Chapter 40

Myrielle Lannister + Catelyn Stark

Chapter 40: Myrielle Lannister + Catelyn Stark

"Ned, have you received a reply from Sunspear regarding the

marriage alliance proposed between Myrcella and Trystane Martell,"

Robert asked his Hand, as they were both seated in the Small

Council chamber along with his Queen and her brother, Lord

Paramount of Westerlands and his newly appointed, Master of Coin,

Tyrion Lannister.

"Aye, your grace. Prince Doran is interested in the match and is

willing to discuss the matter further," Ned answered. "But before any

agreement can be finalized, he wishes that the Princess Myrcella

journey to Sunspear along with a representative of the Crown to

meet Prince Trystane in order to get to know her betrothed as well as

discuss the other salient points concerning the match."

"Your grace, I must advise against my niece traveling to Dorne,"

Tyrion chimed in. "We all know of the bad blood between House

Lannister and House Martell. And while Prince Doran's enjoys a

reputation of a wise and peace-minded ruler in Westeros, most of his

kin and advisors especially his younger brother, Prince Oberyn have

equally famed taste for vengeance and blood."

"Lord Lannister's fears are understandable, my King. But a chance

to make amends and peace with Dorne is too valuable to pass up.

We could finally unite all of Westeros under you," Ned argued back

in a calm tone. "Especially with the great threat that is looming

beyond the Wall."

Before a debate could break out, his wife intervened and offered a

solution that appeased both sides.

"So, it is settled then. Lord Stark, let Prince Doran know that while I

agree with his view of both children getting to know each other

before the marriage occurs, I must prioritize Myrcella's safety as

well," Robert said to his former best friend. "Therefore, if the Prince

of Dorne is willing to accept, I would like to invite Prince Trystane

and his retinue to King's Landing so that the young man can meet

Myrcella while we discuss the terms of the marriage contract."

"I will send the reply immediately," the Lord of Winterfell replied. "If

there is nothing else, then I shall take my leave."

After Robert nodded in consent, Ned got up from his seat and left the

chamber, leaving him with Tyrion and Cersei behind.

"Make peace with those Dornish snakes," Robert spat in disgust. "I

can't believe that I ever thought that fool could ever be a capable


"I can't tell if he is actually that stupid or are we just that good

mummers?" Tyrion said with a laugh as he waddled to a side table,

where a flagon of wine was laid out and promptly poured both

himself and his sister a cup each.

"I believe it's a bit of both, little brother," Cersei responded with a

smug smile as she accepted the cup of wine. "Although to be fair, the

Stark fool is unaware of both the treason plotted by the Dornish and

our plan to deal with them."

"A worthy Hand of the King would remain appraised of such events

in the realm. Ned Stark is no cunning wolf but a blind dog who can't

act without his master's command," Robert added, causing the trio to

chuckle darkly at Ned Stark's expense. "If his wife and daughter

weren't such good fucks, I'd send that fool back to freeze in the


A few moments later, Robert inquired with the Warden of the West, if

he was prepared to carry out the next stages of their plan once the

Dornish accept the offer and arrive at the capital.

"Aye, your grace, all will be ready," Tyrion answered as he finished

his cup.

"Very well, I'm feeling bored and restless," Robert said with a yawn.

"Perhaps a small hunting trip will lighten my mood."

"Most certainly, my love," Cersei said to her husband with a smile.

"But before you leave, I would like to introduce to a few of the recent

arrivals from the Westerlands."

"I am quite confident that they can help alleviate some of your

stress," his wife added suggestively.

"Really, I would be pleased to meet them," Robert replied, as he

gleamed his wife's discreet intent.

"They are exquisite, aren't they, my love?" Cersei said with a proud

smirk as both she and Robert stood on the balcony, overlooking a

garden where the maidens who had recently arrived from the

Queen's homeland had gathered for tea and gossip.

"Behold true golden beauties of the realm," she added, proudly

presenting the maidens gathered below them, like a breeder would

display his prized stallions. "I guarantee that they can make you

forget all about those rose whores and northern savages."

And the King of Westeros had to admit that his wife had managed to

collect a set of truly tempting pussies. Even from this distance,

Robert could sense that the young maidens possessed that rare

combination of youthful innocence and suppressed desire.

"Who is that?" Robert asked, pointing out a young petite blonde who

was smelling the flowers in the garden.

"Ahh…. That's my cousin, Myrielle," his wife answered. "She's

Cerenna's sister. Tyrion tells me that she's a shy and demure

maiden, but from my own personal interaction with the girl, Myrielle

has quite the strong and wilful personality that she tries her best to


"Sounds like someone else, I know," Robert commented offhandedly,

knowing that the veiled comparison would push Cersei's buttons. "Is

she a maiden or has someone already broken her in?"

"My love, you wound me. Do you think that either me or my family

would dare to offer you tainted goods?" Cersei said with mock


A raised eyebrow and pointed look, was all the response needed

from Robert to convey his opinion on the matter.

"Myrielle has indulged in a few educational experiences since she

flowered. But she is still a maid in all the ways that count," his Queen

answered with a shrugged look. "But if that is an issue, most of the

others are pure maidens, with no prior experience at all."

Cersei then proceeded to inform with all the relevant details of the

other noble ladies, namely their houses, family dynamics and

motivations behind coming to court. Robert patiently took in all the

knowledge but found his attention drifting back towards Lady

Cerenna's sister.

In the end, Robert decided to sate his curiosity in the way that he

knew best and instructed Cersei to see that his will was done.

"It's just an honor to be in your presence, you have done just so

many amazing things. You single-handedly crushed the evil Ironborn

raiders and subjugated the savage Wildlings. Not to mention

defeated the mythical Others themselves," Myrielle stated, her awe

and hero-worship shining through completely.

Yes, Robert had done all of the above. Though to be precise, the

White Walkers weren't completely defeated, they had just lost the

first battle in the upcoming War for the Dawn. But, all of that was

irrelevant to their current situation and he certainly had no need for

Lady Myrielle to constantly praise his many accomplishments and


Not to give the wrong impression, Robert enjoyed and basked in the

praise and adulation from his adoring subjects. But that is not what

he sought from the Lannister girl when he had Cersei deliver an

invitation to join him for a drink.

The young girl wished to become a lady in waiting, just like her

sister, but she was one among a legion of hopeful maidens, angling

for the position. Myrielle Lannister's ambition provided the perfect

cover for his wife to arrange this little rendezvous so that Robert

could meet with her in private, under the ruse of discussing her

appointment to the position. Though, both Cersei and Robert knew

the real reason behind this meeting. However, Myrielle's behavior

and words conveyed that she was still oblivious to the fact.

'Is she truly that naïve or is it just a ruse,' Robert mused to himself.

Like Robert's wife and her other female Lannister relations, the

cousin of the Queen was a stunning blonde, who preferred to style

her hair in a ponytail instead of the usual elaborate southern braids

worn by highborn maidens at court. She was dressed in a nice silken

Lannister red dress that not only complimented her form perfectly but

also accentuated her pert and firm breasts.

"Lady Myrielle, if you would be kind enough, would you pour me a

cup of wine," the King requested politely.

"At once, your grace," the young maiden replied, before bending

over to fetch the King's drink, allowing Robert to get a good view of

her shapely behind which stirred the fire in his loins.

"I'm always happy to hear appreciation for my deeds from my loyal

subjects," Robert said. "But, we're not here to talk about me. We

should speak about you. And the fact that you are more than

qualified to be a lady in waiting. Lord Tyrion has also given you a

very favorable recommendation."

"Before I make my decision, I would like to hear from you as to why

do you think you deserve this position? Are you willing to do anything

to get it? A position that will help set you up for life, and broker a

favorable match in the future," he added.

"Yes, I'll do anything to prove myself," Myrielle said earnestly.

"Please, anything, your grace."

"Anything, that's a big promise, Lady Myrielle," Robert replied. "Do

you think if I told you to, could you drop to your knees and give me a

blowjob. Right now?"

The statement caused Myrielle to blink in surprise as she stuttered to

form a response.

"Your… uh… Your grace?"

"Do you think that you would be willing to service me whenever I

asked you? Would you hike up your skirt, bend over my desk and

spread your legs? Would you strip completely naked and climb on

my cock? Any and all of the above whenever I asked," Robert asked

in a casual tone that did not match the scandalous and immoral

intent of his words, causing Myrielle to flush red even more.

"This is highly inappropriate," Myrielle stammered.

"Lady Lannister, it's a simple question. I can see the way that you

look at me. Undressing me with your eyes. You're already thinking

about it. Sure, you might act like a good little girl, but there's a

ravenous harlot within you, waiting to break out, waiting to serve me,

and waiting to be taken by me."

"Your grace, this is..this is…"

Myrielle began stammering a response, before Robert grabbed her

and silenced her with a kiss. The Lannister girl thought about

pushing back for a brief moment. Then suddenly, she not only

relaxed but also tightened her grip around the King and returned the

kiss with great fervor.

Now that Robert had Myrielle on the hook, he pulled away from her

and left her breathing heavily.

"You're the King. My cousin's husband. I'm a….," Myrielle started to

list all the reasons as to why this was a bad idea. But Robert had

never allowed logic and reason to stand in the way of a good time.

"I'm well aware of all the implications, Lady Hill. But there is no need

to fret, I have quite a bit of experience in such situations," Robert

said in a soothing voice, hoping to calm the erratic maiden.

"Do you think you can do a little dance for me?" he added abruptly,

throwing the young girl's focus off once again.

"I love dancing," Myrielle answered him without thinking.

The passionate kiss with the King seemed to have clouded her mind

and intoxicated her senses.

"Excellent! I love to see women dancing. While your clothes aren't

exactly appropriate for it, we'll just having to make do. I'm sure

though behind those drab layers of clothing, there's something more

beautiful waiting to break out," Robert said enthusiastically, egging

her to proceed ahead while he hummed a melody to set the mood as

he channeled his magical aura into the tune.

Myrielle's hips swayed back and forth a little bit, almost as if the

King's tune magically compelled her to action. Her hands

involuntarily moved to the front laces of her dress and without

thinking, she undid them, allowing it to slip down slowly, revealing a

cute and little lacy green bra.

Robert got a good look at her encased youthful breasts, which

appeared both nice and perky. In his opinion, the lovely assets could

grow and it would grow.

The fact that Myrielle had taken off her clothes off before the much

older but handsome King, got her both hot and horny. She stripped

off the rest of her outfit, and kicked off her slippers. Myrielle stood in

front of Robert, in her underwear, noticing the effect that she was

having on him. All the hesitation and reluctance from earlier had

vanished completely as desire and lust began clouding her being.

"So, if I ask you to, will you do it? Will you give me a blowjob?"

Robert inquired once more, knowing full well that the young maiden

would be unable to deny him anything from this moment on.

"Anything you wish for, my King."

Myrielle promptly answered as she undid Robert's breeches and

pulled them down. Robert's big cock hit Myrielle right in the face as

she looked at it up closely.

"Never saw one this big before, have you?" Robert asked with a

proud smirk.

Myrielle shook her head in response, while guiding her hand down

Robert's length to experience it, before placing a small kiss on the

head. Myrielle tested the waters further by working her mouth all the

way around Robert's member as it pulsed into her mouth. Robert

gently guided her head forward until she popped around his cock.

Robert pumped into Myrielle's mouth as her hot lips and tight super

throat wrapped around him. The young Westerland maiden

possessed a natural look of innocence and naivety that helped to

mask her true inner deviant that had been lurking within her and one

was begging to come out. Robert leaned into her and pounded her

wet mouth, both hard and fast.

Myrielle hoped that she was doing a good job and pleased the King.

'Did the Queen and cousin Tyrion know that he would do this to her?

Did her family want her to become one of the King's whores? Is that

why the Queen gifted her with exotic dresses and lingerie?… and the

more she thought about it, the more likely it seemed,' Myrielle ran

through the sequence of events in her mind and concluded that

becoming the King's mistress was about a good outcome for her as

any. Especially, if her family wished for her to become one and that

conclusion got her wet, making her bob up and down onto his cock

with renewed vigor.

"Closer, work that cock, work it like your future depends on it,"

Robert said encouragingly.

And it kind of did, Myrielle told herself as she coughed on the King's

massive member while trying to adjust to its sheer size and girth.

Myrielle's warm juicy lips were perfect for cock sucking as Robert

pushed all the way down onto her and repeatedly fucked her face.

"Get ready!"

Robert groaned before he splattered into her mouth. The cum

spilling into her mouth caused Myrielle to flinch as the King shot

ropes of his seed all over Myrielle's face and cheeks, which

eventually dribbled down her body. Myrielle closed her eyes as royal

cum smeared her entire face, with Robert discharging his load onto


"Clean your face. I won't have a future lady in waiting look unpresentable in my castle," Robert told her.

Myrielle promptly obeyed the command and moved to find

something to wipe her face with but Robert stopped her cold.

"No, use your hands and mouth," the King added with a devious

smirk. "And we'll discuss the dress code that you will be expected to

follow after we're done here."

Myrielle used her fingers and palms to gather Robert's seed off her

face, before sensually feasting on it with her tongue. She made sure

to keep her eyes locked onto the King's during the entire process

and was pleased to see his member come alive for her, once again.

As the young Lannister cousin dined on the King's seed, she finally

understood why so many women were vying for the opportunity to

share the King's bed. The King's fluids tasted sweeter than any Arbor

Gold and Myrielle grew naughtier by the moment. She wanted

Robert's cum in her wine, as seasoning on her food, downing it

every minute of the day and night.

"Now show yourself to your King, Lady Myrielle."

As soon as the words left Robert's lips, Myrielle undid her bra and

then pulled down her panties, before rising up and presented herself

to the King on his desk.

Robert stripped down naked before her and positioned himself next

to Myrielle. He marveled over her nubile body. Her beautiful but

innocent face, perky breasts, nice flat stomach, shapely hips and

long legs. Not to mention a curvy, delicious ass which Robert really

needed to push into his hand as he ran against it.

Robert began to commit every inch of Myrielle's fine body to his

memory, using his mouth. He nibbled and sucked on her nipples,

making Myrielle shake and tremble underneath him.

"Oh, there's nothing like breaking in a virgin maid."

Robert said excitedly as he dove between Myrielle's legs, causing

her to see stars as his tongue worked into her tight pussy. Myrielle's

reacted deliciously as she further succumbed to the skilled

ministrations of the King's tongue as Robert pressed against her,

making her cry out in pleasure.

"Apologies, your grace," Myrielle squealed as her hands instinctively

grabbed onto the back of his head.

"No worries, my dear. Today is just but the first of your many lessons

in the art of love and pleasure. You'll learn."

Robert said as he dove further into her, making Myrielle scream out

even more. Robert held a perfect record of always leaving his

women satisfied and Myrielle Hill would be no exception to this rule.

Not long after, Myrielle experienced the first ever orgasm of her life

and it was intense to say the least. Given that she only had the

pleasure caused by her own fingers to gauge against the current

sensation flowing through her body, Myrielle did not have much

knowledge on the matter. But she had a deep-rooted feeling that no

one else would be able to bring her to an orgasm as much as the

King did.

Robert removed his tongue from Myrielle and spread her legs while

his hard cock pressed against Myrielle's flat stomach. Her alluring

belly button rubbed against Robert's cock head, making Myrielle cry

out for him. Another touch, with Robert running his hands up

Myrielle's body, sent the young girl into a tailspin of pleasure.

"By the Gods, you are impossible," Myrielle breathed out.

"Aye, I'm impossible to resist, my lusty maid."

Myrielle could not muster the strength to respond to the King's claim

with Robert's prominent manhood slowly edged down her body as it

rotated in circles, rubbing her body. The friction of Robert's manhood

pressing against Myrielle's thighs made her quiver and she shook

even faster as it approached her womanhood.

"Now just try and relax, I'll be gentle with you," Robert told Myrielle

who closed her eyes in anticipation.

"ARGHHH…. OH… BY THE MOTHER!" Myrielle screamed as her

maidenhead yielded to Robert's pussy breaker of a cock, while it

slowly invaded her folds.

His big, fat balls hit Myrielle on the thigh as Robert lifted one of her

lovely legs onto his shoulder and pushed her down onto the desk.

The desk was made of finest quality wood and its durability would

soon be put to the test.

"Now Myrielle, you must always be ready for such encounters. It's

one of the unsaid duties of all ladies in waiting," Robert informed

Myrielle as a thin trail of blood trickled down from her pussy onto her

thighs and his cock. "But as you can see, my dear the position

comes with its own benefits. Or it's perks, depending on your view."


Myrielle squealed with tears pricking her eyes when she came

undone, with Robert trailing kisses down her hoisted leg and ankles.

He then moved onto sucking on her toes, making Myrielle moan out

loud. His tongue massaged the underside of her foot as he

continued to rock into her. Since this was Myrielle's first time, Robert

began his thrusts slowly before gradually building up his momentum.

The King's desk began to creak as its sturdy legs scrapped against

the carpet, owing to the force of Robert's ramming into his latest


"The fact you are my wife's cousin along with being competent and

educated lends credit to your suitability for the position. Because, I'll

tell you that beautiful maidens with tight pussies and flexible bodies

that can be bent over a desk, aren't as rare as you would think. But,

you, you are something special. Aren't you, my little baseborn slut?"

Robert stated, enjoying the tightness of Myrielle's wet folds.

"Oooh, yes! Please keep it up! I always want to feel this good,"

Myrielle panted, trying to catch both her breath and though as her

body trembled with pleasure.

"Stay with me, and you'll feel even better. I know that you have the

potential to be something great, both in court and my bed."

Robert stated confidently while cupping Myrielle's perky breasts. The

thought of how he could train Myrielle into the perfect bedmate,

made Robert's balls throb with desire as he pushed deeper and

deeper inside of her.

His rough, strong hands moved all over Myrielle's body, groping and

touching every part of her nubile form. The slap of his big balls hit

Myrielle repeatedly as he looked straight into her light green eyes.

Robert kissed down onto Myrielle's neck while moving closer to her


"Do you want me to coat your insides with my divine juices?"

The doors holding back Myrielle's inner harlot broke upon hearing

the King's dirty question and she went completely wild with desire.

Myrielle wrapped her legs around the toned waist of the desirable

man who continued pushing into her. Robert leaned deep into

Myrielle and pumped deeper inside of her, making her cum over and

over again.

Robert spent the next few minutes, working Myrielle through orgasm

after orgasm, who let out several hot sounds while clutching onto his

body. She came several times, until he finally decided to slide out of

her. One of Robert's hand moved up onto Myrielle's body holding her

down onto the desk, while the fingers of the other wrapped around

his member.

"You haven't earned the right to have my cum inside you yet," Robert

proclaimed, making the bastard Hill groan in frustration and

disappointment. "But I will grant you some measure of a relief for the

time being."

Myrielle quickly interpreted the King's intent and whole-heartedly

conveyed her willingness and eagerness to serve him.

"Please allow me to do it, your grace," Myrielle asked pleadingly. "I'm

going to have to perform this and other such similar tasks on a

regular basis whenever you ask it of me. So why don't I show you

what I can do?"

"Great idea and I like your enthusiasm, Lady Lannister," Robert

replied with a pleased look on his face. "Now take my cum on your

face and wear it with pride. Be proud of the fact that the most

powerful man in the realm blessed you with his seed."

Myrielle clutched Robert and jerked him off as fast as she could,

while ensuring to pay attention to his bloated balls. She utilized every

bit of knowledge gained from incendiary texts and tomes, that she

had borrowed from her cousin, Tyrion. It was mostly improvisation

and guess work, but Myrielle did manage to illicit a notable reaction

out of Robert. Robert leaned his cock deeper into Myrielle's hand

until his it exploded into her hand.

Blast after blast of cum launched onto Myrielle's face, trickling down

it later, while the young maiden remained stoic in the face of the fluid

shower discharged by the King. All the while, her hand continued to

move fast and furious while jerking Robert off until he decided it was


The thick white jism formed a mask on Myrielle's face and she

struggled to open her eyes. One drop of cum broke from her

eyelashes and she caught it, with a seductive and devious smile.

"It would be an honor to serve you, my King," Myrielle stated. "I shall

strive not to disappoint you."

"Oh, I know that you won't," Robert answered with a satisfied look

upon his features, knowing that he had added another beauty to his

growing collection.

Catelyn got out of the copper tub after a good long soak. The warm

water had worked wonders to relieve her fatigue after she had spent

the entire day tending to her duties both as a prominent member of

the court and the King's unofficial harem. Not to mention, helping

Sansa adjust to her position and duties as well as share her own

insights regarding the early stages of pregnancy with her. For the

moment, Sansa's condition was being kept secret from the general

public so that she would not be overwhelmed by the extra attention.

Apart from the natural worries experienced by a first-time mother to

be, the mind of Catelyn's eldest daughter was also focused on

ensuring that the King (the true father of her child) was well taken

care of, during her absence. A duty that Catelyn along with other

members of the King's inner circle were more than eager and willing

to tend to.

Just as Catelyn slipped her robe on, she heard the clicking of the

secret door concealed behind a tapestry, hanging on one of her

bedchamber walls. The secret entrance was one of the many hidden

doors built inside the Tower of the Hand that connected it to the

myriad of hidden passageways sprawled across the Red Keep.

Normally, the Lady of Winterfell would have been scared by such an

unexpected intrusion, but she had very good guess as to who her

late-night visitor was. Though knowledge of the secret corridors was

shared amongst a select group in the capital, only one person would

utilize it to enter her bedchamber, at such a late hour. Her

assumption was proven correct as King Robert stepped into the

chamber, flashing a seductive smile at her.

"Your grace, this is an unexpected but pleasant surprise," Catelyn

stated as she performed a hasty curtsy, which came across quite

awkward due to her current state.

"Would you care to join me for a nightcap, my lady?" Robert asked,

as he proceeded to inform her that Ned would be working in his solar

for the rest of the night with Lord Tyrion on an urgent matter.

Additionally, he had ensured that the guards patrolling the hallways

on the floor were loyal to both him and Catelyn before Ned. Thus,

making sure that this late night visit would remain discreet.

"Mmm… a drink sounds nice but perhaps you would prefer

something else," Catelyn replied, deducing the Robert's true intent of

his visit with great ease as she beckoned him towards her.

As soon as he was near enough, Catelyn threw her arms around

Robert with a soft smile appearing on Catelyn's face, her violet eyes

flashing with primal lust. Catelyn leaned towards him and kissed

Robert completely on the lips who not only returned the kiss but also

began exploring the delicious body of the redhead.

Catelyn wrapped her legs around him and kissed him even deeper.

Robert stroked her leg which made Catelyn moan deeply into his

mouth as her tongue moved back and forth, causing her carnal

hunger to increase tenfold. The King drove his tongue just a little bit

deeper inside of her mouth as Catelyn hung onto him, kissing him

with immense lust burning through her body.

The two pulled away from each other and Catelyn grabbed the

underside of Robert's tunic and pulled it over his head. She pushed

him lightly onto the bed and crawled on top of him.

"I must have you, my KIng" Catelyn said. "Mmm, you're so

handsome, so virile… I can't believe that I wasted my youth on a stiff

dullard like Ned."

Catelyn stroked Robert's muscular abs and chest, kissing him all

over. She could see something grow in his breeches which she truly

needed to help him out of it.

"I think that I'm going enjoy a lot of cream tonight for my dessert,"

Catelyn said with a couple of small strokes through his breeches.

"Why don't you lose that robe?" Robert suggested, causing a tiny

smile to break out on Catelyn's face as she slipped the robe off of

her lovely and shapely body.

It fell to the ground, with Catelyn's round and gorgeous tits coming

into prominence at the foremost. Her flat stomach coupled with her

slim waist size highlighted her sinful figure further. Her perfect and

wide child breeding hips were perfect to grab onto along with her

long legs.

The Lady of Winterfell leaned down on the Baratheon King, kissing

him all over. She made out with him passionately, with Robert's

hands moving onto her body. He started to touch her in places which

drove Catelyn completely insane. This in turn caused Catelyn to

want to touch him, to please him until the desire to worship Robert

like the god that he was consumed her being.

"Mmm, I'm hungry for that nice big cock of yours," Catelyn said with

a slutty smile as she grabbed his crotch and kissed his abs.

"Help yourself," Robert encouraged the lustful woman.

Not needing to be told twice, Catelyn helped him out of his breeches

causing his enormous manhood to slap her right in the face. Catelyn

put her hand around it and began to stroke him, her soft fingers

digging into his cock all over. She leaned in and traced her perfect

tongue down on him. Her wet lips pushed down and pulled away

from him.

"Mmm… delicious," Catelyn cooed with a couple of kisses down onto

the top of his cock head.

His massive cock jumped halfway up to meet her lips as she leaned

in and pushed her mouth down onto his crotch, the stimulation of his

groin making Catelyn both hot and bothered. She reached between

his legs and cupped his balls, squeezing them hard.

"Need a little bit of help?" Robert asked her.

Catelyn looked at him, her eyes widening with a mischievous smile

breaking out on her face. Robert edged himself into her mouth, with

both his hands full of her dark auburn locks allowing him to push into

her. It was quite a sight to see that curtain of hair brushing against

his crotch and Catelyn taking him deep into her throat.

Despite the fact Catelyn was struggling, gagging, and coughing, the

swift determination of his former best friend's wife could not be

denied. She would engulf all of him, sucking his long member until it

hit the back of her throat. Meanwhile, Catelyn stroked his big

throbbing balls, hungering for even more.

"Mmm," Catelyn breathed lustfully. "Mmm."

Those sounds paired with the smacking of her lips almost sent

Robert spiraling into her mouth. She gave him a hell of a blowjob,

using her lips, tongue, and throat to stimulate him, with Robert

pushing deeper and deeper into her, until Catelyn's face pressed


"Work it," Robert told her. "Oh, Catelyn, work it! That feels good…. I

always knew that you were a natural born cock-sucker…."

Catelyn pulled all the way up off of Robert, stimulating every single

last inch of him as her tongue swirled around his member's head. As

much as she wanted to taste the cum just exploding into her mouth,

Catelyn had other ideas. And because sinful minds think alike,

Robert gleamed her intent with ease as he sprung up on the bed and

squeezed her breasts hard.

"I want to taste you," Robert told her

"And I'm not going to stop you."

That was Catelyn's reply as Robert pushed her down onto the bed

and returned her favor by worshiping her body, like she had done for

him. Every delightful sound that Catelyn made, caused him to throb

even more. Adding to Robert's desire to taste her, and immerse

himself in the scent of her.

Catelyn put her hand on the back of Robert's head, stroked his

lustrous black hair which was peppered with slight streaks of grey,

granting the King an appearance of being experienced as well as


With little to no guidance from Catelyn, Robert dove down and

pushed his lips down onto her from between her legs.

"YES!" Catelyn moaned in pleasure. "YES!"

Robert just smiled and sucked on her nether regions as Catelyn

grabbed the back of his head, grinding her hips up and down,

rocking herself to his ministrations. He knew exactly all of the right

places to hit, to make her explode.

That royal tongue was pure magic as it worked into her. Catelyn did

not know how Robert was able to do it, but she did not want him to


"Eat my pussy out!" Catelyn yelled. "Oh, work it…. work it, it belongs

to you, my King!"

A few seconds later, the handsome Baratheon pulled himself up from

Catelyn's dripping mound, his face dripping with her sweet juices,

making him look quite hot as drops of the sweet nectar fell from his

beard onto her.

Within a flash, Catelyn sprung up and attacked him, peppering his

face and neck with kisses, while stroking his muscular biceps.

Robert returned the favour, by running his hands down Catelyn's

back before moving in to lay claim to her neck, collarbone, and the

valley between her cleavage.

The awareness of the long hard meat spear pushing against her

caused Catelyn to almost cream herself as her toes curled, with lust

building up in her body. Robert leaned into her, kissing her neck hard

and fast, sending Catelyn into a sudden fit of pleasure.

"Oooh, you really know how to make this work," Catelyn started for


"Aye," Robert responded by turning her around and kissing her on

the back of the neck. "But, you're worth it, one hundred percent."

Catelyn crawled across the bed, her tantalizing ass swaying for

Robert. It was a call to him, a call for him to do naughty things to her.

Naughty things that Catelyn would allow him to do. Robert sprung

into place on the bed and started to rub her body.

"I'm going to fuck you," Robert told her.

"Bend me over that headboard and make me your bitch again,"

Catelyn called to him with a sultry smile.

Robert took Catelyn in exactly the way that she had wanted. At the

same time, he touched her body all over, sending jolts of electricity

through her while taking care that she did not come too soon.

Every time that Robert brushed against Catelyn, he could hear sighs

of both anticipation and frustration. Robert knew exactly what

Catelyn wanted and he knew exactly how to give it to her. He kissed

her, starting from her ear lobe, down her neck, and back, and ended

up between her legs, which were sopping wet.

Catelyn melted into a dripping wreck and practically choking for it by

the time Robert got back around. He rubbed her legs and sent her

into a constant fit of pleasure. Robert leaned into her, his cock head

pushing against her body. Catelyn opened her legs up, begging for

Robert to take the plunge inside of her.

"Please," Catelyn pleaded with him. "I need it, right now."

"I'm sure you do," Robert commented. "And I'm going to give it to


"Uuuhhh…." Catelyn breathed as Robert cupped her ass, spreading

the eager woman's legs as far apart as they could go.

After bending Catelyn over the headboard, Robert slid into her. The

slide inside her was slow, with Catelyn feeling inch after inch going

into her body. Each inch brought a jolt of pleasure all over her as

Robert brushed down onto her back.

His hands rubbed against Catelyn's body and caused her to breath

rapidly. Her mind was flooded with pleasure but she tried to focus on

Robert as he guided her towards a very intense and spectacular

orgasm. He entered her, going balls deep inside of her, thrusting

hard into her body and hitting all of the right spots.

There was no doubt in her mind that Robert Baratheon was a master

in the art of love and pleasure as he sent Catelyn on an intense ride

of thrill and pleasure.

Catelyn thought he was going to tease her a little more for a second

as he slowly pulled out of her and for a second. But she pleased to

realize that he was just getting her into a better position so that she

could be fucked immensely.

Robert grabbed Catelyn and pushed her into the bed with his big

balls slapping into her thighs from behind. Catelyn dug her nails onto

the sheets, moaning out in lust while Robert leaned into her, kissing

down the side of her neck and sending her into fits of pleasure.

"Getting close," Robert whispered sensually.

"Oh, you know I am!" Catelyn yelled. "Fuck my brains out! Make me

cum! Fuck your little dirty whore!"

Robert just smiled at the prim and proper lady's filthy language and

pushed deeper into her.

"Oh, I'm nothing without that cock. Just some silly little whore without

a purpose! Oh, Robert, fuck me! Use me! Use me! Because your fool

of a friend and my useless husband can't do anything for me….so I

need that big cock of yours to…. keep me from going mad. STUFF


Robert thrusted away at Catelyn's proclamation. The way her snug

and very tight walls wrapped around his member was almost enough

to send Robert completely over the edge. Robert held onto Catelyn's

ass and slapped it a couple of times, making her break out into a

very passionate moan, the deeper that he pushed inside of her.

"Yes," Catelyn breathed into the pillow. "Yes!"

Robert pushed his hands against her body, making Catelyn just

clamp down on him. Her tight walls closed around him, trying to

greedily milk every last drop of seed from his swinging balls. Robert

held on and let her rest for a minute.

Catelyn groaned in response to Robert slowing down his pace. She

tried to encourage him, but her body did not react in ways she

expected. A moment later, she realized that Robert had complete

control of her.

"Your body, mind and soul belong to me alone," Robert said. "I hope

you haven't forgotten that."

"Not at… all!" Catelyn moaned.

In that moment as the slow and subtle thrusts rocked Catelyn's mind,

she wanted nothing more than the pleasure that she was

experiencing, and the intense rush that accompanied it.

"I'm going to let you cum in a minute," Robert said. "I want you to just

imagine how good that feels. How good it will feel as I slowly push

into you. I'm grabbing your ass…. it's so perfect…. just like the rest

of you. I'm going to pull out and I want you to lay on your back and

wrap your legs around me as I pound you into submission."

"Oh, you like my legs, don't you, my King?" Catelyn asked.

"Aye," Robert told her.

Catelyn opened said legs and Robert pushed down into her. Robert

crushed his muscular chest down against Catelyn's ample tits as he

squeezed onto her from above, thrusting into her body. Catelyn

moaned, hotly and heavily, her hips driving up for him. She knew that

it would only be a matter of time before Robert had her right where

he wanted her.

Those legs were beautiful and Robert just had to touch them. His

caresses were driving Catelyn completely mad as she looked up at

him with her wide and wanton eyes.

Robert slowed down his thrusts inside of her, wanting her to savor

the feeling as he slowly slipped into her, one inch at a time. Catelyn

attempted to push her hips up to get more in quicker but Robert

shoved Catelyn back down and pinned her firmly on the bed.

"We'll have none of that."

Robert stated firmly as he traced his finger up Catelyn's leg, sending

her into a spiral of pleasure. Her nipples ached as he pulled out and

started the slow process all over again.

Eventually, Robert shoved most of his considerable length inside of

Catelyn as his big balls slapped down onto her, making Catelyn

moan deeply. Her hands touched his back as she continued

moaning while clamping down onto Robert. She ran her hands over

his body, and encouraged him to go deeper. The two lovers met into

each other as the noses were filled with the scent of sweat and sex.

The Baratheon King's stamina was truly divine as Catelyn was gifted

with multiple, nerve racking orgasms before Robert even came close

to finishing. But Catelyn was not one to back down for a challenge

and she continued to hang in there as Robert continued to challenge

her endurance.

"It's your turn now, my love," she breathed hopefully.

A few light kisses triggered Catelyn's arousal to new heights.

"Aye," Robert commented. "It's my turn."

He thrusted faster into Catelyn causing a ripple effect to bounce

against her thighs and his big bloated balls came this close to firing

their load into her. Catelyn raked her nails down onto the back of his

neck and moaned even louder as Robert increased the pace of his

thrusts. The grip of the Stark matriarch's nails was so strong that if

Robert's body had not been blessed by supernatural protection, she

would have drawn blood from the King.

"Keep it up, don't stop," Catelyn begged him with a soft smile on her


"Don't worry, I'm not going to," Robert commented as his bloated

balls struck her from above, hitting Catelyn on the thighs.

After Catelyn experienced her latest orgasm, Robert drained his load

deep inside of her as she grabbed onto him tightly, making sure that

every last drop of his cum fired into her body. The Lady of Winterfell

shifted on the bed, rocking herself back and forth onto him, with

Robert pushing onto her hips as he slammed into her.

The two shared their orgasms, with Robert riding Catelyn firmly into

the bed. Catelyn hung onto him for the next several minutes,

moaning as their bodies connected together.

After they finished, they both smiled at each other. Catelyn put her

hand on Robert's shoulder and nudged him, rolling him onto his

back, so that she could climb on top of him.

"Are you sure that you have enough strength left in you?" Robert


"Just give me a minute, your grace" Catelyn said with a pant as he

wiped the sweat from her face with her hand. "And I'm going to ride

you like the stallion that you are."

Her kisses and caresses were more than enough to renew Robert's

interest and more importantly his arousal. And when Catelyn was

ready, she climbed on top of Robert, straddling him. She teased the

King before leaning into him with a kiss, as her breasts brushed

against his body.

The next play resulted in Catelyn dropping down on Robert, and he

always felt so much bigger when she climbed on top. Or maybe

that's because her pussy was still a bit sensitive after receiving a

thorough fucking just moments ago.

Still, Catelyn managed to ride him hard for as long as they could

both go. Although, it was obvious that the King had an unfair

advantage in comparison to her. Still, Catelyn was determined to not

disappoint her liege and enjoy the experience while she could, using

her inner muscles to blow her partner's mind and excite his loins.

To her credit, Catelyn managed to last longer than most before she

collapsed onto the bed.

"That… was… uhh… incredible," Catelyn panted, trying to catch her

breath. "I hope… that I did…. not disappoint."

"Don't fret, Catelyn," Robert said with a small laugh. "You are always

a delight to have in my bed. But there is another reason for my visit."

"Ahh…. And here I thought that you just craved my company,"

Catelyn replied with mock surprise, as an earlier visit from the Queen

and her own knowledge of the Robert's nature hinted at a future task

that would require her attention.

Before Robert could broach the topic, the Lady of Winterfell informed

him that she was taking care of certain details that would ensure his

upcoming hunt would be a success.

A smile bloomed across Robert's face upon hearing of Catelyn's

plans as he praised her both her efficiency and skill in such matters.

He then proceeded to inform her that there was one more thing that

would be required from Catelyn so that this hunt would be


"Well…. I certainly was not expecting that particular request,"

Catelyn said, surprise coloring her voice for a brief moment. "But no

need to be concerned, I shall not fail you."

"I know that you won't," Robert said with a smile as he got up from

the bed and dressed himself.

"Oh, you should probably call for your trusted maids to help tidy and

clean yourself up as well," the lusty King added with a smirk before

he exited through the hidden entrance from which he had earlier

arrived. "Ned may be a dullard by nature and Talisa's concoctions

spiked in his food are priming her to be completely docile and pliable

but we aren't there just yet. So, we need to be cautious, at least for

the time being."