National Forensic Service (2)

As I approach the National Forensic Service building, I'm struck by its modern architecture. The sleek glass and steel structure rises impressively against the sky, its façade reflecting the early morning sunlight. The entrance is flanked by manicured gardens, a stark contrast to the cutting-edge technology I know lies within.

I pass through the security checkpoint, the atmosphere inside noticeably more serious and focused than the bustling streets outside. The air is cool and sterile, reminiscent of a hospital but with an underlying current of purpose that speaks to the important work done here.

A guide leads me through corridors lined with state-of-the-art equipment, past laboratories where white-coated technicians bent over microscopes and computer screens. Finally, we arrive at a conference room where other participants are already gathered.

Five people turn to look as I enter. The guide gestures for us to introduce ourselves.