as a good spot for loud and unbridled fucking without the worry of drawing unwanted attention. A fact that he had tested with a quite a few of his more vocal bedmates on a few occasions.

And at this moment, Robert needed the release that came from demolishing several training dummies with his hammer. But upon entering the space, the sight that greeted caused the Demon of the Trident to think that perhaps a different type of hammering would grant him the satisfaction that he craved.

A feeling that was growing stronger by the moment as he came face to…. Nearly ass, with Alysane Mormont, younger sister of Dacey Mormont. The Bear Isle resident had recently arrived in the capital to visit her elder sister. Though after her initial introduction to Robert at court, the King had a strong suspicion that the latest arrival from Bear Isle had more than a family visit upon her mind, if her body language and subtle words were any indication. Something that Robert was always in favor of as he admired the sensual form of the young warrior maiden who currently bent over, doing her stretches, and Robert found it borderline difficult not to focus on a certain part of her body as those skin tight black breeches stretched over her ample ass. The form fitting white tunic clung to her breasts, slightly worn with sweat, only added to the erotic sight.

His eyes followed Alysane's progress, and she seemed to be so engrossed in her workout that she did not even notice his presence. Alysane did some squats on the ground, her legs spread. These actions caused Robert's mind to go on a trip where he imagined being underneath Alysane when she did her squats.

'The North certainly breeds some tough but delicious women….'

Robert thought as he enjoyed the show put on by Alysane.

"Are you just going to watch or will you be joining me?" Alysane called out as she turned around to face Robert while doing her squats. The fact that Robert could now see her cleavage down the tight tunic was not helping him, not to mention the growing tent that was being pitched in his breeches.

"I hope you don't mind, your grace. Dacey had showed me this place and said that it would not be an issue if I used it for training. I would use one of the regular sparring yards but the sight of warrior maid draws a lot of unwanted attention and can be quite bothersome and distracting," she added.

Robert took a step forward and Alysane looked him over for a moment.

"You are most welcome to use my private yard, Lady Alysane. House Mormont have become such loyal supporters to me that it is the least that I can do for you," the King said with a smile. "I apologize if I disturbed your work-out. I just felt that working up a sweat might help distract me from troubling thoughts."

"Not at all, please don't embarrass me by apologizing. I can understand what a difficult time this must be for you," the She-Bear replied as she looked him up and down. "And you certainly have nothing to be sorry about."

It could have Robert's naughty thinking but he could not help and feel her stare at his hardening cock through his breeches. Alysane looked him up and down before going back to her workout. She did push-ups, going up and going down. Her toned body showed how much she worked out.

"It seems we are of similar mind as a good work-out often helps me to clear my mind as well," Alysane stated. "I'm glad you're here, actually."

Robert suspicions only grew stronger by what she said. Alysane finished her work out routine and turned over onto her back sliding on the mat. She expanded her legs, spreading them wide before closing them. She did a few more stretching exercises.

"I need someone to hold my feet down why I do sit ups…. Just… sit between my legs, and hold them down. That is, if you don't mind," the toned beauty asked, her words laced with suggestion.

Robert walked forward while Alysane discarded her boots. He leaned down and was surprised by how soft her feet and toes felt. The arches were elegant as well.

Alysane hit the smirk very well as she started to do her sit ups.

Robert watched as Alysane counted out the sit ups. Her toned abs crunched when going up and down. Every ten or so sit ups, Alysane brushed up against Robert's crotch for a split second which caused a tingle. She acted like nothing was the matter when doing so.

Alysane kept working forward, and she casually slipped her top down a little bit, giving Robert a hint of her breast. She watched his eyes when her breast slipped from her top.

A hundred sit ups, and Robert's breeches had become really constricted. On the count of a hundred, Alysane rose up, grabbed Robert's breeches and slid them down to expose his throbbing hard cock. Without any warning, Alysane started to lick around the head of Robert's tool.

"Guess, Dacey wasn't exaggerating," Alysane said, when she slowly trailed a finger down his cock. "Would you be open to a different kind of work-out, my King?"

Before he could respond, Robert felt Alysane's lips part and they slowly slipped his throbbing prick in between her soft lips. He simply leaned back and allowed this wonderful thing to happen. Alysane drew her mouth around him and stimulated every inch of his cock

Around inside her mouth. Not a motion had been wasted, each motion had showed him.

Alysane finally thought Robert got the hint when he gripped the side of her face. The virile King drove his hard cock inside of Alysane's warm, hot throat. She raked her fingers over Robert's throbbing balls the more he shoved his cock into her mouth.

"Damn, I'm see that like your sister, you too are rather fond of this kind of exercise…"

Robert blurted this out before thinking about it. Alysane didn't stop sucking him off, rather she sucked him faster, and harder. Her warm fingers caressed Robert's balls and she really knew how to stimulate his nerve endings.

It wasn't too long before Alysane was rewarded with a nice, warm load of cum inside of her mouth. She squeezed in and milked Robert's balls. She took him down, several mouths full of seed, smiling when it poured down her through. Alysane pulled away, licking her lips.

"I'd like to think I'm just a little bit better than Dacey," Alysane said. "Let me prove it to you."

Alysane reached for her tunic and pulled it off. Her nice round tits popped out. She grabbed one of Robert's hands and put them on her breast.

Robert didn't need to be asked twice. He squeezed the succulent orb of fleshy goodness. Alysane rocked up, feeling Robert's nice strong hand caressing her breast, and squeezing it. Alysane closed her eyes, enjoying the feeling of how hard and how strong he could grip her breast.

"So good," Alysane remarked.

Robert was glad that it was so good. He kept squeezing Alysane's supple breast, making the flesh mold within his hand when doing so. His fingers twisted her nipple and she smiled when he played with those round breasts. His hands stroked the wonderful tit flesh, making his cock harden.

Alysane almost had been surprised about how quick he rose to the occasion. She could only think one thing.

'Good, I'm glad that I listened to mother and Dacey. This was certainly a most pleasurable way to earn the King's favor,' the She- Bear thought as she took hold of the juicy, thick prick and pumped it a few times, before positioning herself on her back, legs spread.

"I just was about to do my chest workout when you interrupted," Alysane said playfully. "Why don't you show me how hard you can work a woman's chest?"

Robert's arousal only heightened upon hearing Alysane's request. She held out her large breasts, ready for the taking. Robert climbed on top of Alysane and slid his throbbing hard manhood between her warm tits. She engulfed Robert in one fell swoop between her breasts.

Pure heaven, her breasts squeezing him. Alysane rose up, to slide more of Robert's thick juicy prick in between her large melons and squeezed them. Her firm body, without an ounce of fat, was ripe for the taking.

Alysane enjoyed his cock pumping between her. She leaned up and swirled her tongue around his cock to taste the sweaty heat, with pre-cum trickling out the mushroom head. She pulled back and licked Robert again, tasting him for everything that he was worth.

"I need more," she managed to moan out, tasting Robert a little bit more.

Alysane leaned in and took Robert's hard cock between her lips, sucking on the head. A smile crossed over the face of the devious girl while going further down on him.

Robert gained a bit of momentum and drove the point home. Her warm tits wrapped around him and she was about to coax the second load of the evening. She squeezed them together while Robert pushed into them.

"I'm sure you have plenty more, just cum over my face and my tits," Alysane said.

She burned with excitement about the thought of having her face covered the juicy, gooey spunk, along with her breasts.

Robert tried to hold back, but the temptation of this dark-haired vixen beneath him made it very hard to. He grabbed her breasts and started to hammer them. He clenched them when working inside.

Alysane could not believe how into this he was getting to it, and the more he got into it, the more she got into it. Unlike her elder sister, the second born daughter of Maege Mormont was no maiden before meeting the King. She had enjoyed a few encounters with boys close to her age but they were nothing in comparison to what she was currently experiencing. A part of her now wished that it had been her and not Dacey who her mother had offered to the King back in Winterfell. Oh well, better late than never.

Robert grunted; he might have burned himself up as he shot his load. The amount of cum coming from his balls looked like they came from three men, maybe more, as opposed to one. Not that Alysane minded, as she moaned and lapped his cum up like a starving animal. She collected some of the dripping seed from her breasts and stuck them into her mouth, sucking on the digits. Her eyes glazed over with pleasure when sucking those finger tips dry.

"Turn around."

Alysane had been surprised, but obeyed the King's command. She was down on her hands and knees once again. Robert grabbed her pants and pulled them down slowly.

Robert wasn't surprised she didn't wear any undergarments. The fact her pussy dripped very well showed they would have been moving. Robert traced one finger down her pink wet lip and another finger down her asshole. It was tight, the ultimate forbidden fruit.

"If you have enough left over after you fuck my pussy raw, I'll let you have it," Alysane said to him, challenging his virility and stamina.

And this was a challenge that she would most certainly lose, Robert thought as he cupped her breasts and closed in behind her. He leaned in about as close as possible. One of her strands of hair needed to brushed away so he could talk to her properly.

"You may come to regret that offer, my dear," Robert whispered into her ear.

First, Robert lined up his throbbing cock alongside Alysane's pussy. He slowly worked her muscles, running down her body. His throbbing cock almost had been sucked inside of her moist womanhood. Robert moved closer to her about ready to get in.

The first inch inside of her made Alysane feel intense. It really put in perspective how big it was inside of her. His cock shoved deep inside of her.

"Damn, you're tighter than I thought you'd be!" Robert groaned.

Alysane smiled, she got that a lot. It was an added benefit of her training and work-out sessions. His cock was a pretty tight fit and stuffed Alysane completely full.

Robert didn't want to come undone at the first volley, even though it was very tempting. Her warm velvety walls caressed his throbbing hard manhood, pushing deeper inside of her. Robert gripped the side

Of Alysane's backside and worked into her while she closed her eyes.

"Harder, don't slow down for anything," the kinky warrior maiden cried out.

The force of Robert's cock buried inside of her warm, willing pussy made Alysane very nearly lose it. His hands now were off of her hips and all over her body. He started to rock inside of her. Those swollen balls, filled with yet another load, caressed inside of her.

Robert knew his stamina was practically divine at this point. The She-Bear tested him even more than her elder sister had. Alysane Mormont could certainly be put in a class of her own.

The first orgasm Alysane felt cascaded through her body. Robert found her G-Spot and assaulted it with a force. Alysane's warmth caressed Robert when he pushed inside of her, rocking inside of her. Every time he bottomed out, Alysane had been reminded how much cum would be in those balls, and there might be more to come.

The women in her family proudly boasted of how their children were fathered by bears. But after this encounter, the Stag would certainly put the Bears to shame. She would most definitely inform her other sisters and mother of the King's gifts since Dacey was practically hogging him to herself. Right after Alysane had her own fill of course.

Robert could not believe the force which Alysane gripped him. Her silky walls rubbed him and he could feel her stretch.

"YES! So good, fuck me all day long," Alysane said, looking back at him.

Her bedroom eyes combined with biting down on her lip made his cock twitch.

"You're driving me nuts," Robert said. "If you can't walk later, it's your own fault!"

"I'd accept full responsibility," Alysane commented.

Her warm insides stretched and worked Robert's hardening love muscle inside of her. He pushed in and plunged out of her. His balls throbbed with desire the deeper he pushed inside of Alysane.

Robert knew many wouldn't survive an encounter with the She- Bears. The Mormont women seemed to possess an unnatural level of endurance and stamina of their own and Alysane would have most definitely worn out a normal man by now, but Robert thanked the Gods for the gifts that they had bestowed upon him. He pushed into her when stretching her pussy on his hard cock. He reached in and caressed her body.

Robert's fingers stuck to her body with a fluid motion. Tingles kept firing down Alysane's spine just as his manhood penetrated her.

'Definitely going to stay in the capital a while longer,' she thought.

Alysane's thoughts became less coherent when an orgasm won the day. She started to shout out praises to the Old Gods along with the lewdest of curses, not realizing she did so because of being in the moment.

Robert had to admit that the words coming out of Alysane's mouth, sounded pretty hot and increased his own excitement. He drove himself further into her. Every time he went into her, Alysane squeezed his manhood. He pulled almost out of her and slammed into her again.

Every single time, Robert's balls twitched. Alysane flexed her inner muscles on his throbbing hard manhood. He ran his fingers up her, squeezing her, while also nibbling on the side of her neck. The light bites on the side of her neck caused Alysane to pant in pleasure. He plunged deeper into Alysane. Her smouldering wet sheath clamped down on him.

The end would come, when Robert kept working over Alysane. Her moist center squeezed him hard and intended to milk all of the seed from his balls. Why would Robert be rude enough to deny the beautiful maiden what she wanted?

His balls contracted and released their seed inside of her. Alysane closed her eyes. The warm rush of seed spilling inside her made the She-Bear's breathing heighten. Robert didn't finish after a couple of thrusts, no, there were at least a couple of dozen.

Robert rode out both his orgasm and Alysane. The pleasure of releasing his seed inside of Alysane's warm pussy made Robert release.

He would be remiss though if he neglected one more part of her body. Robert slid out of Alysane and slipped a finger deep inside of her tight rectum.

Alysane barely came down from her orgasm. Robert flickered her ass and stuck his finger to her clit, stimulating the nerve endings better than she should have hoped as her body shook.

"You didn't think I would forget about your ass, did you?" Robert said playfully.

"No," Alysane managed to moan out.

She wouldn't beg, although her ass did sway while in his grip for the encouragement needed. Robert swatted her rear and leaned in. His tongue slid inside of her tender rose bud and lubricated it nice. It would feel so nice to be buried inside of Alysane's toned ass.

Alysane smiled when shifting backwards towards Robert. She ensured her ass had been lined up, so Robert's thick cock was in position for her. Alysane ran her asshole against Robert's thick, throbbing cock.

"Get ready," Robert said.

"I am,"

Alysane replied and her cheeks spread, when Robert grabbed a hold of her breast with one hand and her ass with the other hand. She lined him up for her tight asshole. The female warrior worked her asshole against Robert's throbbing hard cock.

His cock stretched her tightest hole better than anything else. Robert groped her, trying to grab every inch of her toned body. The sweat drilling down Alysane increased when her ass slid down Robert's cock and pushed him deep inside of her ass.

Robert closed his eyes. Damn, her ass felt so good. It was a heat which was ten times more intense than her pussy, and it was ten times tighter. Therefore, it felt ten times better than normal. Alysane rose up and pushed her asshole down onto his throbbing hard cock.

Alysane worked Robert inside of her hole, going up and down on him. She wanted to make sure those throbbing hot balls spilled their fluids inside of her. Alysane took a hold of her nipple and pinched it, before running her finger down.

"FUCK MY ASS," Alysane screamed out in pleasure.

Every time Alysane sat down, she wanted to think of Robert. She planted her hands on the ground and allowed Robert full access to her ass. He spanked it while fucking it.

Alysane loved the feeling of a huge cock rammed in her ass, splitting it open. She flexed her ass cheeks to encourage him to go into her.

Robert rose up, barely able to hold himself up and down as his massive member pushed into the hot ass of the She-Bear. Robert grabbed onto her flesh rear entry to give him momentum. He slid almost all the way from Alysane's back entrance only to feel Robert pumping inside of her one more time.

Alysane's nipples hardened even more. Robert found them soon enough. She could not give enough of Robert's fingers sticking and releasing them while the King slammed into her ass.

"I could fuck this ass all day," Robert said.

"It belongs to you now, my King," Alysane responded. "Do as you please.

Robert wanted to hold on. He stimulated Alysane's pussy when also pounding her ass. It was so tight, sliding inside of her molten hot hole. It almost was like it tightened around him every time.

It felt good, it felt beyond good to feel Alysane work her way up and down Robert, pumping his throbbing hard cock deeper inside of her ass. Robert knew sooner or later; something would have to give.

Alysane could feel the edge coming, but those balls, despite being drained by her pussy earlier, carried a huge load. She wanted to feel it in her ass.

"Do it, shove your big cock in my ass and spill your seed in it," Alysane said. "You have enough for a big huge load, so do it?"

Robert wanted to release the huge load inside of Alysane. He slipped in and out of her ass, riding all the way to the end. Robert's fingers pushed against her nipples and squeezed them.

"You just know how to rile a man up," Robert said teasingly.

Alysane smiled as their bodies combined with sweat and the musk of sex showed this would be a pretty good work out indeed. Robert's cock throbbed and Alysane could feel the veiny goodness about ready to explode inside of her tight, hole.

Robert knew it would be the end soon. He rose up, slamming inside of her, and then almost pulled out, before pushing back in. His balls twitched, and would soon release their warm juices inside her.

Alysane clamped down on him and he knew the end would be here. His fingers dug into her cunt and she came, very hard. His sticky fingers coated with Alysane's trickling juices.

Robert pumped her ass a few more times, before spilling his seed inside her. Alysane's ass stretched around him, to milk in his seed. He just kept riding her round, firm rear, digging his fingers into the plump flesh.

Alysane slipped away from Robert, and he splattered more cum on her round ass. The thick fluids just dripped from it, with Alysane catching the falling cum on her finger. It wrapped around her finger like a treat. She slipped a finger inside her mouth and sucked it while maintaining eye contact with the King.

"Thank you for helping me to work up a sweat, Lady Alysane," Robert said as he wiped the sweat from his face. "Perhaps, you can join me and your sister for a sparring session in the future."

"I would be most honored, your grace," Alysane answered as she roughly squeezed Robert's package before he pulled away from her.

"Now if you would excuse me, I need to rest for tonight. I'll be standing vigil for the Lord Hand at the Great Sept," Robert informed her as he put on his clothes and then left the chamber, leaving an exhausted and naked Alysane panting on the floor.

He had never cared much for the Faith and certainly not the boring and mind-numbing sermons of the Septons from the few times that he attended a prayer service in the Great Sept. But as he walked back to his chamber, he couldn't help but think about the words that he had heard years ago during his coronation.

The Gods never give us burdens without granting the strength to carry them as well, or something close to it, Robert recalled. But what did those doddering fools know.

These powers and gifts were indeed a great blessing but the insatiable appetites and the heightened senses that supercharged his emotions and feelings at times felt like a great weight.

A fact proven true as his restlessness returned despite his intense fuck session with Alysane which had ended a short while ago.

Robert stepped into his dimly lit bed chamber. Several candles, giving off a pleasant scent, had been lit up. His eyes fell upon Margaery on the bed, who had wrapped herself in a very nice, red velvet sheet. Her eyes, scanning Robert's form, with a soft smile emitting over her face.

Perhaps, the Septon might have been right about Gods providing the means to endure their burdens.

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?" Margaery said. "Sending your wife to negotiate a deal with us, was a move that not even my grandmother saw coming.

The shifting of the sheet gave Robert just enough indication that Margaery had not been wearing a damn thing underneath it. And Robert figured it would only be a matter of time before he saw the Golden Rose's body in all of its glory.

"The Lioness truly gutted us with her claws," Margaery said. "Our thorns managed to gain a decent deal for ourselves. In a way, neither the lions or roses won."

Margaery crawled a little bit closer, maintaining the sheet wrapped around her body. The sultry beauty licked her lips, a confident look on her eyes with what she wanted.

"But I suppose the only true victor is the Stag," Margaery purred. "So, why don't you come and enjoy your spoils."

The bedsheet dropped, with Margaery's luscious body fully exposed. A warm and pleasant smile appeared on Margaery's face; those lips pressed together quite enticingly to tell Robert what to do. Between her large supple breasts, flat stomach, wide lips, and long legs, along with a pussy with a nice clean-shaven strip, the Maid of Highgarden looked like a wet dream come to life.

Margaery pulled Robert's breeches open after breathing on his crotch. Robert's cock, large and erect, came completely out for Margaery to taste. She ran her tongue around him, stimulating every single inch of Robert. She pressed her warm lips down the entire length, and maintained eye contact with Robert when sliding all the way down onto her.

Much to her glee, Robert grabbed Margaery by the back of the hair and pumped repeatedly into her mouth as he rocked back and forth. In no time flat, Margaery had been face-fucked by Robert. Her tight throat squeezed Robert, sending a blast of pleasure all the way through him. Threading his fingers through her hair, Robert rocked away, with several long, tight thrusts, battering Margaery's mouth as much as possible.

"Mmmph!" Margaery moaned. "Mmmm!"

Margaery tasted a few tiny trickles. She wanted it all, wanting the entire package. Margaery squeezed down on Robert's balls, pressing her fingernails into him. She pumped Robert, trying to milk every single last drop from his bloated balls. Robert, hanging on for the thrill ride that as Margaery's mouth, pumped into her even faster than ever before.

"I'm almost there."

The look in Margaery's eyes, screamed for Robert to face-fuck her. Robert did just that, riding out Margaery's throat even harder from


Robert busted his nuts and send a long blast of seed straight down Margaery's gullet. It had been a while since she swallowed a man's seed, and Margaery savored every last taste of this delicacy. The finest cuisine, did not match what Robert just spilled down her throat.

Margaery's deep breathing increased, when Robert crawled back all the way from her. Margaery smiled and licked her lips.

"You taste divine as always, my King," Margaery said. "Now it would only be fair if you got to taste me."

Her lusty Stag kissed Margaery's flat stomach, and moved down to plant some more kisses on her hips, and then licked her warm thighs.

"You are pleased by me?" Robert asked her despite knowing the answer.

"Yes," Margaery said. "But you need to return the favor."

And Robert did just that as he demonstrated his prowess in regards to oral sex. Robert speared his tongue deep into Margaery, tasting every single inch of her pussy, the juices coming out of her making Margaery stunned.

"You are no mortal man… You are a God!" Margaery yelled.

Margaery's sweet honey taste had been lapped up by Robert the further he rocked deep inside of her body.

"Oooh, yes, more, I want you more!" Margaery yelled.

Robert chained orgasms together. Margaery, to her credit, hung on for the ride, channeling all her past lessons and experiences. Robert, rubbing his fingers around Margaery's thighs, made Margaery scream.

She held onto the back of Robert's head, rocking her hips in time with Robert as he pushed tongue down into her. He came closer, lapping her up all the way to the end.

The end came when Robert's member came up. He was nice and hard, something which Margaery was in dire need of.

"Mmm, that looks painful, doesn't it?" Margaery asked as she played with Robert's manhood. "Why don't you let me take care of that?"

Margaery climbed onto Robert, the sexy vixen's warm body pushing up against him. Robert took her breasts in hand and squeezed them which only caused Margaery to sink down them.

"Just lay back, and let me please you, please," Margaery said.

Robert laid back with a smile, as he knew from first-hand experience that the young rose knew what she was doing. And Margaery did know what she was doing, every last savoury bit of her knew precisely what she was doing. Margaery slid her walls down onto Robert's cock and released him. She used her inner muscles to massage every inch of Robert's manhood.

"Am I better than my mother and other relations?" Margaery asked, curious if her aunt and cousins were more skilled than her in the bedchamber.

Despite possessing natural charisma and a high level of confidence in her sexuality from a young age, ever since arriving in the capital or to be more precise the King's bed, Margaery had suffering from bouts of insecurity. Especially, after learning about the new arrangement between the royal couple. Thus, Margaery was determined to blow the King's mind.

"You are in a class of your own, my dear," Robert said.

"I know, and I will prove my worth to you on every night that we share," Margaery said. "Oh, I feel so good rocking yourself up and

Down on your cock. We will have such great fun… and our future nights will be full of orgies."

Robert just smiled, to be fair, orgy seemed to be a fairly typical night for the Stag King. Along with a typical morning and afternoon as well, but that was beside the point. Robert stretched her out as the bed creaked and groaned from the stress of their actions.

"Ooh, I don't know how you're doing this, but keep doing this!" Margaery cried. "It makes me feel so good…. Perhaps, I can ask my mother to join us some time."

Margaery bent down, her breasts hanging in Robert's face while working her hips around him. The passionate look in her eyes increased. Her kissable lips moved inches away from Robert's and he took it.

"I can't wait to take her while you watch, and then take you while she watches," Robert growled.

"I know I shouldn't… I know it's not proper… I know it's naughty and sinful but the thought inflames my passions," Margaery said.

She let out a cry of passion, using her breasts to smother Robert's face. Robert, not missing a beat, leaned in to suck on her nipples, causing Margaery's lust to only increase.

"The women in your family possess a wicked streak for debauchery," Robert said. "Perhaps, we can arrange a night where the women of House Tyrell will have my sole attention. Would you like that, my dear?"

"YES!" Margaery yelled.

The backed-up tension in Margaery's body exploded, and she rode Robert even harder. She bounced higher, the two fucking each other like a pair of rabbits. Robert knew precisely what she wanted.

Robert closed his eyes. Women liked to think that they were better at men in terms of controlling their envy and ego but that was not true in his experience. Comparing a young maid to older and more experienced woman often stoked the fires of competition whereas praising the vitality of youth to an older partner yielded a similar result. Both methods were effective tricks to entice a woman into bed for as long as Robert could remember. And, damn, Robert did enjoy indulging in it from time to time.

"It's your turn," Margaery said. "It's been a while… for me… let it all out inside of me."

One more orgasm of Margaery resulted in her vigorously milking his cock. She hugged with just as much passion as Sansa did, trying to drain Robert's balls inside of her. Robert, rocking her repeatedly, drove faster inside of her body as the two matched each other stroke for stroke.

"Yes, let it all out," Margaery said. "With me… now."

Margaery smothered Robert's lips with hers, kissing him with a passionate flurry. Their bodies became one until they joined together in one orgasm.

The two went over the edge with pleasure. Margaery's hole, sopping wet, took in Robert's seed straight into her womb.

She rolled over onto the bed and Robert climbed next to Margaery, rubbing his fingers down her body and kissing her down the back of the neck and the shoulder blade while stroking Margaery's thighs.

Margaery rubbed her ass against his crotch, to stir up Robert. "I needed that," Margaery said.

"Next time you see me banging your kinsmen, don't be a stranger," Robert said.

"I won't," Margaery said with a smoky smile.

The re-hardened member poking against Margaery's back caused a bright smile to spread against her face. The King's superhuman stamina made her drool in every sense of the word.

"We have a little more time before I need to depart to the Great Sept. You ready for one final round," Robert inquired as he nuzzled Margaery's face.

The Maid of Highgarden did not say a word but simply took hold of his member and guided him towards her back entrance in reply.

The scent of incense filled the main sanctum of the Great Sept with the light of the candles and torches that lined its walls cast away the darkness. It was so eerily quiet that one could hear a pin drop if it fell upon the marble floors.

All the Septas, Septons and novices that had resided within the Great Sept had retired to their dormitories for the night. The royal guards were stationed outside the entrances, with Robert being the only person present within the sanctum. Well, at least the only living person to be precise as he looked up the lifeless corpse of Lord Jon Arryn.

Jon Arryn had not been his Hand for the last sixteen years but had served as a father figure for most of his life. And after learning of Ned's betrayal, he had probably been the only person who was truly loyal to Robert.

Looking at the remains of his foster father, Robert could not help but recall memories that the two of them had shared. Their first meeting, Jon introducing him to Ned as young boys, his lessons and even the chidings when Robert fell short on his expectations.

He remembered that the day in the Eyrie when they had received words of Lord Rickard and his heir's execution along with Lyanna's abduction and Aerys's demand for his life. The stern and determined look upon the Jon's kind face as he tore up the royal decree and raised the Vale in rebellion to protect him and Ned.

The King of Westeros had very few clear memories of his father, Lord Steffon Baratheon but it would not be wrong to say that Lord Jon Arryn had been his father in the truest sense of the word. The Lord of the Vale had loved him even with all of Robert's faults and to his shame, Robert had failed him on quite a few occasions both directly and indirectly.

With such thoughts running through his mind, he could not help but feel that the stone eyes of the effigies of the Seven were staring at him, judging him for his failings. And the Storm lord could not help but recall the early days of the rebellion when he was at Riverrun with Ned and Jon Arryn trying to bring House Tully and the Riverlords to their side during which he had done the Falcon Lord a great disservice.

Lord Arryn was locked away in the lord's solar with Hoster Tully yet again as he attempted to persuade the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands to join the rebel cause against the dragons.

His dearest friend and brother in all but name and blood, Ned spent his time getting to know his bannermen due to his sudden ascension to his position as the Lord of the North. Earning the trust and loyalty was crucial to the war effort and for the future if they succeeded in their endeavor.

On the other hand, unlike Ned, Robert already knew most of his bannermen and was confident of having their support since he had spent most of his life being prepared for his role as their future lord. And as for helping with diplomatic negotiations, staying out of such discussions was probably the best way for Robert to contribute. He was a man of action and war; words were not his strong suit. War

And women had always been his passion and gift, the rebel Stormlord thought to himself as he strode through the corridors of Riverrun.

Suddenly, Robert stopped, when he heard a moaning sound coming from down the hallway. His curiosity had been piqued and it only grew as the intensity of the moaning sounds increased as he made his way forward.

'Okay, someone's involved in something very private, and I have a very good idea of what that could be….' Robert mused to himself.

His suspicions were confirmed as he peered through a slightly a jarred door and saw a young girl sitting on the edge of a bed, her legs spread, and her hair matted against her face. One good look at her made Robert realize that he had just walked in on Lysa Tully of all people, indulging herself in a moment of self-pleasure.

The auburn-haired maiden dressed in a blue dress which fit her lithesome curves quite nicely, and it had been hiked up to expose her thighs. And had Robert not been distracted by other things, her legs might have taken precedence.

"What the in the name of the Seven?"

And now she had noticed Robert's presence as she slowly looked up. Recognition flashed in her eyes as he opened the door and entered the bedchamber, the light from the candles leaving no doubt to his identity.

"Lord Baratheon, it isn't what it looks like," Lysa said in a panic as he she tried to compose herself.

"Oh, and what does it look like?" Robert asked.

"It looked like I was… oh for the love of…. You're not going to make me say it out loud, are you?" Lysa asked in a frustrated tone.

"Looks to me you were having a private moment, "Robert said. "No need to fret, my lady, I understand that we are all overcome by physical urges at certain times."

Lysa put one hand on her hip and she slid her dress down. It still betrayed her and rolled up. Robert tried to focus on her eyes, which had an expression of anger and worry.

"Yes, well, you would know, wouldn't you? Stories and rumours of your exploits are well known across the realm," Lysa said tauntingly.

"They don't know the half of it," Robert replied with a chuckle, increasing the frustration of Hoster Tully's youngest daughter.

"Lord Robert, do you make a habit of spying on young maidens?" Lysa said in an accusing tone. "I wonder how my father will react if he learns about this…"

Even a common peasant could predict how such a revelation would play out. The Lord of Riverrun was already trying to gouge a heavy price from the rebel lords for his support. Even an untrue rumour involving his daughter and Robert could kill any prospective alliance between Riverrun and the rebel cause before it even formed.

"Now, Lady Lysa, let's not overreact, I was not spying on you," Robert said as he explained how he arrived outside her chamber doors.

"I'm inclined to believe you," Lysa answered as she gestured for him to take a seat beside her. "But you might need to properly convince before I stay silent on the matter."

Lysa leaned closer towards him, hand wrapped around his bulge. She leaned and kissed him on the lips. They pulled away from each other after a brief, but passionate kiss.

"I haven't finished getting off," Lysa stated. "And since you walked in on me, the only honorable and fair thing to do would be to help me

Get off, wouldn't you say?"

Lysa leaned closer towards him and straddled his lap after swiftly peeling off his breeches, to reveal his throbbing cock which stuck up into the air.

"Oh my… , it's so big. I think that I have to taste this first," Lysa said.

Lysa took her hand down the base of Robert's cock and slid down with her mouth. Robert could not believe how quickly a boring night turned into a passionate and scandalous fuck with the younger Tully daughter as she wrapped her lips around his cock and sucked him.

But who was he to question a gift from the Gods? All Robert could do was sit back and enjoy the ride, and the ride involved Lysa's mouth wrapped around his cock.

It was one of the best blowjobs he ever had, and he could see the sexual frustration bouncing in Lysa's eyes. She took him deep into her mouth and sucked on him. She pulled out to lick fully around Robert before shoving the length back into her mouth.

"Damn, you're good," Robert said.

"Everyone thinks Cat is so gifted and perfect," Lysa said. She followed up her words by firmly squeezing Robert's balls. "But my elder sister can't match me in certain areas. And tonight, you are about to bear witness to my prowess."

Lysa pushed her lips around Robert's hard cock and sucked him hard. Robert held the back of her head and guided his mammoth member into her mouth.

She released him when he was to the edge. Lysa squeezed the base of his cock and kissed him on the tip.

"I wouldn't want you to waste your cum already."

She pumped his cock and continued to talk straight into his head. Every now and then, Lysa's tongue petted Robert's cock slit.

"Lady Lysa, you are certainly the naughty sister, aren't you?" Robert said teasingly as he compared Lysa to the prim and proper Catelyn Tully.

"Cat's not the maiden reborn herself, you know," Lysa said as she continued to pump and lick Robert. "I'm not one to gossip but let's just say that the late Lord Brandon Stark tasted trout before his death."

Robert didn't have much time to ponder on this latest revelation involving the prized daughter of Hoster Tully and groaned again due to Lysa pumping up and down on him.

"I want that big cock in that pussy," Lysa said.

"Well, it certainly won't be the first cock in there. Now, I don't mean to offend but just how many partners have you had?" Robert asked, sheerly out of curiosity.

"Only one other and he's not here anymore," Lysa answered and Robert could tell from the look in her eyes and pained tone of voice that Lysa Tully was maiden with a broken heart.

For those who suffered from such afflictions, often drink and fuck were the best salves.

"Though, I will admit that his member could not compare with the massive spear that you are wielding," Lysa added with a not so subtle wink, casting away her sorrow. "I can't wait to have your nice, big cock shoved into my tight pussy. It's not been fucked for a long time, but now it's your time to end the drought."

Lysa pulled herself up, and hiked her dress up further. She pulled her panties completely off and gave Robert a nice glimpse of her wet pussy. She climbed on top of Robert's cock and lowered her pussy

Down onto him. The first few inches of his cock pushed inside of her dripping slit.

"Yes, that's going to do nicely!" Lysa moaned loudly.

The sensation of her smooth and soft thighs hooked around his hips made Robert roll his head back. He watched as Lysa drove her tight pussy down onto him. His cock throbbed while entering a prime sheath of flesh. All he could do was grab her body, and run his hands over her bare ass.

Lysa shoved her pussy down onto his cock. She bounced higher and higher. The Tully maiden could feel her body shaking underneath Robert's throbbing hard member. Every time he touched the insides of her, more pleasure hit her body. It was just a fever pitch.

"I love riding your big cock," Lysa squealed in delight. "And you're amazing…. Fuck me… Pe.…. Robert!"

Her slip of the tongue was not missed and despite his curiosity regarding Lysa'a first lover, Robert decided to ignore it and focus on the present. He had a wet and willing pussy ready to drive itself down onto his cock. She stretched over the top of him and drove down onto Robert's massive member. Her wet vice drilled down onto him.

"You will forget all others and mine will be the only name that you will remember," Robert proclaimed. "Do you want my cock?"

"Yes, oh, God, yes!" Lysa yelled.

Her screams had been punctuated by an amazing orgasm. Robert slowly pulled her dress down to reveal her not large but handful breasts with erect nipples. Robert squeezed the mounds and suckled on Lysa.

Lysa was going to lose her mind. Just to think, the only pleasure tonight she thought she might get was going to be from her own

Fingers. Now, she received a big cock pressed in between her thighs. She clenched Robert and released him with a few steady drops.

"Suck them, make me cum!" Lysa breathed.

She soaked Robert's cock as his manhood pushed further inside of her gripping pussy. Lysa rode herself over to another orgasm before deciding to switch the play a little bit. She wasn't done riding his cock, not until she had a load of cum inside of her body, and hopefully a few more orgasms.

An emptiness surrounded Robert's cock. He watched with Lysa walking over to the edge of a counter and she pushed her hands against the counter. Robert saw Lysa's tantalizing ass swaying before him.

"Come over here, and fucked my cunt!" Lysa called to him.

Did Robert need any more of an invitation than that? No, he didn't. He moved closer towards Lysa and edged himself closer towards her. Her wet pussy was inches away from taking Robert inside of it. Robert moved closer and then, with one more fluid push, shoved himself inside of her.

Lysa held onto the edge of the counter and received the good hard pounding she thought she deserved for a very long time. Her wet walls closed around Robert and pumped him. It was so good, so much better than her fingers. Robert got all of those pleasure spots which drove her completely nuts.

"I'm glad you caught me!" Lysa yelled. "Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to do this!"

Lysa's eyes closed shot and she just enjoyed the rush. Robert's fingers danced all over her body. He really brought pleasure cascading through her body.

Heat surrounded Robert's engorged cock and he picked up a steadier pace and plowed Lysa something fierce from behind. He held onto the woman and kept drilling inside of her. His balls slapped against Lysa's warm pussy. She took him inside of her and then released him.

"Believe me, I'm glad to have come upon you as well," Robert said. "You're incredible!"

"Oh, yes," Lysa breathed. "You are going to lose it…. You're going to shoot your cum inside of me!"

Lysa closed her eyes. She could feel the pleasure cascading on through her body. Her inner thigh muscles pinched Robert and drew his cock inside of her.

"Yes, lose it!" Lysa yelled. "Lose yourself in me. Don't worry, I have a hidden stash of moon tea."

Her warm body and tight pussy proved to be the lynchpin for Robert. He held on for as long as he could, but every single man had his weakness, and Lysa proved to have found his. She milked him with one more orgasm, and that proved to be all she wrote for Robert.

The first blast of Robert's cum made Lysa clench down onto him even harder. Robert held onto her and buried his seed into her pussy. There was so much seed, the new seed was pushing the other out. She enjoyed the sticky mess Robert was making inside of her.

Her legs almost collapsed out from underneath each other. Robert grabbed her waist and pulled her back up. He pulled out of Lysa after finishing it.

The two of them turned around, and Lysa grabbed Robert for a sexually aggressive kiss. Her fingers dug into the side of Robert's face when kissing him very hard and the two pulled away from each other.

"You better get dressed and leave quietly, or my father will hear of this from the spying servants," Lysa said.

"Although, I know a spot where we could meet in the future," Lysa added mischievously. "Don't think I'm done with you. We're just taking a little break."

She was giving him a visual-eye fuck after he finished actually fucking her. Robert figured they weren't done. Most women ended up craving more of him after the first time and Lysa Tully was no exception

"Aye, I figured as much," Robert said while surmising that perhaps Lysa would be a perfect way to pass the tedious time during his stay at Riverrun.

Robert got dressed and discreetly headed towards his guest chamber.

The duo had enjoyed a few more encounters before Robert learned of the bargain that Jon Arryn had struck with the Lord of Riverrun to gain the Riverlords support for their cause. The main condition being marriages between Ned and Catelyn Tully & Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully.

Naturally, Robert tried to break it off with Lysa gently, explaining that Jon was like a father to him and since she was to be his wife, Robert could not betray or shame him.

Anger and hurt were the expected reactions that Lord of Storms End had come to anticipate from his lovers upon hearing such news. But Lysa's reaction had even surprised him and in that moment, he had learned that the wild and temperamental nature which made Lysa Tully a great fuck, also made her very unpredictable and disturbed.

Flashback Ends

Fortunately, by some stroke of luck, Lysa had not only kept their indiscretion a secret and as far as Robert knew, no one had ever learned about his brief affair with Jon's wife. However, over the years as he watched the strained and pained marriage of his foster father, the King of Westeros could not help but blame himself partly for their misery.

"Forgive me, Jon. I know that I am not the King that you wished me to be or possibly even the man but I tried my best to be," Robert said to the corpse laying before him. "But now I know that there is a greater purpose behind my supposed failings, I will try to make you proud in my own way."

The rest of the night was spent in silence at the Great Sept as Robert contemplated his next moves and the upcoming journey to the Eyrie.