Chapter 10.- More Status and Ranks

{Roots, these are the heavenly gifts that are provided by the Heavens upon Birth}

{Roos are the only thing that connects a living being with this world, and Heaven is fair to every one and no one as well}

{When we reach the Realm above the Nascent Soul realm, the connection slowly starts to decrease form the world and Roots also needed to grafted at that time so that when someone promoted and ascend to a Higher Level Plane, the Roots don't hinder them}

 {Your Roots are of Lowest Rank, as the heavenly ways of this world doesn't really recognize you a resident from this world but according to the way of Heaven, every one have Roots but the lowest Rank Roots i. e. Rank 1 Roots are not even eligible to cultivate Immortality, even Rank 2 Roots, also don't have much achievement in their life}

"Are you serious Trinetri, then what I am going to do without Spiritual Roots of a decent quality" asked Vail as he is little shaken from Information.

{You don't need to make a fuss over such a simple matter as you only need to cultivate through Orthodox methods such as killing monsters and others, taking heavenly elixirs, Natural treasures, ... Dual Cultivation etc.}

{And when you reach the Realm above the Nascent Soul Realm then you can Graft your own Roots as well, but you don't need to do that as well because you have Absorber Roots that have to properties to upgrade themselves over time with the help of heavenly Treasure and specific Cultivation Pills as well}

{And you also have Nine Origin Transform Constitution, so you can upgrade your Roots even more fast if you want}

After hearing the explanation form Trinetri Vail could put his heart in his place as earlier it almost jumped from his throat.

Vail really almost have a heart attack as in one instant he was fantasizing about dual cultivation with fairies and next instant he was said that he doesn't have what it take to cultivate.

 After giving Vail some time and gloating in her own mind Trinetri said,

{Moving on to Cultivation, I have told you about Body Cultivation and Qi cultivation already, and now you are in the Muscles tempering Realm earlier stage, as every tempering of Body Cultivation further divides the realm into earlier, middle and High Stages, but you didn't feel till now the stages because the amount of energy that you have absorbed is particularly large}

{But from now you would feel the small stages breakthrough in body tempering}

{You have almost Jumped the whole Skin Tempering Realm in your first Cultivation Session and you also didn't feel the barrier between Skin tempering and Blood Tempering}

{In Qi Cultivation, you haven't even started, and In sprit Cultivation, you are in the 27th Gate}

{Spirit cultivation is also Important and the most powerful beings have their Body dies in the long run as even if it is called Cultivation Immortality, It is only prolonging theirs life, but the spirit could prolong their life even more and they can form their body through heavenly treasures}

{You have merged with other yourselves so to say and also with my soul as well, so your Spirit have advanced so much,}

{If I have to compare your spirit cultivation with a Qi Cultivator then you are compare to a third Realm Qi Cultivator Qi Sublimation Realm Peak 9th stage}

{Spirit cultivator of this world have to cross 81 gates to have their spirit reach minimum qualification to cross the boundary to go to higher level world in the same Plane}

{But Spirit Cultivation in this world have more than 81 Gates}

{Spirit Cultivation is very useful for Life Occupations like Alchemy, Weapon Crafting, Rune, Array, Formation, Planting, Beast Taming, etc}

{To have life Occupation then it is must to have Spirit cultivation, to make a Rank Three Plii, you must be in the realm in the spirit cultivation}

{Gate 1 to 9 comes under First Rank, Gate 10 to 18 comes under Second Rank and so on so forth}

{Abilities, I have already told you about them}

"Yes you don't need to classify them again but what is Sharing Stands for" said Vail as he rubs his belly that is making sound and asking for food. 

{Sharing stands for our bond, as these are my ability but it comes through your hunting and now you can also use them on your own, but if you want to share them with more people, you need to have a very very strong connection with them, and When I say Very Close I means it in an intimate manner}

{Only these abilities could be shared when you dual cultivate with other}

"Well you kind of given me way too much explanation on this Particular topic Trinetri" said Vail with a straight face.

{Well I kind of feel that the Abandoned Prince have affected you as well, and you may follow his inspiration as well and you also have Vessel which is helpful for both parties involved}

"Ok Ok moving on, please explain Innate skill as well...." said Vail with a little flustered face,

{Hmm, sure why not..... Innate Skill, when skill used way too much time to understand it very deeply, then that skill become Innate skill}

{High Comprehension (passive) stands for your ability to learn and understand it in your first try, it comes from your previous life Earth days as Bruce}

{It would be very helpful to you to understanding this worlds cultivation manual and cultivation arts, rules, principle and my also have sudden inspiration from time to time}

{Long Lasting (Passive) stands for the tenacious nature of Beast Hunter as he starts to fight, he had the tenacious will to fight to his last breadth and his will to fight had made him have this skill. It is even acknowledged by the heavens as his unique skill}

{Very Long Lasting (Passive) Well is may sound similar but it is totally different from the previous skill. It is also a fighting ability but the fight I am taking about that happens between lovers and in the bed}

[It is as the ability says, the abandoned prince was very romantic and have an in-depth knowledge about this particular field, He has stamina like a Ox and could go on for a very last time]

"Hey, Trinity why is the dialog box showing me the description about this Skill" asked Vail pretending to be innocent.

{You don't need to know much about that from me, don't pretend so much as any innocent person would have not asked this question as well}

{Just understand that you could last long enough in bed to satisfy any woman out there}

{Moving On,....Artist, It is only active skill you have, but it is a versatile skill that help you learn at a very fast speed, it may be sword mastery, culinary, lock picking, calligraphy etc}

{Once you activate this skill, the work you are doing next would become three times easier and at three times speed, it is also a non upgradable skill}

"Well you mean to say that if I am to make a painting then it would be easier for me to make it three times easier and three times fast as well"

{Stupid, I am saying that you could understand three times faster than compare to other how to make a painting and you would gain three times experience compare to other when you complete the work you are undertaking}

"Ok now I understand, you don't have to say stupid to me" grumbled Vail under his breadth in an almost inaudible voice.

{Now unique Section, Cosmic entity partner, I am that Cosmic as you also could understand, I am an Spirit Body that have been in this plane for a very long time. I have merged with your memory so that I may seem like a system but I am not exactly that system.}

{It could be said that System is a possession of mine and due to a long time exposure it became like a part of mine and by merging with you it also merged and linked to both of us}

{Anomaly Holder, It is as it says, you have a literal anomaly inside you and it is very tame towards you so indirectly it is your possession now}

"Hmm I guess so, but I think it would be troublesome to extract it from body right" said Vail with a little hopeful look in his eyes.

{No it is not possible, as the plane have merged us all together}

"Trinetri you are saying 'Plane' several time, what is exactly this Plane"

{Ok... you could say that the collection of several inhabiting stars and planets that resides together do form a single Plane, some world are of higher order and some world are of lower order, to ascend to a higher world you need to reach that world's upper limit in cultivation and when you reach there you could ascend to a higher world but in the same Plane}

{But to ascend Plane you need to reach that Planes upper limit and have to go through Heavenly Tribulation to leave the last connection from that previous Plane}

"Ok I understand"

{Hmm.... Now the Last thing in the unique is "ONE"}

{ should I put it...}

{I don't Know what is 'ONE' exactly is....}