chapter 24

next morning in a room of cheapest inn in Mang town three people were sleeping

pia opened her eyes slowly ,she noticed Alex back facing her when she slowly got up she saw Alex cuddling Ayelet.she then noticed that Ayelet was awake too and she was smiling at her

fowllowing her line of view she noticed that her legs were over him she slowly took them back while hugging him but in the process she removed the quilt and noticed small tent in his pants

but due to this moment Alex woke up he slowly became aware that his head in Aeylet's arms he also felt pia on his back

thinking about lastnight and their fealings he didnt think anything wrong he put his leg on Aeylet but in process he felt his bulging

he quickly untied him from her took quilt and covered all three of them leaving face ,he was ashmed because this was his first boner in this life

''did you two noticed anything ''

they both looked at each other and put their head on his chest

''master you dont have to worry ''pia

''its just natural and we know it ''

''how do you know ''

hearing his questions they were ashmed ''we read it in book''

''in slave market ''he asked

they both got more ashmed

''so thats how you too are spending your poketmoney''

both of them burried their heads in his arms and alex hugged them back

''master do you need help''

Pia asked in squeaking voice

Alex was surprised but he answered ''no need ''

''does it hurt '' Ayelet

''what ''alex didnt heard her voice clearly because of her low voice

''does it hurt ''

''little due to pants being tight. now lets stop our talks and let me go so I could take bath ''

Alex then went to bathroom

in bathroom he distracted his mind in future planning and took bath

After his bath, he got out and put on the clothes that Pia had brought from his room. He then walked to his room and knocked on the door. After 5 minutes, the door opened, and both girls were ready. The group of three then ate their brunch for the day.

Next, they entered the library where Alex picked up some books on magic theories and the history of the kingdom.

The subjects for the written exams are the same every year: history of the kingdom and duchy, theories of magic, mathematics, discovery of the Rank system, humanoid species, and monsters. In between, there were some random questions related to these subjects on the paper.

Alex only had an advantage in maths; the remaining subjects were new to him, so he had to clear his mind and learn.

At sunset, Alex returned to the inn with the girls. Brook was already sitting at the table, so Alex sat opposite him, with Ayelet and Pia on his left and right.

"Alex, where were you all day?" Brook asked.

"I was just at the library," Alex replied.

"You didn't have notes?" Brook raised an eyebrow.

"No, I have the notes from the lectures, but I was referring to the book," Alex clarified.

They talked some more, and after dinner, Alex canceled both rooms he had booked and booked a big room with a big bed. They shifted all their stuff to their new room. At their request, Alex sat on the bed while the girls arranged their stuff.

While sleeping, both girls asked him to change into something comfortable, so he put on the boxers that he had brought with his stuff. The girls then hugged Alex on each side, which comforted him.

He tried to distract himself by closing his eyes, and after some time, he fell asleep because of spending the whole day in the library.

In his dream, memories of his past life resurfaced...

In a small apartment, two people were seen. The room was decorated with candles, and a cake could be seen on the table, but neither of the two was interested in it. Pooja and Sam (Alex in his previous life) were kissing passionately. Sam slid his hand from Pooja's face downward, but Pooja stopped him and broke the kiss.

"Sam, I am sorry, but we can't go any further than this for now," Pooja said softly.

"Pooja, don't be sorry. I just lost control there, but know this—I will marry you, and you're not allowed to stop me after that. Deal?" Sam replied earnestly.

"Okay, deal. But first, gather the courage to talk to my father," Pooja replied with a smile.

Alex was pulled out of his dream. He woke up in Pia's arms this time because they had switched places. Wiping his wet cheeks, he got up and went to the bathroom.

Alex tries to move on from his past life, but sometimes memories just appear in his mind—sometimes of his parents, sometimes of his brother. But most of the time, he remembers her because of their incomplete promises, their dreams that they wove together, or the love they had for each other.

After his bath, he woke them up. Doing some stretching, he went for a walk while they freshened up.

Then, they went to the library after having their breakfast.