A Tough Decision

Despite Oliver's attempts to make sure that the gap between them did not reduce, he was horrified to realize that the gap kept on reducing as the race went on.

He was already sweating bullets as he understood the consequences of losing this race. He was going to be destroyed if he lost, considering that Simon had placed a huge bet, in such a way that if he lost this race, he was going to lose a lot.

And with his current status, it was impossible for him to be able to return everything that Simon would have lost if he did not win this race. So, he was trying as much as possible, trying to use all the skills that he possessed in order to maneuver at the bends, but it was impossible for him to be able to lose Jack was coming at him.

But there was one thing that Oliver suddenly noticed. That was the fact that the gap between them kept on decreasing only at the bends. Even though he was a professional driver, he had to produce the speed at which he was driving the car.

At the end of it all, the car that he was currently driving was not an F1 racer. For that reason, it was going to be difficult for it to be able to maneuver at a corner that an F1 racer could easily do.

But now, from the way that he had seen it, it was as if Jack did not know that there were corners, for that reason, he just kept on moving at the same speed, drifting at the corners without reducing the speed of the car.

The thing that surprised him the most was the fact that despite the car drifting, and occasionally having tires of one side being left in the air, it did not roll over. Instead, it would keep on moving in the same way, before the tires landed back on the ground.

It was at this moment that Oliver's confidence was shattered. It was clear to him now that he was not dealing with just anybody. If it was just an ordinary youth, then, it was clear that Simon would have not come looking for him in order to compete in this race.

And now that he had seen the skills that Jack possessed, he was already regretting agreeing to participate in this race. And as he remembered how he had boasted that he would be able to win even if he drove the car with closed eyes, he felt even worse.

Jack on the other hand was driving the car quite calmly. The car that he was driving was high-tech, but it appeared quite ordinary. In fact, it had a very high speed, but Jack was not driving it at the maximum speed at all.

Instead, he had maintained a speed of just 200 mph. He did not go beyond that, and neither did he drop, unless it was at a bend, where the speed would reduce to about 198 or 196 mph.

He was not worried about defeating Oliver at all. After all, the race was consisting of three laps. And the number of bends that could be found within this racing tracks was twelve.

The crowd that was watching the race was thrilled. Some of them had already taken out their phones, and were recording the race. They wanted to share this moment with others, and perhaps they might influence their friends to join them in spectating such races.

Simon who was in the VIP area had already stood up. His body was already trembling, as he looked at the racing tracks. He saw that the gap between Oliver and Jack had already been closed down, and currently, the two cars were moving adjacent to each other.

Even though Simon could see that Oliver was gaining some distance again, he still understood that the moment that they got to a bend, it would be the time that Jack would overtake Oliver.

He was feeling nervous and frustrated at the same time. He was unwilling to lose what he had thought that he was going to win. But there was nothing that he could do here. Previously, he had lost to Jack, and thought that by inviting an expert, he would be able to win.

But it seemed that Jack was a monster when it came to racing. And that car without a brand that he was driving, Simon did not understand its origin. This was the first time that he was seeing such a car.

The speed at which it was moving was something that surprised him as well. Despite the curiosity that he was having about the car, he really wished that the car would roll over as it was drifting at a bend.

"It is happening! Oliver is going to lose this race!" Someone suddenly shouted from within the VIP area, making Simon's heart tighten.

He gazed towards the racing tracks, only to realize that in a moment that he was lost in his thoughts, somehow, Oliver and Jack had already reached another bend. And it was here that Jack was suddenly overtaking Oliver.

Oliver did not seem willing to concede to Jack, and for that reason, he was trying to drive in front of Jack, to block his path, but it was impossible, considering that for a moment, Jack's car suddenly shot forward at an incredible speed.

It was just momentarily, lasting for only a single second, but it was that second that had enabled Jack to be able to go past Oliver. And with that, he took the lead in the race.

Considering that Oliver had to reduce the speed at which he was driving the car at the bend, Jack who was moving at a high speed, immediately managed to create a gap between them.

But the moment that they reached an area where there was no sharp bend, they gap between them suddenly began reducing.

Inside his car, Oliver was looking towards Jack's that was in front of him with a venomous gaze. He had already decided in his heart that no matter what, he had to make sure that Jack would not win this race.

He decided to do something that he understood very well that it was going to lead to him being disqualified from the race. He wanted to make sure that Jack would roll over with his car.

If he did something like that, which was obviously against the rules, he would prevent Jack from winning the race. After all, for one to be able to win the race, they would have to go past the finishing line.

But as long as Jack's car was dismantled or rolled over before it reached the finishing line, then it would be impossible for him to be able to win the race. Even if Oliver would not win the race as well, and would be disqualified, at least, there would be no winner between the two of them.

Even if Simon would not get what he wanted, at least, he would also not lose. So, the punishment that he would be able to receive in case he survived the crash, would be minimal as compared to if Jack won the race.

They were currently in the second lap, just about to finish it and enter the final lap. But now, in order for him to be able to do what he was planning, Oliver would have to close in the gap that was in between them.

Currently, there was a gap that was more than 20 seconds. And the reason behind that was simply because Jack's car's speed was not as high as compared to the one that Oliver was driving, which was something that allowed him to be able to reduce the gap whenever they were in the part of the tracks that did not have sharp bends.

Oliver gritted his teeth, making yet another decision. He understood that it was impossible for him to be able to close in the gap just from depending on this single situation. Instead, he would have to depend on making sure that the gap did not grow at the sharp bends.

Having made a decision, this time, as he approached a bend, Oliver did not slow down, something that surprised the spectating crowd. Many people could not help but open their eyes wide, as they gape at the car as it approached the bend.

"Is Oliver insane? Has he lost his mind? He is actually not slowing down? Don't tell me that he is going to try the same stunt as that guy in front of him?"

"What do you know? The one in front is just a youngster, and perhaps Oliver was just giving him a chance. Now, maybe Oliver has decided that the game has to end, and is no longer going to play around."

"Don't joke around. Even if the one in the lead is just a youngster, he has incredible driving skills. That is not something that can be matched just because a person is an F1 racing driver, or older. One would need skills to be able to accomplish that."

"Why do you care? Just relax and watch the race. I want to see if Oliver can succeed in doing this."

Hurried conversations could be hard within the crowd as they watched as Oliver approached a bend. No sooner had they finished speaking that Oliver reached the bend.

The car began drifting, which was to be expected considering that it was a sharp turn at the bend. In the next moment, the wheels on the right side of the car were suddenly lifted in the air.

This was not something that surprised the spectating crowd, as they had seen it occurring several times as Jack went past the corners in the same way.

But in the next moment, they realized that there was something wrong. The car actually continued leaning towards one side, and in the next moment, the car rolled over!