Chapter.- 22 Secrets of Blood

Vail has two things in his mind, one is to see how the blood would affect this Big Tree other is that he would repay its favor.

Well it is not exactly a favor instead, it was also protecting itself but whatever it was, it makes Vail grateful.

The sun light scattering the vertically above that big tree and due to its crown there is a circular shade below it.

Just the drop of Blood touched the Big Tree, it was drilled into its bark and then its trunk as well.

After waiting for some time there is no reaction what so ever.

{You should not waste your blood like that, it could be harmful for your foundation and your future as well}

"What do you mean] Trinetri?" asked Vail in a confused manner.

{I have deciphered a little bit of the secrets with the help of my original Spirit Body, and your Unique Trait 'One' is particularly out of this universe}

{Brace your heart Vail, as it may come to a shock to you that you yourself may be a clone to a much powerful entity then myself}

"What..." Vail almost lost his consciousness and stumbled on a twig.

{I may be wrong and may be right as well, your destiny have been shield by someone, and not only you but your previous life may have been also a clone}

{Later you have been merged into one being}

{I may be wrong but the anomaly present in your body is a gateway to a vast heaven with immortal Qi leaking from it}

{During your last breakthrough my original spirit body have send me the information about you and the possibility as well}

{And it may also be possible that you yourself have made yourself a mortal to live life as an ordinary being to live and see life from several point of views}

It took some time for him to stood up and as he came to his senses, the Big tree started to shook and the whole crown of it looks like it would fell.

Sketching noise came from the ground and the ground shook very little and could be felt above the ground.


"Tri...Trinetri why would anybody want to live as a mortal and with several clones at that." asked Vail after some hesitation.

{There could be several purposes such as having achieved high level of cultivation but way to fast so leave clones so that they could achieve what the original body long for}

{Some principals and rules, laws etc. that helps the Heaven itself in governing the world also needs time and chance encounters to understand, so that we could form our own rules when we form our own universe after reaching a realm way above the Nascent Soul}

{There could be several reasons but that is not important right now, what is more important is that you could form your own clone with the help of your own unique ability 'One'}

 In front of Vail the bark on the outer layer of the Big tree start to burn and shed at a break neck speed and also the leaves and branches on the tree also makes a proportional leap that comes through the promotion in the rank.

Leaves becomes pointy and have the sharpness to cut through any rank 4 monsters easily.

The big trees promotion to rank 5 have also make its fruits regrow at a very fast speed.

First comes the flowers and the fruits comes right after that.

"Why do I need to form a clone of myself?" asked Vail as he didn't understand what Trinetri saying.

{You have reached Bone tempering realm peak and also stated your marrow tempering and organ tempering at the same time in a parallel}

{It would take several months to go through all these realms or may even take years to cross major realms}

{It would also take several resources and vast amount of meat and blood as well}

{You are in the outskirt of a mortal empire and you wont have enough resources till you reach the capital of the empire and it is at a very long distance from it}

"Trinetri, how do you know so much" vail said.

{My spirit body have scanned this world earlier and came to know that it is a vast world and distribution of forces is also very complicated}

{You are in the boundary area of the Empire and your have been in the forbidden forest that makes the boundary with that Empire}

{It is not completely a mortal empire instead it has cultivators but only in the first three realms of the Qi Cultivation if the Capital city is not counted}

{But you are already in the Bone tempering realm and it would not be any threat to you if you go out of the Jungle but if you stay here there could be several life and death battels you could benefit from}

{And if you made a clone you could experience life as a Qi Cultivator from the start and you won't have to really be afraid of getting your self killed in the process}

"How can I make clone and is there anything fro me to keep in my mind?" asked Vail.

{Your blood itself is the medium for the Clone}

{It could form a body in the astral space that have been hidden in your bloodline}

{Lets just say that you have 100 drops of blood and you have given one to the little vine, one for the Big tree in front of us and one as an inheritance in the cave and last one is in your weapon}

{Remaining 96 drops of blood could be used but you can not use more that 10 drops at the same time as it could be harmful to you to use more than that}

{Every drop of Blood represents equivalent energy that you need to break through in the minor realm}

{So after you make a clone you need to recover that amount of blood and in return you need to stay in that ream for a very long time}

{But in return you could get the benefits from the clone as you can cultivate Qi without really cultivating and to do that the clone have to cultivate double the amount of energy and again it would filtered through the system then the clone have to cultivate energy for four people at the same time}

"Well, the clone would be at a very disadvantageous if there is no cultivation at all" said Vail.

{As he would be made of your blood, every drop of the blood represent your own 1% of the body cultivation}

{And the system could also be connected to it at all time so indirectly the clone would be you, yourself}

"Then I would use 10 drops of my blood to make a new body for myself" said with an anticipated look.

{Yes it is a good choice as the new body be invincible in the Qi garnering realm with the body cultivation itself}

"Trinetri didn't you say that the strong vassal is needed for a good future in Qi cultivation" asked Vail his doubt.

{Your clone could handle the Qi cultivation in its initial stage and your original body would supplement it from time to time as you progress in the body cultivation as well}

{10% of the body cultivation at all time but if needed, just burn one drop of blood and the Clone body could suddenly get a whole major realm boost but after that it has to recover that blood with vast amount of Energy as well}

{You could also send the little vine with the clone body as an added protection}

"No need, let my clone body also have its own adventure and I could burn my blood if it really come to an adversary I could not overcome". said vail as he stared at the Big Tree in front of him.

The Tree have a taint of red on its brown bark and it looks like it have become a peak rank 5 monster.

"What has changed in the Trinetri" asked Vail.

{Your blood have extended his potential and made him a fully sentient being with his own thought process}

{It also presented a surprise for you as you can see in its roots, an entrance goes to your previously excavated cave}

Vail goes to the tree roots and the entrance is made like a circular ark, and the inside is looks like a Dome, in the center there is a small water lake of about five meter in diameter.


Vail startled by the sudden voice in his head as he could see that the vine is sleeping peacefully around his neck.

"Big guy did you just called me master" asked vail to the of the big tree above his head.

'Master.... Master....

{It didn't have a stable consciousness, but it will soon give birth to a whole consciousness and personality}

Vail decided to later entertain the little Big tree,

First he decided to make a clone of himself.

{You can just drop the blood drops in the lake and let them merge on their own}

"Is it that simple" asked vail as he thought that he would have to go through an as odious process to make a clone.

{Your blood have astral space in it that contains a natural ingredients to make clones, you could say that your unique ability 'one' is quite extraordinary}

Vail cuts his hand with the darts and started to drop blood drops in the water.

First Drop...

Second Drop...