A Prince's Words

"Ehhh, what is happening"


"I don't understand, you're saying just now absorbed another avatar spirit?"


"What do you mean yes, I thought you couldn't do anything till I was fully healed."


"Oh, that's actually convenient since it means that we can always absorb our opponent's avatar spirits even if we get heavily injured during the battle, but still what is the point of absorbing the spirit now, my inner body is in shambles and I don't think filling my damaged core with mana is a good idea."


"Well, if you aren't going to use it to increase my mana core, then what will you do with it."


"You're kidding right, no way you're serious at the moment."


"Oh, while it's sad that you can't yet make jokes, do you still realize the implications of what you just said?


"Lazy of you to leave the implementation and thinking part to me, but still, the ability to absorb avatar spirits and then use them to heal myself, do you know how ridiculous that is.

I could be undying" Tion thought in awe, but then a worried voice brought him out of his reverie.

"Your Highness, are you okay" One of the men beside Potters said, walking up to Tion and waving his hand in front of him.

"Ahh yes, I'm good, sorry for spacing out, I just needed to do some thinking," Tion said looking at the three and only people before him but then just as he finished his words, a thought came to his mind.

"They are all alive."

"Say, where do you get an avatar spirit from, everyone in this room is alive and still breathing" Tion said asking a question he should have asked right from the start but had been too shocked by the fact that his avatar spirit could function in any capacity.


"Are you thinking of ways to torture me?" Potters asked, his words gaining Tion's gaze and attention.

"No, I'm not that petty and you are actually quite a lucky man" Tion said and then stood to his feet."

"Where are you going?" Potters asked, also trying to stand up but being held in place by the chains that bound him to his chair.

"I'm leaving, is there a problem?"

"You can't just leave me like this, my family will perish if I remain in here, they will have no one to protect them" Potters vehemently said his eyes going a bit wet as he struggled in his seat while looking at Tion desperately.

Hearing Potters's words, Tion blinked his eyes at the man in confusion and then spoke.

"I don't understand, how is that my problem." The boy asked with a raised eyebrow.

Potters was taken aback for a second and then quickly answered Tion with the same desperate look, but this time with a bit of anger and fear.

"I was living peacefully with my family before you came, I protected my wife and children and kept them safe, but now that you've come and taken me, you've left them unprotected and whatever happens to them is on your head."

"I see" Tion said and without another word turned and walked, taking the door that led out of the room.

"Give them an inch and they'll take an edge" Tion muttered as he was once more walking through the white corridor.

Just because in their battle Tion had become distracted by the appearance of a woman and a child, Potters thought this was a weakness and decided to try to use it to manipulate Tion into getting him out of prison.

Tion didn't know if Potters thought of him as an idiot or was just desperate to get out of prison, but with ease, he pushed the matter out of his head and moved to a more important thought.

"You are sure that there are actually a group of people being killed in the prison at the moment."


"Well, this is a horrible waste of resources and I can't just let this happen" Tion muttered with a grin as he increased his pace.

According to Tion's gourd, the avatar spirit it had absorbed was actually from a bunch of avatar spirits it had suddenly sensed appearing in the prison.

Though the fact that his gourd could pick up on avatar spirits through several obstacles and over a long-range surprised Tion, it was a welcomed one and the boy was quick to act upon this new information.

"There are a couple of people in this prison being killed at the moment, take me to them," Tion said to the guard he met at the end of the empty white corridor he had been walking through.

"Ehrrrm okay your Highness," The guard said, a confused expression on his face.

Within a few minutes, after going through several hallways and security checks, the guard led Tion into a large courtyard that had about two dozen people in it, some dressed in green clothes while the rest were dressed in a blue and white uniform.

"Your Highness" a man who had been calmly watching the rest of the people from the side said walking up to Tion and lightly bowing his head.

"Erhh Hello," Tion said not sure how to address the man.

"I am the warden of the royal prison Your Highness, Yuhn Joe." The man said introducing himself his expression respectful.

Whether the ma truly respected him or not Tion did not care, he nodded to the man's words and then turned to the men in green clothes.

"Warden Joe, who are these men."

"They are criminals who have been sentenced to death, today is the day of their execution" Joe replied.

"Well today is their lucky day, there is a change of plans Joe, rather than kill them, have them all properly bound and sent to my quarters."

The appearance of a white-haired teen that could make the warden humbly offer his greetings had drawn the attention of everyone and considering that Tion had not been hiding his words, everyone had heard what he had said and they couldn't help but look at him in confusion same as Joe.

"Are these orders from the Empress," Joe asked with a frown.

"Nope they are mine, but if you are insistent on being a strict man and only following the words of your superiors, then we can always take this issue to my mother and see if she agrees that you should be heavily punished for ignoring my words, the words of your princes," Tion said, but this time his voice was low and his words heard only by joe.