Chapter 17.- Unleashing Monster Hunter

Just as Vail have left the battel field a big Gorilla like monster zipped towards the center.

Not long after the big Gorilla arrived, a tiger like monster, a Bird monster and a Wolf monster arrived,

They saw the destruction on the battel field and the pit in the middle of the battel field.

Some of the low level monsters also came after they sensed the treasure in this direction.

The wolf monster asked the gorilla in an irritating manner, "Rock what the hell happened here?"

As it appeared that the gorilla is a Rock Gorilla and have its outer skin looked like a web of rock all over it.

"How would I know, I have just came here as well" said Gorilla in an aggressive manner and he slammed his palm to the ground in an irritating manner.

The ground has already covered with holes and due to the aggressive attack of the gorilla, it caved in even more.

"What are you doing are you looking for a beating?" said the wolf furiously and growled at the Gorilla.

"Shut up you two, what is there to fight over, instead looking for the clues of treasures, you are fighting among ourselves" A angry and admonishing growl come out of the mouth of the Tiger monster.

"Yes Instead of fighting you should try to understand, what have happened here, If a treasure is born then who took it away under our nose and also wow the hell, there is so many of us have gathered but I didn't see the Mouse here" said the bird monster in a very elegant and melodious voice.

Hearing series of questions, all of them came to there senses.

"Yes where is that timid mouse" every one looks around to find the fifth counterpart of their group.

"Cough....Cough.... well you do not need to find me, I am here all along as I have also came at the same time as you guys" a timid cough heard and a Big rat like creature crawled out from one of the holes on the ground.

Wolf bared his teeth at the Rat and asked, "Rat, take the treasure out, let us all have a look."

As the wolf steps towards the rat so did the other monsters as well.

Rat immediately ducked back in the but the voice of the rat could be heard, "What are you guys doing, I didn't take any treasure, I was just searching for the clues as well like you guys"

Suddenly the bird monster stopped and looked towards the direction Vail have left,

This action of bird monster caught by the keen senses of the tiger as well.

It also stopped in his tracks, as the two stopped. remaining two also stopped irritatingly as they could not do anything to the rat monster the is already below the ground.

Monsters also understand that Rat would not be deceiving them as it would be doom to it in the long run as it was the weakest among them.

"Ok I am taking my leave as I have other things to do instead of watching children fighting"

"Ok O will also have leave as my partner is pregnant"

Almost at the same time the bird and tiger monster said to others as they turned to leave in the direction Vail is going.

Vail have been on the run for almost four or five hours as he pass through the monster beasts they were hammered by Thorn and then their body were thrown in the sub space.

He have killed at least twenty level three monsters and unknown numbers of lower rank monsters.

He doesn't look like he is on the run instead it looked like he if hunting like a crazy person and making his way towards the other parts of the jungle.

"Trinetri, have the commotion of the treasure really attracted the higher rank monsters or is it something else you have warned me about" said vail after remaining silent for quarter of the day.

{Yes, and Rank is much higher than you could think of, one is peak rank five and other is in rank six.}

{You are not in the safe as well because you have hunted several higher level monsters and it wont take long for them to locate you}

"What, why don't you told me earlier Trinetri" shocked Vail as he listened the monster level and started to run with all his might away from the direction where the battel took place.

.{You don't need to be afraid as you could just kill the monsters to your heart contain but this little vine is a problem that you need to solve first}

"Problem, what problem Trinetri" asked Vail doubtfully as he looked towards his hand where the Vine is circled around.

{Its fragrance is left on the Flower field and because of it, it wont take long for the monsters to understand that you were present at the scene where treasure was born} 


"Yes, I have almost forgot about the little Vines peculiarity" said Vail as came to a realization.

 "Hey Little Vine, do you have any method in your Inheritance that could be helpful for you to stop spreading the fragrance" said to the Vine.


"what are you waiting for, stop it immediately or we would become the food of the higher level monsters"

After sometime the Vine retracted the tiny flowers into its body and that also stopped the smell from spreading in the surrounding.

Vail again changed his direction again and speed up but this time he stopped at several places and changed his direction again and again until he reached a river of about fifty meter wide.

River is very muddy in color and it is difficult to see underneath it. its stream is also not steady as sometimes small waves are formed in it.

{I know what you are thinking but you need to be very careful in the water as well, monsters can be any where in the water as well}

"You are right Trinetri, I will be careful and not get distracted and also leave the map function so that it could warn me at a needed time." said Vail as he Jumped into the river.

He also loosened his shoulders and throw all un necessary things into the sub space and let himself float on the surface of the water and leave the rest to the fast flow of the water.

{You should use water bending stone and put it in your mouth so that it could be possible for you to submerged yourself in the water and breadth in the water as well}

{It is not very appropriate for you to be on the surface as the flying type monster beast have a sharp sight and they could easily spot you, and the water monster also likes to hunt on the surface of the water}

{Submerge yourself and with the help of flow of water you could travel a very long distance, without leaving any clue}

"Yes you are right and I could also hunt water monster beasts with Little Vines help and accumulate energy for my next break through" said vail as he took a water bending stone into his mouth, a thin layer of blue color covered Vail as he started to submerged himself into the water.

The thin layer also helps him filter water and only air could pass through present in the water.

Some water monster started to come near him thinking him as their prey, they were easily strangled by the Vine and the energy present was absorbed by Vail and System. 

Vail didn't want to shed blood so he is trying not to use weapon as that would make higher level monsters attracted towards him. That commotion is not beneficial for him as he in on the run.

During this time he have killed unknown numbers of monsters, some are even in their third rank and two monsters are in the fourth rank] one was a Cutter Fish and other one is Lune Octopus. To take them down he had to use his weapon as it was their turf.

He travelled under water till mid night and the energy present in the water bending stone is exhausted, so he have to come out of the water to have a good night sleep and next morning he would activate the next water bending stone. 

After coming out, he found a water fountain and behind the fountain, he carved himself a small cave for todays rest.

As he didn't want to attract too much attention by making fire to cook food, so just burned the meat of octopus and cutter fish and rest as well over fire stone to get somewhat burned. added some berries and other ingredients to make it favorable.

{You should not break through as you have not been able to consolidate your realm in the bone tempering}

{Your foundation would not be able to withstand future progress so you first consolidate your realm and find out minor details your body have gone through the last break through}

"Ok you are right, O didn't have been in this world for a long time, so I also need to enjoy myself and not to forget about the way I really am so as to not bread heart demons in myself"

{You are right, Immortality is Important but way towards Immortality is also Important}