Confrontation :1

Dr. Grey's office was a shrine to his twisted legacy. Trophies and mementos from his experiments lined the shelves, a grim reminder of the lives he had ruined. The man himself sat behind his desk, a cold smile spreading across his face.

"Welcome, my creations," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I've been expecting you. You're just in time to witness the final act of my masterpiece."

Echo-1's eyes flashed with anger. "You're a monster, Dr. Grey."

Dr. Grey chuckled. "Perhaps. But I am a visionary. And you, my dear Echo-1, are the key to my ultimate triumph."

I stepped forward, my fists clenched. "We won't let you harm anyone else, Dr. Grey. Your reign of terror ends now."

Dr. Grey's smile grew wider. "You're too late. My plan is already in motion. And soon, the world will be mine to shape and control."

Phoenix moved forward, his eyes locked on Dr. Grey. "Not if we have anything to say about it, Doctor."

With a fierce cry, we charged at Dr. Grey, determined to stop him once and for all. But the doctor had one last trick up his sleeve, and it would change the course of our lives forever.