Mud Grinder

"Hey, why the long face, you look like you haven't eaten for days, would you like some food" Tagery Tion said a bright smile on his face as he stared at the gloomy beauty sitting opposite him.

"You pushed yourself to the max in your last mission, it's just been a week since then and now you're already going on another mission."

"Ehhh, I'm sorry Leah, it's just that over the past few days, I've accumulated a lot of knowledge and come across new inspiration and I just wanted to put my gains into practice."

To Tion's words, Leah's face only twisted and she looked down and the vast greenery that hung way below then, Tion soon joining in her gaze.

At the moment, Tion and Leah were sitting on an over 100-meter bird, the creature was blessed with long talons that could easily divide a man in two and wings that could easily block out the sun over a village.

This creature was a summon of Leah, and at the moment it was being used to transport the woman and her prince to the location of his mission target.

Though Leah kept gazing at the greenery below, Tion soon looked away because unlike Leah whom he was sure could somehow clearly see the scene below despite the swift speed of the bird they were on, all Tion could see was blurs and with disinterest he looked away from it and focused back on the beautiful woman in front of him.

"Why didn't you bring Emily and Maria, though they might not fight, I figured you would want them to watch and get some experience" Tion genuinely asked"

"We just got back from a mission yesterday, they need rest."

Tion had just taken out a brown scroll when Leah responded and he couldn't help but look up at her in surprise.

"If you're just getting back from a mission, then why didn't Mom have someone else to take me" Tion asked but his only reply was a pointed stare from the woman.

"What, there's no way she's really going to stick with those words she said right?" Tion said taken aback

"Other than me and herself, your mother trusts no other person to look after you when you're out of the capital or on a mission."

"Well, that's quite paranoid of her, I'm sorry that you've been dragged into this. I'll talk to her when we get back" Tion said, and he would have gone back to looking at his scroll if a sudden thought didn't get into his mind.

"But your mom's right-hand woman, shouldn't you be able to talk some sense into her."

Tion had a confused expression on his face when he asked this question but then the death stare that Leah gave him made him smile wryly and look away, his attention going back to the brown scroll, the boy opening it and going through his mission specifics one more time.


Affiliation: Mamonth rogue mage

Mission: Kill or capture Potters Aka Mud grinder.

Bounty: 25000 Brels 


Staring at Tion who was focused on his mission scroll, Leah could only hide her killing intent from him and then look away with a sigh.

"This is a disaster, what would the world think if they knew the most powerful human is actually now putty in the hands of a 19-year-old.

I feel like just killing him and bringing things to what they were before, but look at him, his innocence and desire to learn is just so charming" Leah thought and when she realized what had just thought, she could only internally scream at herself.

The bird flew for a couple more hours, taking the pair far from the capital and over several cities, before landing on the ground and disappearing in a cloud of smoke, leaving Leah and Tion to cover the remaining distance by foot.

The pair ran for a while through the dense vegetation and by the 20th minute, Tion found just himself speeding past the trees and muddy ground all alone.

Putting on black pants, a black jacket, a black wolf mask that covered his face and turned his hair black and a having a black katana strapped to his back, Tion continued on his way without the slightest surprise at Leah's disappearance.

Within the Mamonth empire, there were 4 great states, 8 states and numerous towns and villages.

All states had a capital which was a major city surrounded by thick high walls and in these major cities, there was a lord who ruled over this city, minor cities, towns and villages in the state.

Potters Aka Mud grinder came from Yulong state, one of the 4 great States and was a native of Libro one of the many villages in the state. He was the son of a blacksmith who at the early age of 10 had registered to join the empire's military.

With his notable physical strength, Potters had been accepted into one of the academies of the states and with time had been sent to an academy in Capital.

There had been quite a few expectations for potters, but in his fourth year at the academy, just after he had gotten his avatar spirit awakened, the boy's father had died and with permission from the school he had returned home.

Potter's return was meant to be temporary, a period to grieve his father, but after the boy went home, he never returned, the boy ignoring all calls by the state ordering him to return.

Now before one's Avatar spirit was awakened, oaths of loyalty to the Empire were always taken, and this meant Potters's refusal could have been treated as insubordination and the boy treated as a criminal, but in the end, someone up in the office decided to be merciful and declare no warrant for arrest of the pitiful 14-year-old.

Now it had been close to 12 years since the incident and after several rumours and speculation, the empire had finally found proof that Potters was the head of a local gang that dealt in the smuggling of hard drugs and quite possibly weapons through the empire, most importantly, there were a couple of deaths linked to him.

With such a profile, a fresh private order for the death or capture of the mud grinder had been put out and Tion just so happened to be the one that got the job.