At the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency (2)

I clear my throat and start speaking, explaining my suspicion with several elements that make me think this is not an accident.

"Firstly, it's odd that the victim went out to do a driving practice after 10 pm at night," I begin, my voice steady despite the nerves. "She had just gotten her license and was clearly not skilled in driving. It doesn't make sense for her to choose that night, which is dangerous, given the fact that she was pregnant."

Senior Superintendent Choi nods, his expression unreadable as he listens intently.

I continue, "In the same sense, the fact that she was discovered without her phone is also strange. Going out for driving practice at 10 pm without a phone seems very dangerous."

I pause for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "Also, her car was discovered with the headlights off, which is peculiar. Around the reservoir, there were no street lights, so it was necessary for her to use the headlights. My guess is that someone turned off the lights so that the car would not be seen underwater."

Choi leans back in his chair, his eyes fixed on me as I press on.

"I'm also suspicious about the wound on her right head and the lack of wounds or bruises on other parts of her body," I explain, my voice growing more confident. "I'm sure there was a certain amount of shock when her car crashed into the water, which would have made her body bounce. Usually, the upper body and left head tend to hit the steering wheel or dashboard in such situations."

I take a deep breath before addressing the final point. "Lastly, the fisherman. According to the report, he discovered the car underwater, but is it common for a fisherman to go underwater? And the fact that he reported the case twice but didn't reveal his identity also makes the case suspicious."

I meet Choi's gaze, my voice firm. "Of course, I need to look at more information, but based on what's available in the brochure, I believe it was not an accident."

Choi listens to me quietly, his expression giving nothing away. The silence stretches between us, and I feel a bead of sweat trickle down my back.

Finally, Choi leans towards me, his eyes narrowing. "So, are you saying the unit's investigation was wrong?" he asks, his tone indecipherable.

I swallow the dry lump in my throat, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes, I'm afraid I believe so," I reply, my voice barely above a whisper.

Choi chuckles softly and goes quiet again, his gaze boring into me. The seconds tick by, each one feeling like an eternity.

Doubt begins to creep into my mind. Did I just make the biggest mistake of my career? Defying the unit's investigation in front of the head of the unit himself?

I brace myself for the worst, my hands clenched tightly in my lap. The tension in the room is palpable, and I can hear my own heartbeat echoing in my ears.

Choi rises from his seat and walks back to his desk, his footsteps echoing in the quiet office. He opens a drawer and retrieves a piece of paper, a look of determination on his face. With the paper in hand, he returns to his seat in front of me and extends it towards me.

I take the paper, my hands trembling slightly as I look at the title: "The Letter of Appointment." My eyes widen as I continue to read, disbelief washing over me. The words on the page seem to dance before my eyes, and I have to blink several times to ensure I'm not imagining things.

It is, indeed, a letter appointing me as a member of the prestigious Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit. The shock renders me speechless, my mind reeling with questions. Why me, a low-ranking officer, of all people?

Choi, his facial expression unchanged, begins to explain. "I am aware of the pivotal role you played in solving the latest serial killer case," he says, his voice calm and measured. "I was impressed by your work. I also reviewed your recent performance and found it to be exemplary."

He leans forward, his elbows resting on the desk. "The Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit is currently facing a crisis of incompetence," he continues, his tone serious. "This is largely due to our tendency to recruit people with similar backgrounds. It has reached a point where the unit prioritizes connections and background over work ethic and actual performance."

I listen intently, my heart racing as Choi's words sink in.

"I want to change this situation and dynamic," Choi declares, his eyes locked on mine. "I have been searching for new blood, someone who can bring a fresh perspective to the unit. And you, Officer Park, caught my attention."

He leans back in his chair, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "I was also impressed by your instinct to recognize the inconsistencies in the case outlined in the brochure. Most people would not question what is written in an official document like that. But I have been looking for someone who suspects everything, someone who looks at things from a different angle."

The room seems to spin around me as the weight of Choi's words settles on my shoulders. The honor and responsibility of being chosen for this elite unit are overwhelming, and I find myself at a loss for words.

Choi's expression softens slightly as he observes my reaction. "I believe you have the potential to make a real difference in this unit, Officer Park. Your unique perspective and unwavering dedication to the truth are exactly what we need to overcome our current challenges."

I nod slowly, my voice finally finding its way back to me. "I am honored, sir," I manage to say, my tone filled with gratitude and determination. "I will do my best to live up to your expectations and contribute to the unit's success."

Choi nods, a look of satisfaction on his face. "I have no doubt you will, Officer Park. Welcome to the Seoul Metropolitan Investigation Unit."

As I exit Choi's office, my mind is still reeling from the unexpected turn of events. Choi's final words echo in my ears: "Your starting day is in a week. Begin reporting to the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency from next Monday."

I nod, a mix of excitement and nervousness coursing through my veins. "Yes, sir. I'll be there," I assure him, my voice filled with determination.

With a final bow, I leave the office, the weight of the letter of appointment in my hand serving as a tangible reminder of the incredible opportunity that lies ahead. As I make my way through the bustling corridors of the agency, a sense of purpose fills my heart. This is not just a chance to prove myself as an officer; it's a stepping stone towards my ultimate goal: reopening my parents' case and bringing justice to their memory.

Lost in thought, I barely notice the familiar voice that echoes in my mind. It's Bundy.

"Well, well, well," Bundy's voice purrs, a hint of pride in his tone. "Look at you, moving up in the world. Congratulations on your new position."

I can't help but smirk, the irony of a serial killer congratulating me on my career advancement not lost on me. "Thanks," I mutter under my breath, careful not to draw attention to myself.

Bundy chuckles, the sound reverberating through my mind. "I have to say, I was impressed with your analysis of that woman's car accident case from the brochure. The way you picked apart the inconsistencies and questioned the official report? That's the kind of thinking that sets you apart from the rest."

"You know," Bundy muses, his voice dripping with a twisted admiration, "you'd make a hell of a serial killer. The way you think, the way you analyze these cases? It's not too different from how I used to operate."

I feel a wave of revulsion wash over me at his words. "Shut up, Bundy," I hiss, my voice low and filled with disgust. "I'm nothing like you. I'm a police officer, sworn to protect and serve. I'll never be like you."

Bundy chuckles, the sound sending shivers down my spine. "Oh, come on. Don't be so quick to dismiss the idea. You have the intellect, the cunning, the attention to detail. With a little push, you could be truly great."

Bundy's laughter fades. As I'm about to give Bundy a piece of my mind, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out, glancing at the caller ID. It's my senior, Detective Kwon. I take a deep breath, pushing Bundy's taunting words to the back of my mind, and answer the call.

"Detective Park speaking," I say, my voice steady and professional.

"Park, it's Kwon," the familiar voice on the other end of the line responds.

"We've got a missing person case that requires your attention. I need you to head out to a scene immediately. "