The Fifth Case (2)

Intrigued by Bundy's claims, I lean in closer, my voice low and urgent. "Alright, Bundy, I'll bite. What are these hints you've picked up on?"

Bundy's voice takes on a tone of smug satisfaction as he begins to explain. "First of all, this murderer must have been committing crimes since a young age. The way they brutally beat their victims to death indicates that the urge to kill is deeply rooted within them."

I frown, trying to follow Bundy's logic. "What makes you so sure about that?"

"Because I have that same urge inside me," Bundy replies, his voice almost wistful. "It's a trait that many serial killers share. The way this murderer savored the process of watching their victims die, the sheer brutality of it all... that kind of compulsion is difficult to hide. I guarantee you that if you dig deep enough, you'll find a history of criminal behavior dating back to their youth."