*he arrives in Austria with a duggen hole he dug with his cockdrilla*

Brock:Ok now I must cure this place to I will eliminate all the Jews here, because 6 Million wasn't enough

Old austrian seller:Oi ya lads who wants to buy some cookies I baked

Brock:How many cookies do ya have?

The seller:I have baked 6 million cookies in 5 years

Brock:Nani?!, That's impossible best I could do was 271K!

Old Austrian Seller:yeah that's why they call me the cookie boSS

Brock:So how much does one cookie Caust?

Old Austrian Seller:it depends on the chemical I use to make it delicious.

Brock:what do you mean chemicals?

Old Austrian Seller:My oven is very special

Its located in Auschwilia (Austrian Version of Austwitch)

Brock:Ok can you teach me the Failed Painter Breathing Technique V1


Old Austrian Seller:the Gas Bending is also compatible with your powerful cock

Brock:What do you mean by that?

Old AUSTRIAN seller:You can bend the gas and use your cock like a flame thrower the technique is called the "GAS COCKER"


Brock:WOW I must learn this

Old austrian Seller:Ok you shall be my student then, refer to me as "Sensei Gisler"

Brock:Ok SENSEI Gisler

Sensei Gisler:To get the ability you must pass a test,for the test you must draw houses and such

Brock:Ok sensei I will try my best

*Brock uses his cock as a paint Brush and summons paint*

*starts painting *

Brock:I'm done

Sensei Gisler:you have failed the test

my student!

Brock:What now Im mad!

*Brock Reads Sun Tzu Art Of War*

*Brock Uses the art of War in Poland*

Sensei:Well done Student you passed

Brock:What?, How?

Sensei:it's because you learned that even if you fail the art test there are always other arts and art of War is your speciality of the Arts throughout this world

*Brock receives notification from his head

"You have gotten a new ability the Gas Technique"

Brock:WOW I have learned the art Gassing

And the Art of War By Sun Tzu Tu

Sensei:yes my student I did that on purpose

Now go and save Austria

Brock:Yes Sensei!

*Brock throws pennies around the street*

*The jews come out of hiding from the sewer tunnels like hungry rats that just saw food*

Brock:hahahhaha you have fallen for my trap

Brock:Domain Expansion:Hollow Caust

*The Jews get in the domain and the domain looked fammilar to them it's almost like it was the Good Old Days*

*The Jews realize the structure of the Domain gets PTSD and starts panicking*

*Brock Flying in the Air*

Brock:these Jews shall know Gas.

Almighty Gas

*Jews gets poisoned by the Gas*

Brock:My job here is done, the filthy rats are now gone, now time to revive a certain painter here and out him as president here.

*Brock Summons Adolf Hitler*

Adolf Hitler:Oh I heard about you, Brock The Cock now go show the people ruining Europe your Aryan Cock Power!!!

Brock:Yes Fuhrer!!!

*Brock Travels to France with his technique Cockportation*

*He expands his cock all the way to France and teleport to the tip of his cock, then his cock turned bigger then a baguete by instincts(His Cock grows bigger to any item resembling a cock near by him)

Brock:Now I'm here I know exactly what to do with the "NIGGAS IN PARIS"