Chapter 42

Arya Stark

Chapter 42: Arya Stark

"Arrghh… the Maiden has truly blessed you, my child," the obese

High Septon panted, while plowing into the ass of a particularly

young whore.

The girl was one the recent recruits at Chataya's establishment; a

young farm girl from the Crownlands who had journeyed to the

capital in hopes of earning more coin for her struggling family.

After spending her first few months in the city, doing grueling work as

a seamstress's apprentice, the nubile girl found her way to Chataya's

in hopes of better wages and less tiresome work. And though she

was earning far more coin than before, the girl was experiencing

fatigue from a different kind of labor. At least, she could spend most

of her time at work on her back in this job.

Suddenly, the door to the bedchamber slammed open, startling both

the High Septon and his companion, causing them to shriek in


"Greetings, your holiness," Olenna Tyrell said with a mocking smile

as she waddled into the chamber, followed by her grand-daughter

and loyal guardsmen.

"Lady…..Tyrell, Wha…. This is highly inappropriate. It's not what

you…." the chosen representative of the Seven on earth said,

fumbling nervously while trying to cover up his modesty.

"Of course, your eminence," Olenna retorted with an amused look on

her face.

"You are a man of the Faith. It is no surprise that we should find you

on you knees at this hour," Margaery chimed in, teasingly. "You were

merely offering evening prayers, with this poor harlot joining you

after you led her away from a life of sin and vice."

Her grand-daughter's words caused Olenna to let out a chuckle

before she told the young whore to leave them as they required a

private word with the High Septon. The young girl promptly gathered

up her dress and scurried out of the chamber, closing the door

behind her.

"Ohh… is that a bottle of Arbor Red that I spy? Fetch me a glass,"

Olenna said to one of her guards after spotting the bottle on a table,

next to other exotic refreshments like cheese and oysters that had

been laid out. A hallmark of the quality service provided by Chataya

to her patrons.

"I can see that the gold provided by both us and the Crown is being

put to good use," Margaery said mockingly while Olenna sipped on

her wine. "Giving to the unfortunate souls, that are trapped in a life of

debauchery and lust is true sign of charitable soul like yours, High


"I…. I…. Lady Olenna…." the red faced High Septon began

mumbling, only to be cut off by the Queen of Thorns.

"Quite! you fool," Olenna admonished the leader of the Faith. "Now,

both me and my grand-daughter don't care about how you chose to

spend your nights. But we do care when we pay you large sums of

coin for a task and instead of performing it, you spend our gold to

have your holy scepter sucked by whores."

"Lady Tyrell, preaching tolerance towards the followers of the heretic

Red God is one thing. Ignoring the King's lecherous activities and

advocating him as the chosen of the Gods is another tiresome task

but one that is possible. But what you are asking for is near

impossible!" the High Septon responded frantically.

"Enough of your pathetic excuses," Margaery said forcefully, her

displeasure shining through. "Perhaps, you have not grasped the

fact that the future of House Tyrell is hanging precariously because

we attempted to aid you in your hypocritical holy war against other


"Rest assured, your Holiness, if we fall from favor then not only will

we take you and all your corrupt cronies with us," the Rose of

Highgarden added angrily.

"Oh…. my Golden Rose, the High Septon will not just lose his

position and wealth, he'll lose far more," Olenna added in a sweet

but menacing tone.

"No, no…. My ladies! There is no need for such threats," the High

Septon replied, panic and fear lacing his voice. "I'm trying to get it

done. But if the Starry Sept ever found about what we are attempting

to do, there could be severe repercussions."

"You need not worry about them. I've already spoken with Lord

Leyton and he will ensure that the Starry Sept will not create any

issues," Olenna replied confidently. "In fact, they will provide support

and aid if the need arises."

"That is good to know, my lady. But it will still take a good while to

pull this off," the corrupt Septon added with a nervous smile.

"Time is the one thing that we do not have. Even as we speak the

other factions at court are gaining more ground and strength,"

Margaery stated, annoyance and panic seeping into her tone. "To

add to our worries, the spies have just reported that the Dornish

contingent is preparing to leave for the capital. And you know what

will happen when they arrive."

"Don't let those frown lines mar your beauty, Marge," Olenna said

soothingly to her grand-daughter. "Once we succeed in this little

endeavor, House Tyrell will grow stronger than ever."

"What are you still doing here, you fool? Get moving!" the Queen of

Thorns chided the nude High Septon as he wrapped the bedsheets

around his chubby form to preserve his modesty.

"Of course, my lady," the half-naked Septon muttered, fumbling his

way out of the room.

Being blessed with supernatural reflexes and magical healing factor

was a great boon for any warrior and hunter, especially a King like

Robert Baratheon, who tended to find himself in dangerous

circumstances quite often.

A good example of such a circumstance was getting pierced by the

sharp, long tusk of a boar on his thigh while protecting young Arya

Stark who would have been on the wrong end of the said tusks, if

Robert had not taken action, in the nick of time.

The entire series of events began when Arya had insisted on joining

the King's party to hunt a rather wild and large boar which had been

spotted by his trackers. Envious of the superior hunting skills

displayed by both Ygritte and Myranda over the trip, the dark-haired

Stark girl was eager to prove herself to all present, especially the

King. Robert's deliberate ignorance of all the sexual teasing and

overtures made by the youngest Stark daughter had added to her


In the end, Arya's impatience and youthful brashness got the better

of her as the young girl decided to ignore the instructions given by

both Robert and the other experienced hunters and break away from

the party that was carefully stalking the boar, in hopes of felling the

beast by herself.

Instead, all she ended up doing was gaining the boar's attention and

it charged towards. The young girl loosened an arrow at the raging

animal which missed the mark on account of her nerves and fear.

Using his lightning-fast reflexes and speed, Robert moved towards

Arya with his spear in hand and was successful in spearing the beast

before it could make it to her.

Unfortunately, as his focus was split between saving the young Stark

girl and killing the animal, Robert's guard was down and the boar

managed to struck him with its sharp tusks, before succumbing to its

own injuries. Luckily, the tusk did not go too deep into Robert's thigh

and the wound only needed to be treated with alcohol and


Despite the eery sense of déjà vu, at once again coming so close to

suffering a fatal injury at the hands of a wild pig, Robert was quite

calm and pleased with himself. Unlike the first time, Robert's current

situation was due to his focus being concentrated upon protecting

Arya and not his own safety or felling his prey.

As Arya Stark, the youngest daughter of Winterfell, escorted him

back to his tent, Robert realized that now was a good time as any to

make his move on another prized prey of the hunt. Robert was

leaning against Arya's shoulder as she guided him towards his chair,

near his desk. Though he did not the assistance, it provided the

devious King with the perfect opening to begin his seduction of the

wolf maiden.

"Does it hurt a lot, your grace?" Arya said nervously. "I should have

listened to your instructions, but I was so sure that I could shoot

down that boar."

"Oh, when father and mother hear about this, I'll never hear the end

of it," she added. "They might even take away my sword lessons and

riding privileges as punishment. Not to mention, the earful that I'll get

from Sansa."

Watching the worries expressions on the young girl's face as she

continued to rant about her predicament, brought a small bit of

amusement and nostalgia to the older King.

'She has the perfect combination of Lyanna's energy and wilfulness

but Catelyn's naivety,' Robert mused to himself before deciding to

make his first move.

"Is something the matter, your grace? Are you in pain?" Arya inquired

with concern, after noticing Robert fidgeting with his breeches.

"Oh, it's nothing," Robert answered. "It's just that these breeches are

pressing too tightly against my bandages."

"Say, if it's not too much trouble, do you think that you could help me

remove these breeches to help with my circulation?" Robert asked

offhandedly, before faking concern about propriety and asking Arya

to fetch one of his paramours.

"My King, please allow me," Arya said pleadingly. "It's the least that I

can do after causing your injury. And besides the whole reason that I

wanted to come on this trip was to prove to my parents that I'm not a

child anymore."

"I understand, Lady Arya. But the kind of care that I require at the

moment is a bit more mature than you can provide," Robert replied,

hoping that the young maid understood the subtle innuendo.

It took only a brief moment for the young She-wolf to understand the

meaning of the King's words and she blushed profusely before

schooling her features.

"Like I said, your grace, I'm no child," Arya answered, trying to sound

confident. "Let me prove it to you."

Arya Stark was even worse than her mother and older sister at

hiding her lustful motives. And this was one failing that pleased

Robert greatly as he consented to her request.

Arya slid her hand upwards from Robert's ankles feeling the toned

muscles concealed beneath the leather of the King's breeches. She

felt around on the inside of Robert's thigh, taking a bit longer than

needed before unlacing the King's breeches and snaking them


"OHH… MY…" Arya gasped as she laid eyes on the King's mighty

meat spear for the first time. It surpassed all her expectations and

imaginations, in every way possible.

"What's the matter, little girl? Does it scare you?" Robert said

teasingly, quirking an eyebrow. "Perhaps, you should go get Ygritte

or Val to tend to me. After all, this is a woman's work, not meant for

little girls."

"Little girl, am I? I'll show you," Arya exclaimed, her annoyance due

to Robert's taunt fueling her passions and vigor.

It led to her grabbing the King by the cheeks and forcefully sticking

her tongue into his mouth. Oh, Arya was definitely Lyanna's niece,

the same excitement and stubbornness coursing through her veins.

What the young maiden lacked in experience, she made up for in

enthusiasm. As impressed as Robert was by Arya's fervor, he wasn't

going to sit there like a statue and returned the kiss with an equal

passion, with both their tongues dancing back and forth which each


"Perhaps you should check down below to make sure that there is

not much swelling," Robert stated suggestively.

Quickly deducing the meaning of the King's statement, Arya cupped

Robert's balls, feeling around them. The wild She-wolf managed to

illicit a groan from Robert while she stroked him closer to the edge.

Her grip tightened around Robert's long throbbing cock as Arya

pushed her hand all the way down onto him and then pulled it all the

way up.

Arya barely could hold back the smirk that formed on her face. Ever

since the youngest Stark daughter had learned about her elder

sister's dalliances with the mighty King, Arya's feelings of envy and

sibling rivalry caused her to develop an obsession with bedding

Robert Baratheon for herself. Those feelings had only grown with

time as all her attempts to gain the King's attention proved to be

unsuccessful. But they reached fever pitch, when she realized that

her mother was also among the King's paramours after she caught

the two of them sharing sly looks and gestures.

This discovery caused her mood to sour and Arya had become more

short-tempered and petulant in her wants and demands for sword

lessons and more independence, which vexed her father greatly.

Fortunately, both her mother and sister had sensed the true reason

behind Arya's frustrations and foul mood and came to discuss the

matter with her.

"Oh, sweetling, don't looked so depressed," Catelyn Stark said

soothingly to her youngest daughter.

"We have good news for you," Sansa added with a bright smile.

Both of them then proceeded to inform Arya about an upcoming hunt

being planned by the King and the possibility of her joining the

retinue, if she was willing to follow their instructions. Her mother also

spoke that they were aware of her desires towards their monarch

and the feeling was mutual.

"Robert Baratheon is a hunter by nature, Arya. He loves the chase

as much as the conquest," Arya's mother explained to her, detailing

the moves that she should make to ensure that the King would claim

the last female Stark into his harem of highborn beauties.

And now it was time to put all that advice to good use.

"Don't worry, your grace. It seems a bit swollen but nothing that a

good amount of moisture can't remedy," Arya said as her wet,

slippery tongue began trailing Robert's cock head, gradually moving

down to the base.

Robert thought he was going to die from pleasure as the visual

imagery of Arya Stark licking his meat spear combined with her

perfect ministration was just exquisite.

'Oh… my, Arya seems to have inherited both her mother and late

aunt's carnal talents,' Robert mused as his late love's doppelganger

pushed a hand down to the base of Robert's cock and then

squeezed him.

"By the Gods, Lady Arya, are you trying to suck me dry?" Robert

groaned as Arya suckled on the pre-cum that had bubbled at the top

of his member's head.

"I'm no lady," Arya said haughtily as she swallowed more of the

King's manhood, demonstrating a talent that defied her both her

young age and inexperience in such matters.

"You're a tease, aren't you?" Robert exclaimed after being left with a

very strong case of blue balls when Arya dislodged herself from his


"Just you wait and see," Arya replied sultrily.

Utilizing the lessons that she had taken from erotic texts that she had

'borrowed' from the hidden draws inside Sansa's chambers along

with the advice from her own mother, Arya had decided to prove

herself in the King's eyes.

And so, the naughty She-wolf stood up and undid the laces of tunic,

pulling out her perfectly formed, if not slightly small breasts. While

the young Stark maiden was not as well-endowed as her mother and

sister, she did have the thickest nipples that jutted out for Robert.

Though in Arya's defense, she was still growing and the Stag King

was certain that she would fill out perfectly with time.

"Mother told me that you like this," Arya stated excitedly as she put

both her tits on either side of the King's member, forming a delicious

sandwich of meat and flesh. The King's manhood immediately

reacted the moment that it came into contact with Arya's pert tits.

A vigorous tit-fucking ensued as Arya canvased every single inch of

Robert's cock. Her wide smile conveyed her growing enthusiasm at

having Robert's member buried between her breasts. She slid her

breasts down the flesh spear, all the way to the base of his cock, and

then released him. Arya repeated the ritual a few more times before

Robert pushed her away from him.

"Come here, girl." Robert said saucily, gesturing for Arya to climb into

his lap. "You like to ride, don't you?"

The young She-wolf nodded her head vigorously as she mounted

Robert's hips, shoving her breasts in his face while she began to

grind on his lap.

"Oh, you're a feisty minx, aren't you?" Robert groaned, excited at the

prospect of claiming the wily girl. "You are so fortunate to have an

experienced lover like me as your first."

"Please inside me," Arya begged, unable to control her desires any


The King roughly grabbed the young maiden's breeches before

tearing them off her body in one swift motion. Robert could feel her

wet pussy slide against his hard member. A second passed before

Arya pushed her lips down onto the tip of his cock, caressing

Robert's manhood as it came really close to entering her pussy.

"Ready to become a woman," Robert groaned, feeling the pleasure

from coming so close to penetrating Arya's body. "I'll take it gently

with you, just like Sansa."

"No! I'm not some delicate little doll like Sansa," Arya protested

passionately. The sibling rivalry between both sisters once again

coming to the forefront. "I'm strong as a She-wolf. Don't go gentle on

me! Treat me like the woman that I am!"

"All right then. But remember that you asked for it," the lecherous

King replied, thrill and passion coursing through his body at the

thought of breaking in a willing maiden.



Both Robert and Arya cried out as their loins met in a very

pleasurable encounter. Arya dropped down all the way to Robert's

base in one swift motion, encasing as much of the King's cock inside

of her body as possible.

"There, there…. Stay still for a moment," Robert said soothingly to

Arya, holding her body within his grip to prevent her moving

involuntarily. "The loss of a maidenhead is painful; I'm sure Catelyn

has informed you about it. But it is a fleeting pain and it will soon be

replaced with pleasure."

"Now, we'll start with gentle trot before riding our bodies across the

valley of pleasure," he added, instructing Arya on how to move.

In a stark contrast to her unruly nature, Arya complied with the

instruction, slowly rising and dropping down onto Robert's throbbing

hard cock. A feeling of pleasure cascaded through both of their

bodies as her tight pussy walls created a sweet friction with the

King's intruding member. Her maiden's blood acted as a lubricant in

tandem with her own juices, helping to facilitate the meeting of their

sex organs.

"URGHHH…. It's so big," Arya panted, with slight tears forming at

the border of her eyelids. "Feels like I'm going to be split into two."

"No, you won't lass!" Robert stated with a chuckle. "But you should

know that no other man will ever be able to make you feel the way I


"But you need not worry about other men as from this moment on

you are a King's woman. Your body, mind and spirit now belong to

me," he added in a serious tone, looking straight into Arya's eyes,

making sure that she understood this fact clearly.

While having an experienced partner was a great boon to maximize

the pleasure in any encounter, there was certain energy and

excitement that only a maiden's first time could provide, Robert

mused to himself. Waves of pleasure coursed through Robert's body

while he reached in and grabbed Arya's firm, perky breasts,

encouraging the dark-haired Stark to push herself up and drop

herself down onto his member.

"Praise the Old Gods!" Arya yelled out as her passions hit fever

pitch. "No wonder Sansa acts so stuck up and haughty, experiencing

such sweet pleasure is nothing short of a privilege."

Robert's hands finally left her breasts and touched other spots of

Arya, including the little spot at the base of her back, making her

shout praises to the heavens as the wild She-wolf bounced herself

up and down on the King's firm member. Finding the erogenous

zones on a maidens' body had always been a natural talent of the

Storm Lord and Robert had always put it to good use during all his


It was no long after that Arya lost it completely on Robert as her

juices spilled down Robert's throbbing hard cock. She tightened her

grip around the virile King with each pump, wanting him, and

needing him even more.

"ARGHH…. KING ROBERT!" Arya moaned loudly.

Taking a harder grip on her hips allowed Robert to bury his massive

cock inside of Arya's tight body. Arya was brimming in anticipation

after realizing that her release was imminent.

"By the Gods! You Stark women have the tightest pussies that I've

ever fucked," Robert groaned while bottoming out, inside the young

woman's body.

A sheen of sweat coated both their bodies as they melded with each

other in a never-ending combination of lust. Arya rode out her latest

orgasm, as an idea to prolong this pleasure struck her. King Robert's

skilled worship of her body made it hard for Arya to pull away from

him. But for the sake of an even greater pleasure, Arya knew that

she had to pull away and pull away she did.

Before Robert could voice his frustration at the sudden interruption

but the sly smirk upon Arya's features told him that the young girl

was up to something. An assumption which was proved true when

the dark-haired girl voiced her intention a moment later.

"I already told you that I'm no proper lady," Arya stated cheekily. "I'm

a She-wolf of the North and I want to be taken like one."

With those words, Arya walked over to the other end of the tent and

positioned herself on the bed. Legs spread, on her hands and knees,

with ass presented firmly in the air, Arya put on quite the

display. Robert rose to his feet, swollen cock just throbbing to enter

her tight, delicious piece of pussy.

Robert walked over towards Arya and put his hands on either side of

her hips, positioning his massive manhood to pierce her tight walls.

Robert inched close and then, with one fluid motion, shoved his

entire length inside of the willing maiden.

"OH… YES!" Arya moaned.

As both their firm bodies pounded against each other, Robert moved

his hands all over Arya's body. Those breasts were felt completely up

and cupped, cupped hard. Robert buried his full-length cock into

Arya's waiting, eager and accepting womanhood. His hands pushed

around her hips and rocked her body completely. More cock rammed

inside of Arya, burying itself within her to the hilt.

"FUCK ME! FUCK! JUST FUCK ME!" Arya ranted quite vocally.

"Don't worry, I will," Robert said. "I'm going to hammer you so hard;

that you'll forget your own name."

"Oh, please do," Arya moaned. "Harder, faster, really hammer me

until I cum!"

Robert slammed into Arya as hard as he could, with most of his

length found itself inside of a sheath of the tightest, wettest, cunt that

he ever had a pleasure of being inside. As her horniness reached a

new height, Arya's nails started to rip up the bedding.

"So, young She-wolf tell me, who is your master?" Robert asked

teasingly, knowing that the young girl was now completely under his


"You ar… are….my King," Arya replied pantingly. "You are my master

and I'm your loyal bitch. So, fuck me like one."

Arya's warm tight pussy muscles flexed around Robert's member,

ensuring that it would spill all of the contents of the rutting Stag

King's swollen balls. Those tight inner walls made it very harder for

Robert to retain control over his release, but he was not going to be

outdone by an inexperienced maiden.

And so, Robert picked up a steadier pace, spanking Arya's ass one

time, onto to pause until she moaned, before repeating the action.

Robert kept hammering away inside of Arya. He had wanted inside

her sweet pussy for a long time but his conflicted thoughts had

always stopped him taking the girl before. But now, Robert had her

tight body completely under his sway and he was not going to let her

go until he was satisfied.

As for Arya herself, she chose to let loose and enjoy the heavy

pounding being administered by the King. Her desires were finally

being fulfilled, and she only hoped that her own performance would

be one that merited an encore.

Robert groaned as Arya flexed her tight walls around him, making it

very hard to concentrate.

"Yes, that's it. Let loose," Arya said to him as the first warm spurts of

seed spilled directly into her body.

Warm velvety pleasure enveloped Robert's throbbing cock as the

tension within it continued to heighten while he pushed himself

deeper inside of Arya's wet pussy. Soon enough, Robert spilled the

contents of his cock inside of her warm body as blasts of cum shot

into her body in rapid succession.

Arya slumped down onto the bed after Robert finished pounding her.

It did not escape Arya's attention she had experienced at least two

full orgasms, and was working on a third, before the King finished in


The two settled on the bed, and Robert pulled up, with Arya climbing

up to face him.

"So, did I outdo Sansa, your grace?" Arya asked sheepishly, her

youthful insecurity shining through. "I'm better than her, aren't I?"

"You are truly exquisite, my She-wolf," Robert replied. "But now that

you have been claimed by me, you will need to learn to share and

work with my other companions, especially Sansa."

After pouting for a brief moment, Arya nodded in consent with a


'If I have to put up with Sansa to enjoy such sublime pleasure, then

so be it," Arya mused to her herself.

The two kissed each other one more time, and it looked like things

were about to get heated once again. And Arya Stark was not one to

pass up a good opportunity.