Risks And Death

The lightning avatar spirit in Tion's black gourd was a level 2 spirit gotten from Kon drizzle a B rank mage.

This avatar spirit was the first and only avatar spirit which Tion had tried absorbing memories from, and though he had gotten a ton of valuable knowledge, experience and techniques from it, sometimes, he couldn't help but be vexed by how long it was taking for him to absorb the memories.

Fantasies of the several mages with incredible techniques who he could get killed and then absorb their memories occasionally went through Tion's mind, but unfortunately or perhaps fortunately his cheat had its limit and he could only be patient.

When the black gourd had told Tion that rather than continue to try squeezing the lightening avatar spirit of all the memories of its previous owner, it could instead be used to replenish Tion's mana, try as he might, the boy could not help but think of the consequences of this new information.

Recently, the ability that the black gourd had made known to Tion was the ability to absorb avatar spirit and use it to increase his mana core, and this concept was totally different from the one of replenishing his mana.

The concept of increasing Tion's core size was to increase the size of the container within his body where his mana was stored which would mean that his body would now hold more mana while the concept of replenishing Tion's mana meant that as long as he had an avatar spirit within himself, he could now refill his mana core whenever he wished.

The realization that he had gotten another big cheat had Tion shiver for a second and then he gave the black gourd the go-ahead, a smile climbing his face when seconds later he felt a cool sensation within his core.

"For a second, I feared the process would take a long time" Tion muttered, feeling relief as a sort of dismissive heavy weight which had been on his mind cleared away and a last bit of information which he found quite convenient for his situation pooped into his head.

"Screaming Bolt"

Just as the lightning avatar spirit was being transformed into food for Tion's starving mana core, it successfully gave the boy one last fighting technique to add to his arsenal and the boy had no qualms immediately putting the technique to good use.

As the well-compressed and compacted lightning which he had used to defend himself exploded outwards, Tion had been quick to send a lightning bolt charging towards Barak, and despite the man being quick enough to retreat and fiercely block the raging attack, his plies were far from over as Tion soon connected with the charged air around him.

Several theories and facts concerning lightening rapidly went through Tion's mind and before the boy knew it, he was converting his mana to lightning and then sending it charging through his body, stimulating his nerves and in this way putting him on the same frequency as the charged air all around him, this sudden situation making the boy super aware of his surroundings and having a reaction speed that would leave his normal self jealous.

Like a veteran who was teaching a novice the ropes, Tion went throwing attacks too fast for Barak to react to, and while to an onlooker he looked cool and powerful, only the boy knew how much pain he was going through him as lightning went running through him.

With his nerves in pain, his back injured, his swords continuously being pumped with mana and his body continuously being charged with lightning, even with the fresh new mana which was being pumped into him, Tion didn't have much time.

The young prince knew that he had to hurriedly kill Barak, and so without hesitation, he cleared his mind of everything and entered into a state even deeper than the 'zone'.

Barak's blood was all Tion craved for and as he agonizingly battled the man, he prepared his body to command his mana like it were a limb, preparing to risk his life to win the battle.

Though Tion didn't know why, for the first time in his life, at the end of a tunnel whose distance he had no idea about, he could see a light, and though he saw that light just for a brief moment, Tion was ready to go all in just to arrive at that light one day.

"Though I have more likely bitten off more than I can chew, I couldn't have asked for a better fight.

Though there is a mix of pain, agony and frustration, there is also the excitement from having all these clashing feelings while my heart pumps blood as fast as it can."

Taking a step back and then leaning away, Tion narrowly avoided a roundhouse kick, this kick having been Barak's attempt to break the deadlock he was in and give himself some breathing space.

Unfortunately for the man, Tion still had juice in him and with his extra high sensitivity was able to avoid his attack, and not even knowing when, a smile came to the boy's face as he sent his katana swinging.

A roundhouse kick was a move which while quite fast was also rather weak and most importantly took a bit too much time to recover, and while it had been a worthwhile gamble on Barak's side to save himself from Tion, now that the attack had failed, the man had to deal with the consequences of his decision.

A much louder screaming sword, slicing through the flesh of his chest was Barak's punishment, and though the man's action of trying to backpedal, helped him avoid a deep cut, the lightning on the blade did a good job of getting into his soul and shocking his vulnerable nerves.

This electrocution had Barack's body tremble and freeze for just a second, but that second was all Tion needed, initially, Tion had already begun thinking of risking his life to win the battle, but now an opportunity had come and with every fibre of his being, Tion was bent on not wasting it.

Just as Barak's stumbling body was recovering from the cut he had received across his chest, Tion who was just recovering from the strike he had delivered, put strength into his legs and rammed into Barak who was about to bring his sword to guard.

With his smaller frame and lack of built-up momentum, Tion's hit had Barak only taking a step backwards, but in the end, that was all Tion needed, because while the close distance made it impossible for Tion and Barak to use their weapons, Tion had no qualms, pouring mana into his left hand and then converting it to lightening as it left his body and then stabbing Barak's heart which was pressed against his body.