" Is this how . wanted to live? Are you...happy? My I really ...wanted to ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

{𝘉𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳 blur}

It's going to be alright, I know you'll be fine , just... "

"Ah! This kind of dream again, huh. " I looked at my phone and saw Lizie's text - Hey, morning ! ! Something came up, Can't make it to your house today. Will meet you at school.

I was getting ready and heard the door closing .

" So he went off to work early today. What a nice start. "

I entered the class , I reached pretty early thinking no one would be there but that boy was sitting on his seat wearing headphones and was humming . Unlike the other day he seemed calm, soft and quiet approachable , he was smiling and those freckles looked more beautiful than before.

Oh shoot ! we made a eye contact when I was staring at him. His expression changed , he wasn't smiling anymore but didn't looked pissed either.

"Hi" I said while going to my seat.

"Hi "

Woh was his voice this deep when I heard him talking last time?

"You are here pretty early. "

"Well you also came early" He said, well he's right., although I said that to break the silence but look's like he prephares the silence more.

The room went silent again but the kids started entering after five minutes and he took off his gradually headphones .

" Hi Yeri, hey Sam "

"Hey " Oh we synced


It's been two days and we didn't talk at all the only thing we do is greeting each other.

Well it doesn't matter. After all he look's like that person.

Lunch break started and Lizie came to my class, as she came she saw sam and then kept staring at sam. If anyone saw her staring at him like that they would think she fell for him or something but not me . She looked rather shocked and not mesmerized after seeing his face.

"Hey Yeri, let's go out "

"Ok" We went outside .

"Is he the new transfer student? " She asked with a grin on her face .

" Yeah, his name is sam "

" He looks alot like THAT PERSON, especially because of his freckles and eyes . Are you okay? "

~Chuckle ~

" Why won't I be okay? " I said while laughing

"Oh yeah, where did you go this morning? "

"Yeah that's what I came to tell you.Girlll , You won't believe what happened , I'm so fricking happy. Remember the company I gave audition for? I got selected!!!!!! They said I could start my training and asked me to come meet they today to discuss the schedule. "

"Whatttt!!!! You got selected. I knew you will be able to do it. Congratulations!!!! "

"Huhh! Finally my dream will true. "

" I'm sure it will" I smiled.

Becoming a idol has always been Lizie's dream and now she is only a few steps away from her dream, I feel happy for her but yet a part of me feels empty as if it's saying 'so what if she got selected it's her who got selected not you, you still got to go to that house and get beated to death when that freak looses his mind ' .

What kind of friend would think like that, she worked so hard and she got in good for her.


"Hey, Yeri"


"Don't Overthink things, it's gonna be alright.

You'll make it out of that house. "

"I probably will" There she goes again my best friend. It's as if she knows exactly what I'm thinking.

"It's after two weeks right? " She asked with a tensed look.

" You're right. "

" You can stay at my place for a week if it's going to be hard to stay at yours. "

" It's not going to do any good, you're the first person dad would think of and he knows where you live , it'll just cause you trouble. Let it be. "

"Huhh, I wish I could do something. "

The bell started ringing. Thank god it did because I didn't want to give lizie a reply after what she said.

"Sigh, that day really is coming... Again"