Time For Fun Is Over

For the 19 years of his life which he had lived, Tion had always been content with what he had, with his father's teachings in his earlier years, though yes, Tion strived for greatness in whatever aspect he focused on, he was never also quite greedy for what others had and he didn't, most especially when it came to having a mother.

For all his life, Tion had never known his mother, and the closest thing he had ever gotten to a mother figure was Mei, and even then, it was better not to call her a mother figure as that would be an insult to mothers.

It wasn't that Mei had mistreated Tion or been bad to him, but more like funny enough the woman had been in a way more of a sister to him, and there were even times when she behaved like a little sister and Tion had to be the one to pamper her.

Though the dynamics between the two of them was never stable, Tion truthfully loved his aunt, and with the love, care and guidance that his father had given him, the boy lacked nothing for attention and emotional guidance, so given that Denise had quickly warmed her way into his heart to the point that at the moment he was sure he actually cared for her and actually saw her as his mother was a great feat.

It wasn't that Tion was cheap, but that when a woman who is the most powerful human in the world and the ruler of the most powerful nation sends her sexy cook to pleasure you while she herself personally prepared for you a delicious meal, you would have to be heartless not to appreciate this woman and also see that she genuinely cared for you.

"It's been a while since I've tasted your meals" Tion said as he sat at the table and stared at one of the greatest sights no other man in the world had ever seen.

Denise in nothing but a flimsy short gown that showed a lot of her hips facing away from Tion and cooking, the woman occasionally bending down and giving the boy glimpses that made him thankful that his ball had been completely emptied by Nalia and her team.

"Well, there were two times when I wanted to come over to your quarters and cook, but then I would remember that you have decided to run off and go pointlessly risk your life" Deise said and Tion hearing this immediately had a change of mood.

Stubborn and headstrong were two words that Tion would absolutely use to bitterly describe his mother and as he heard the first of her words, he knew that today's meal wouldn't be ending in his favour.

"Tion, do you know how powerful Leah is" Denise randomly asked her question watching Tion's eyes move to the woman who was sitting just opposite him on the table and idly playing around with the spoons.

"I know she's freaky strong and ranks amongst the ten most powerful people in the world" Tion said, sighing internally at how he got to see the soft and uncool side of these insanely powerful women.

"Exactly she ranks amongst the top 10 and yet she is my bitch, that should tell you how much more powerful I am" Denise said and at that point, she left her spot at the kitchen counter and began placing bowls filled with hot delicious looking food on the table.

Tion wanted to stand up and help his mother place the rest of the meal, but Leah was quick to stand up, and so the boy could only wait for the meal to be set and soon dig into it.

The first minutes of the meal were filled with Tion internally apologizing to his father as he had to acknowledge that his mother was a way better cook and then he praised her cooking, something which he knew the woman genuinely loved to hear from him.

"So how was Nalia" Denise asked after silence had descended on the table for quite some time and they were half away into their meal.

"Ehh, what do you mean," Tion asked looking at his mother.

"I mean look at her body, her figure sometimes leaves me speechless and having to go check the mirror just to be sure that I'm still better looking than her.

How about I transfer her to your quarters and have her stay with you."

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty satisfied with Ciara" Tion said but this only made his mother frown.

"Ciara is good, Tion, but Nalia is the best, I know you've become used to Ciara, but you've tasted a bit of Nalia, can you imagine the amazing things that are in store for you with her."

"Yes Mom, and that is all the more reason for me to reject her, with her body she'll turn me into a sex addict, and I know that as much as you want me to move around putting my dick into anything with a pussy, you also don't want me to turn into an idiot," Tion said liking the fact that he could be quite free with his mother.

"Though I think you're exaggerating what I think about you, you are also right in that I don't want you to be some sex junkie.

I won't speak more of the topic, but if you ever want her, feel free to come around and use her as you please."

If someone heard the way Tion's mother spoke about the women under her charge, they would think her an evil woman who had no care for other people's desires, but Tion who knew the truth knew that her mother was just an absolute degenerate.

She filled her quarters with only women, women who had for some reason agreed to sign their lives over to her and at the moment Tion wasn't going to even wonder why they did that.

"Well leaving the fun stuffs, let's go to the troublesome ones, why did you run off immediately after you woke up in the hospital, then there is also the case of you taking death row prisoners to your quarters, what is going on Tion," Denise asked, and this time even Leah turned to Tion, the woman finally showing a bit of interest.

Most men placed in Tion's spot would have peed their pants, but the boy easily shrugged off the tension that threatened to mount on him and answered his mother.

"Nothing much, I have just become quite invested in training my physical body.

When I realized how much time I had spent sleeping in bed, I ran to get in some exercises and well the prisoners were for me to use as sparring partners. 

Don't worry I always double-check to make sure their mana is sealed and their strength restricted.

"I see," Denise said and then went back to her meals.

Minutes filled with silence passed and just when Tion was about to finish his meal, Denise spoke.

"From today onwards, there will be no more going out on missions for you, I allowed you to go run outside the capital because I wanted you to have a bit of fun and experience before the real work starts, and well I believe at this point you have played enough.

"From now on, you will begin spending your time with me and learning administrative duties, so you can be a royal counsellor and even get a seat on the civilian counsel is that clear."
