Denise And Leah

Dressed in white tight pants, white diamond heels, a shirt that had its last three buttons undone and her official white and golden robe was Ragnar Denise and at the moment she had a cold expression on her face.

With every step that Denise took a wave of absolute cold air further spread in the red-painted hallway she was walking through.

As the woman moved, she went past many people, and while a few of these people, actively had their mana running through them, as for the rest when they saw the Empress, they bowed to her from far away and with fear in their eyes turned and quickly ran the other way.

Behind Ragnar Denise, dressed in her very contrasting outfit of black pants and jacket was Leah, and seeing this scene the woman was not the least bit surprised after all this was a common occurrence with Denise.

Though it wasn't something she did every time, most of the time when Denise moved, she let just a tiny bit of her mana leave her body, and the consequence was the air around immediately going absolutely cold and becoming deadly.

By this time, everyone in the Palace knew that if the Empress was in her chill mode as they began calling it, unless you have the strength and confidence that you can resist the cold, then turn and flee the other way.

Any newcomer in the palace at this time will be surprised to find that in a particular area in the palace, whispers of how the queen was in her chill mode and was approaching were spreading and that as this information was spread, people began hurrying about.

While Leah could do something about Denise's death chill and sometimes did, the woman was at the moment thinking about the literal bare-ass spanking Denise had given her before they left her office.

With each thought of how hard Denise's hand had collided with her naked butt cheeks, Leah could feel her bottom lips getting moist, but then after a turn that saw them pass through some huge double doors, Leah was forced to come out of her perverted mind and look at Denise who had begun subtly skipping, a hum coming out of her face, while the cold expression and chill she had been spreading disappeared.

"You did bad letting my baby boy get hurt Leah, but most importantly you did excellent in letting him get a real test of pain and trauma" Denise who was in front and all smiles at this point said.

"Thanks" Leah simply said, not surprised by Denise's words.

While most mothers who loved their children especially those completely obsessed with them would by now be all panicky and rushing to check on their babies, Denise was pretty much calm about that matter and that was because Leah had told her he was alright at the moment.

While Denise was indeed quite eager to meet her son, at the moment she couldn't help but begin having thoughts of how when Tion would wake up he would become a total mommy's boy, one who wanted to be close to her at all times.

Denise could imagine him always crying for her like a toddler and always wanting to be in her embrace.

A stupid smile claimed Denise's lips and she with convenience ignored the two little girls she passed on her way that greeted her.

Luckily for the woman, or as she expected, Leah who was behind her took care of the situation with a single wave of her hands, her action having the girls who could only be her two students see their Empress in a dignified state and answering their greetings before moving past them.

Leah waved her students off as she went past them and then she sighed.

"We're about to reach the room get some control of yourself," Leah said.

"Hmm, was that Emily and Maria we just passed," Denise said, turning and looking at the two girls who were walking away, a sneaky smile on her face, one which Leah knew.

"No" Leah simply said, her tone cold and eyes narrowed and in response to her words, a pout climbed Denise's face and she looked forward.

"Hmmpf, you don't know what you're missing out on, this is a one-time opportunity for your students to be part of the life of the best man in the world" Densie muttered in a low tone, shaking her head like Leah had truly made a bad mistake.

To Denise's words, Leah stayed silent, not seeing any reason to say a word and fall for her Empresses' trap.

A few seconds later, both women came before a double door and as the door was swung open by just the pressure from Denise's body, a dignified expression graced the woman's face and her steps became one of a woman filled with confidence and arrogance.

The room both women stepped into was quite large, a semi-hall not being a bad description for it, but despite the sparkling precious stones inlaid in its walls, the lit-up chandeliers, the heavenly scent that filled, and the dozen half-naked women that filled it, both women's eyes only focused on the large king sized bed that lay at the other end of the room, a bed which was currently empty.

Despite the vacancy of the bed, something which was not to be, both women calmly walked into the room, their steps firm and they only stopped moving when they were close to the bed and standing beside a blond woman dressed in a maid outfit that had her head bowed.

"Where is Tion" Denise calmly asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He woke up and left, he said he wanted to be alone," Ciara said with her head bowed, not daring to stare at the white-haired woman in front of her.

A dead silence had descended upon the room the moment Denise and Leah had stepped into it, the several nearly naked women who had been lying around were now all on their feet and all of them had their heads bowed.

Denise stayed silent for several seconds after Ciara spoke, and Leah seeing this decided to speak.

"Everyone except you two leave."

Leah's voice was quite calm and low as she spoke, but that did nothing to stop everyone in the room from hearing her words and without needing to be told twice immediately scampering out of the room.

Seconds after the room had been nearly vacated four individuals just its occupants, Denise whose gaze had been forced on the empty bed, particularly the spot where she had last seen her son speak.

"Tion has been out for nearly four days, so tell me what exactly did he say that made you allow him to leave the moment he woke up."

"All he said was that he had some inspiration and wanted to try out a technique, I tried to stop him but he ignored me and rushed out," Ciara said and this time unlike earlier, there was a tremble in her voice and the next second Denise proved to her that she was right to be afraid because without warning the Empress threw out her left arm, connecting the back of her hand with Ciara's left cheek.