Chapter 31

Chapter 31: Ygritte

Later that night, Robert stirred from his slumber as he sensed the approach of an ancient and primal power towards Hardhome.

'Power recognizes power, your grace,' one of Melisandre's earlier lessons echoed in his thoughts.

He shifted to see that all three of his lovers were still fast asleep, the exhaustion and fatigue from their hours of passionate love-making still taking its toll. So, he decided to investigate the matter by himself and quickly got dressed.

Robert allowed his inner power to act as his compass and made his way towards the source of the foreign power. To his surprise, it led him straight towards the dead Weirwood, located on the outskirts of the camp. He recalled Val telling him that Mother Mole usually gave her sermons from beneath the dry and barren branches of this very tree. Supposedly, the elderly woods witch could feel the power and presence of the Old Gods from within it.

The fact that Robert found most intriguing was that when he himself had earlier passed by the tree during his tour of the settlement, it did not give off the power that he now felt emanating from within it.

'Something has clearly changed,' Robert concluded and approached the Weirwood.

As he neared the petrified tree, the power radiating from it seemed to get stronger, along with a presence that seemed eerily familiar. And

then something truly miraculous happened.

The gaping and twisted face carved upon of the Weirwood began to grow while its bark and trunk began to stretch outwards and now a sufficiently large entrance had formed within the tree.

Robert's mind was still trying to process what he had just witnessed, but it seemed that the impossible events were not yet done for this night. From within the dark entrance of the Weirwood, a figure approached outward and it was none other than Meera Reed. In the arms of the Crannogwoman was a babe that could have been no more than a few moons old, the wisp of dark locks and its stormy blues containing flecks of moss green, left no doubt in Robert's mind regarding the child's paternity.

After receiving his blessing at Greywater Watch, the Reed girl had asked for Robert's permission and aid in making a journey beyond the Wall towards the Lands of Eternal Winter along with her brother. Though initially hesitant to grant such a request, Robert had acquiesced after Meera explained that this journey was part of the plans that the Gods had laid out for her family.

And so, Robert had provided them with a royal decree bearing his seal to ensure that the Night's Watch would not only let the Reed children cross the Wall but also aid them in any manner possible. Based upon the last report that he had received regarding the whereabouts of the Crannog children, they had safely crossed the haunted forest with the assistance of the rangers of the Night's Watch, before insisting on making the rest of their journey by themselves.

That had been several moons ago and without any fresh sightings of the Reed children, Robert was loathed to conclude that perhaps they had perished in the wild, either at the hands of Wildling raiders or the elements themselves.

Clearly, he was wrong and for once he was pleased by the fact.

Just as Robert recovered from the shock of seeing his former lover and his latest baseborn child, another startling sight appeared by his eyes as another figure emerged from behind Meera through the entrance.

At first, Robert was not sure if what he was seeing was actually real or not. For the figure was neither human nor entirely animal either. It had nut-brown skin, like a deer's with paler spots. Its hands had only three fingers and a thumb, with sharp black claws instead of nails.

Large ears, slitted gold and green eyes like those of a cat. The creature's head was crowned by a tangle of brown, red and gold hair with vines, twigs and withered flowers woven through it.

To his shock, he later learned that the creature was none other than a 'Child of the Forest' . The mythical race that was supposed to be extinct. But then again, so were the giants and he had seen quite a few of them since coming to Hardhome.

"Greetings, your grace. Allow me to present to you, your son Jordane Snow and 'Leaf' of the Children of the forest," Meera said with a smile, in a calm and pleasant tone as if the circumstances of their reunion were not unusual or strange at all.

A thousand questions and more whirled around in Robert's mind and he struggled to decide which to voice first. Sensing his distress and confusion, Meera decided to speak and explain all that had happened to both her and her brother since they parted ways with the rangers of the Night's Watch, several moons ago.

It was a fantastical tale for sure but the truth within it could not be disputed as the evidence was standing right beside Meera Reed in the form of a mythical creature, long to thought to be extinct. Jojen's Reed visions had led the brother-sister duo, deep into the heart of the true North where they were found by a group of the Children.

The Children led to them to a secluded and hidden cavern located beneath a Weirwood tree, where another legendary figure, presumed to be dead, was awaiting them. It was none other than

Bloodraven, the infamous bastard of Aegon the Unworthy who had supposedly perished during a ranging across the Wall, several years ago. The Great Bastard had apparently been found by the Children to take the place of the Greenseer guardian who stood guard over the dormant race of Others, ensuring the survival of mankind. A position that Jojen Reed was fated to take over from Bloodraven in due course of time.

Meera also spoke of how she gave birth to Robert's son among the Children, who had prophesied that her child would ensure the survival of House Reed and their bloodline.

However, the most intriguing revelation was that the current threat of an invasion by the Others was a consequence of Bloodraven's misuse of his powers and position to aid his last living kin, namely Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. The Greenseer had abused his powers to send visions and guidance to the last two Targaryens, in order to help them grow strong enough to take back the Iron throne. Thus, creating an opening for the Others to wake from their slumber.

"Though, Bloodraven has been taken care of and the mantle has now been passed to young Jojen Reed, balance is yet to be restored to the world," Leaf said in a musical voice, that made it seem like she was singing.

The Child then proceeded to inform Robert of what he must do, in order to make that happen. It was a tall order, but with all the powers and blessings that Robert had received, he was the only one who could actually pull it off.

"Well then, let's get started," Robert said, feeling invigorated by the task ahead of him.

The weak noon sun was barely visible through the dense clouds, but it provided enough light that Robert was able to survey the aftermath of the battle that had occurred during the early hours of dawn.

After his brief reunion with Meera and his introduction to the Child of the Forest, Leaf, Robert promptly gathered his commanders and the Free Folk leaders to inform them of the latest developments.

If anyone still possessed regarding Robert's destiny and his divine purpose, Leaf's presence and testimony put an end to it once and for all. In fact, everyone now looked to him as if he were a God descended down from the heavens itself.

Leaf had also informed him that the Wildling faction, located near the Fist of the Men while being led by the Weeper and Lord of Bones, was discreetly being guided by none other than the cursed dragonspawn, Jon Snow himself as per Bloodraven's final instructions to the boy. Not only was the rapespawn aware of his true lineage but was actively working to reclaim his cursed family's lost throne as well.

'So much for Ned's claims of the boy valuing honor and duty above all,' Robert said to himself, now completely convinced of his foster brother's naivety and foolishness.

However, if Leaf's intelligence was true, the boy would not be a threat for long as the Children had sensed a force of Others and their undead minions heading towards the Weeper's camp.

Robert's first instinct was to let both his foes battle it out and then deal with the survivors. But Leaf pointed out the flaw in his logic along with his sworn duty as King of the Free folk to protect them from the Others.

And so, Robert had swiftly addressed a raven to Castle Black, informing his lords and the Nigts Watch about the bending of knees by the Wildlings to him along with instructions to march their forces to the Fist of the First Men to provide aid to the Free Folk camped there. Meanwhile, Robert himself along with Mance's forces marched over land to rendezvous with them.

Despite the urgent and brutal pace at which both forces marched towards the Fist, they were only able to arrive mid-battle with several thousands of Weeper's forces already fallen to the Others. Though the Walkers were immune to conventional weapons, they possessed a vulnerability to Obsidian or Dragonglass along with fire.

The Children had long ago buried a secret cache of Dragonglass weapons near the Fist, which Leaf had helped Robert to uncover quickly after their arrival. With Leaf's aid, Robert was able to summon and focus his powers infusing the Dragonglass weapons with his magic and power and distributing them among his most skilled warriors, before leading his forces into battle.

The Others while prepared to face conventional armies of men, were caught unaware by Robert's appearance on the battlefield. Thus, wielding the element of surprise along with his divine powers, Robert charged straight towards the White Walkers leading the fray while his forces fought with the Wights.

The Walkers were blessed with strength, speed and agility far beyond that of mortal men. But they lacked any true skill or battle instinct that a veteran of war like the Demon of the Trident possessed. That experience coupled with his supernatural powers allowed Robert to make quick work of his foes.

Just as Leaf had informed him, the Wights were nothing more than meat puppets of the Others and with the fall of the Walkers at Robert's hands, they soon crumbled into piles of bone and rotting flesh. And so, the first battle of the Great War had ended, with the forces of men prevailing though at a significant cost.

In the aftermath of the battle, a temporary command tent had been erected where the Lords of the North, the Free folk leaders and the commanders of the Nights Watch gathered along with Robert to discuss all the recent events. After the expected round of curses and protests that both sides engaged in, upon learning of the terms of the alliance that Robert had forged, the Lords of the North, the Night's

Watch and the Free folk leaders begrudgingly accepted the arrangement.

The carnage and slaughter perpetrated by the Others at the Fist went a long way in making them come to agreement, more than any argument of logic and reason put forth by Robert himself. Not to mention, the presence of one of the legendary Children of the Forest also helped greatly in this regard. In truth, it made no difference to the King of Westeros as long as they obeyed his commands.

Aside from this historical pact between factions that had been feuding for millennia, there were only two other events of significance that were worth discussing. The first being the capture of the traitor, Jon Snow. Not only was the boy an Oathbreaker, but according to statements provided by many free folk; he was also the one who instigated the Weeper and Lord of Bones to refuse Mance's offer of talks and parley. Fortunately, both the Wildling warlords had perished during the battle and saved Robert the trouble of dealing with them.

Too bad the same could not be said of Jon Snow. As expected, Ned had tried to appeal for mercy on behalf of the boy but a withering glare from Robert was more than sufficient to silence him.

Normally, Robert would not have hesitated before crushing the Dragonspawn's head with his bare hands but recalling Melisandre's advice on bloodlines, he decided to imprison the boy instead. Letting the son of his most hated foe live went against his every instinct and was incredibly difficult but Robert calmed himself by reasoning that there was a more satisfying way to punish the turncloak dragonspawn.

During the talks in the command tent, Robert had learned that one of the reasons for Jon Snow's defection was his attraction to a fiery haired archer, named Ygritte. He was surprised to learn that Ygritte was in fact Osha's cousin, when his bedmate had come to him, pleading mercy for her kin. Apparently, Ygritte was the one who had

stolen Snow instead of the converse, in regards to the Wildling tradition.

In that moment, a delicious idea for vengeance entered Robert's mind and he informed Osha of the terms under which Ygritte would receive his mercy. His lover promptly set about to carry out Robert's instructions.

The second matter was the reappearance of Meera Reed whose story of survival greatly intrigued all present. Robert informed all that Meera was currently back at Hardhome with her brother Jojen's son, Jordane Snow, soon to be Jordane Reed by his royal decree. The boy was to become the heir to Greywater Watch after Jojen's supposed tragic demise with Meera acting as Reagent during that interval. The story was that Jojen had fathered a child with a Wildling girl who had perished in childbed.

Later in private, Robert had also discussed with Ned the proposal of arranging a betrothal between Meera and Bran Stark, with rebuilding Moat Cailin as their seat. His foolish Hand was quite pleased by the idea of joining his house with that of one of his most trusted bannermen. Happily ignorant of House Reed's betrayal of House Stark along with Meera's relationship with Robert.

After a fortnight of hard marching, the King's party had arrived back at Castle Black with the first group of Free folk that would cross over into the Gift, under Tormund's leadership. Meanwhile Mance and Ned had headed back to Hardhome as per the exodus plan drawn up by Robert and the leadership, to facilitate the movement of the free folk via ships to the other side of the Wall.

Despite the co-ordinated effort of all parties involved, it would a few weeks if not moons to complete the relocation of the free folk. Not to

mention, the organization of the free folk and the Night's Watch to get all the castles along the Wall manned and functional again. It would be time consuming and a massive headache for the one overseeing it all.

Fortunately, one of the benefits of being King was that he could delegate the most tedious tasks to his subordinates, mainly Ned Stark.

Currently as Robert made his way inside to his chamber within the King's Tower at Castle Black, his thoughts were occupied towards more enjoyable ways to pass the time. Particularly, the guest who would be entertaining him for tonight.

Ygritte was leaning against the wall to which she had been chained, admiring the opulence of the southern King's chambers.

'Southerners sure love their comforts,' she mused to herself, feeling the soft woolly carpets beneath her feet. There was a desk equipped with plush cushioned seats, near the roaring fire burning within the fire place. Not to mention, the huge featherbed lined with rich and thick furs placed opposite from where she was bound.

Such comforts and pleasures were usually signs of a soft and weak man, in Ygritte's opinion.

However, the southern King did not fit the image that she had conjured up in her mind based on Jon Snow's and her people's earlier descriptions. He was not fat bellied and weak but instead muscular and strong, radiating power. Ygritte had felt that power on the battlefield as she stood shocked, frozen to the spot, as the Stag King laid waste to the forces of Others.

Before the arrival of the southern King's forces, she had been convinced that she would not make it out alive from that battle as she watched her people get butchered by the Others. As a Spearwife, Ygritte had made her peace with death long time ago. In fact, she had reasoned that dying in battle was probably a good end as any. A viewpoint that had been re-enforced after she had been put

in chains, not by southerners or the Night's Watch but by her own people.

Even now, she couldn't wrap her mind around the idea that her people had knelt to a southern King. No matter how mighty or powerful he was.

Her confusion grew further when she had been reunited with her cousin, Osha, who had not only made it across the Wall but also somehow ended up as one of the southern King's women along with Mance's goodsister. A position that was now being offered to her.

"Jon Snow is my man, cousin. He stole me and I chose him in return," Ygritte replied when Osha had come to speak with her.

"I never took you for a fool, impulsive and rash certainly, but not a fool," Osha said mockingly.

"Your so-called man is nothing but a green boy who is alive only by the grace of the King," Osha added. "Your loyalty and affection are wasted upon him."

"Besides, if you think about it, King Robert has already stolen you with his victory at the Fist. And he will take you when he wishes to," the brunette Spearwife added. "So, your options are that you can either live out your days in chains or in comfort. I know which I would prefer."

Ygritte knew that Osha's words contained both sense and truth. But the proud Spearwife within her was still a bit resistant to ending up as one of several bedwarmers in some southern King's castle. No matter the advantages in consenting to the offer. No matter how strong and comely the Stag King was, nor the incredible pleasure that Osha had promised that she would find in the King's bed.

Sure enough, her musings were interrupted as the King himself appeared at the door of the chambers.

"Ahh, so you are Ygritte. I see that Osha did not exaggerate when she spoke of how pretty you were," Robert said, giving the fiery haired Spearwife his signature dazzling smile that often-caused maidens to blush in response.

"Aye, that's my name," Ygritte replied. "Though my cousin surely exaggerated how strong and comely you were."

Her comment caused Robert to let out a laugh as he approached her.

"Oh my, you certainly a lively one, aren't you?" Robert said with a smirk. "I suggest that you take a closer look, before you make up your mind in regards to my strength and desirability,"

Despite her confident facade, Ygritte could not deny the heat that stirred within her nether regions as the King came near her.

Ygritte swallowed an involuntary lump in her throat as she placed her hands upon Robert's chest. Even through the thick furs, she could feel how toned and muscular Robert was. Oh, this might turn out to be quiet, Ygritte suspected. She ran her hands down his body and stopped short of his crotch, but she did massage his abs though.

"I've heard that you are a skilled archer. But I wonder how good you are with a spear," Robert said as he gestured suggestively towards his crotch.

"Well, I've never backed down from a challenge."

Ygritte said, slipping a hand down his breeches and stroked him for ten seconds, to see if the King was as blessed as Osha had described.

Not soon after, Robert pushed her against the wall and spun her around. He cupped Ygritte's ass and spanked her, which got her pussy nice and wet.

"You are now a citizen of Westeros and I feel that you need some discipline, my ginger wench. You can't just challenge your King and not expect any kind of punishment," Robert whispered into her ear.

"I'm a woman of the true North, King Stag! I can take any punishment you can dole out," Ygritte moaned. "Go on, I'd like to see you take me. Slap my ass! Squeeze my pussy! Use my body to fulfil all of your desires. You can put that big cock of yours anywhere you want!"

Another couple of spanks rammed off the ass of the red-head archer, causing her nipples to harden. All the Wildling women that Robert had added to his harem, they had shown varying levels of compliance. Some threw themselves at him like Osha, while others like Val were a bit tougher to crack. If he were to rate Ygritte, she would fall somewhere in the middle of this particular spectrum.

Robert pulled down the bottoms of her furs to reveal her nice and bubbly ass, which he slapped down onto so hard that it left marks. He discarded his tunic, so that Ygritte could slowly turn around and feel and lust for his body. He felt through her and reached between her legs.

"You need to learn proper etiquette. The question is how am I going to teach you?" Robert said huskily.

"I don't understand your fancy words, but from your tone and actions, I assume you want to teach me something," Ygritte groaned in response.

Robert had now completely removed both their clothing, allowing their naked bodies to feel each other up. The two kissed each other, with Robert showcasing his dominance over the ginger archer. He cupped her pussy through the kiss as she reached behind to squeeze his balls.

"Got a lot of cum in those bad boys," Ygritte purred in his ear. "Would be a shame if you carried all that weight around. It would wreck your back."

Ygritte's hand moved from Robert's balls and drifted to his cock. The horny Spearwife pushed her hand all the way down on Robert's cock and then struck him.

Oh, this big cock and balls, it had reduced her cousin and probably many other women to mush, Ygritte surmised.

No wonder so many Spearwives knelt to him and now Ygritte was determined to be a dripping mess by the time the King was done with her. Her legs would be spread and his cock would be buried between her legs. Oh, she could feel it, feel it build up inside of her. The tingle only increased the faster that she ran her hands down him and tugged on his member.

"So big," Ygritte breathed. "May I put it in my mouth, please, King Stag?"

"Yes, put that foul mouth to good use," Robert replied.

Ygritte dropped down to her knees and licked Robert's cock as he pushed his massive member deep inside of her mouth. He grabbed Ygritte around the back of her hair and pushed and pumped down her throat. She looked up at him, lust burning through her eyes.

Robert knew precisely where to stick his cock, to make her gasp for him. He reached behind her and slammed down into her mouth to drive her completely wild.


Ygritte moaned as Robert pushed down her throat, making her hunger for him. She wanted the cum in his balls and so she squeezed them and stroked them. Robert grabbed the fiery Spearwife's hair and face-fucked her, hard and deep. Her lips slid down his cock and pushed all the way down into her throat to make her cry out in pleasure. Oh, yes, she was really feeling it out.

"Get ready."

Oh, Ygritte was ready. Robert grabbed her and pushed down her throat. The first trickle of cum made Ygritte lick him frantically. She wanted to taste more and Robert gave her more. The depths to which he exploded sent as much seed as possible all the way down Ygritte's throat. Oh, it felt very good. Drop after drop of cum spilled down her throat and Ygritte sucked it all.

"Thanks for the meal."

Ygritte moaned as she cupped his cock, feeling it rising again. Robert grabbed her ass and pushed his fingers against it. His cock rubbed against Ygritte's thighs while the two engaged in a heated makeout session.

"You did say I could stick my cock anywhere."

Oh, Ygritte knew, and she almost regretted it, as she felt Robert's manhood rub up and down against her ass cheeks. Oh, yes, it felt amazing, to enjoy the prominence of this cock against her cheeks. She almost burst out into pleasure, the moment that Robert slipped his cock against her ass cheeks and then pulled out all the way from her. He slid into her, a little bit more, casually edging his manhood into her ass from behind.

Robert made sure her back passage was nice and lubricated. Ygritte closed her eyes and prepared to get her anal cherry popped. The hot asshole of the ginger archer hugged his cock the second that he entered inside of her. He lifted Ygritte into his arms and dangled her in mid-air. He slid inch by inch into her ass and made her cry out in pleasure.

"Oooh, I thought that this would hurt, but this feels amazing!" Ygritte cooed.

"We've just begun."

The matter-of-fact way in which he said it made Ygritte cry out in pleasure. Those sticky fingers pressed against her clit and tugged it at all of the right points. While another hand grabbed and released Ygritte's ass while he fucked it from behind. Oh, yes, the feeling of her ass being plundered drove Ygritte completely nuts.

Robert could not get enough of her ass. His hands roamed her body and the rest of her was nothing to sneeze at either. He kissed and sucked on her neck to drive her completely wild. Oh, yes, he could feel it, the pleasure building up inside of her body.

The faster that Robert worked deep inside of her body, the more she screamed out in pleasure. She wanted this big cock rammed down into her and him working her body.

"You're such a whore, craving my royal cock," Robert said teasingly. "Isn't that what you want, King Stag?" Ygritte asked.

Well, it was indeed what Robert wanted as he sensed Ygritte top off with pleasure. The faster that Robert rammed down inside of her body, the more she cried out in pleasure. Oh, yes, she wanted him to cock deep inside of her ass. His fingers also slammed into her pussy and gave her double the pleasure.

"Oh, fuck!" Ygritte moaned. "Your hands are amazing."

"If I had a golden dragon for every woman who said that, I would make the Iron Bank look like paupers."

With those words, Robert bottomed out into the hot ass of the red head. He made sure to drive down into Ygritte, making her scream for him. His balls tightened and he knew that his orgasm was at hand. He pushed down and slammed down into Ygritte.

He allowed his latest conquest to gush all over the place. Robert slumped her over on the edge of the desk placed along the wall to which Ygritte had been chained and finished planting his cock into

her ass before he exploded inside of it. Ygritte let out a sigh of content just as Robert pulled out of her.

A reddened ass, a river of cum dripping from her ass, and her mouth curled open, with drool coming out of it. As her eyes rolled into the back of her head, Robert judged this encounter to be quite successful.

Another wild beauty had been claimed by him. Not to mention the hurt and humiliation that Jon Snow must have experienced as he heard Robert's brutal ravaging of his lover from the chamber next door, where he had been bound and imprisoned as per Robert's instructions.