Pointless Dreams

"I know I have a crap avatar spirit Leah, but you've seen my potential, you know how good my mana control is, you know how excellent my lightning manipulation is, don't you see that I have the potential to become a powerful mage," Tion asked unable to avoid looking desperate.

"I do Tion, I do see your potential, I actually do," Leah said looking away from her students and giving Tion her gaze for a few seconds."

"Then why do you say nothing, if anything, at least get my mom to reduce her restrictions on me," Tion asked a bit of confusion on his face.

"Because in the end, your mother is right Tion," Leah said and before Tion could come up with some words to refute Leah, she turned to him again and spoke.

"You are right Tion, you actually have the potential to become a powerful mage, but in the end what gain does that bring to the Empire?

We already have a lot of powerful mages in the empire Tion and with the strongest human being being our Empress, the kind of mages this empire truly needs now are outright overwhelmingly powerful mages, mages who can walk into the capital of an enemy empire and have chance of leaving alive, mages who can enter into the deepest parts of the crack, meet the most powerful of vampires, titans and elves and still come back alive.

In the grand scheme of things Tion, you becoming a mage is a totally useless and unnecessary risk, you should listen to your mother and look into administration, back on the farm you sought to be a great farmer and help alleviate hunger, now that you are a prince, why not see how you can better aid people in that aspect."

Leah's words made Tion go speechless for a few seconds, and then the next instant without him even knowing it, Tion lost his cool, letting tendrils of his mana explode out of him.

"You all speak so nobly about what is best for me, but what about what I want, my own dreams and desires" Tion said and the boy who would have spoken some more if Leah hadn't simply glanced at him and somehow had his own mana core slowing and shutting down on its own.

"Don't distract my students" Leah harshly reprimanded the boy who was still trying to adjust to his sudden powerlessness.

"You guys continue," the teacher said to the two girls who had stopped fighting and began looking at them and then turned to the frowning boy below her.

"You speak of dreams and desires, so tell me Tion what is it you desire that your mother cannot provide you with?

Is it the most beautiful of princesses, name the Empire and you'll have their precious daughter in your bed by the end of this week, is it an Emperor or Empresses head, be a good boy to your mother for a few days and soon the news of an Emperor's death will fill the world's headline.

Do you desire me Tion, tell your mother and by tonight she will gladly share me with you.

Is it power or riches, prove yourself a good administrator and your mother wouldn't mind letting you be prime minister, second only to her.

Everything you want, you have ready at your feet, so tell me Tion what is this great desire you so passionately wish to achieve."

"I'm going to become the most powerful being to ever exist," Tion said with conviction.

Other than his avatar spirit, no one else knew about Tion's ambition to become the strongest but today out of frustration he had said it and with a glare, he watched as an amused smile climbed Leah's face.

"That's such a noble dream Tion. Now tell me which old witch lied to you that you were destined for such greatness."

"I decide what I am destined for" Tion fired back with a growl.

"Hmm, you've overstayed your welcome my delusional prince, it's time for you to leave," Leah said and then returned her gaze to her students.

Feeling frustrated and angry with Leah's blatant and rude rejection, Tion turned to Emilia and Maria, his teeth gritted as he watched the two continue in the physical exchange, both girls having probably been restricted from using their mana.

Though at this point, Tion was confident he could match up to and even overpower them in a hand-to-hand exchange, remembering that all this was only possible because of the black gourd, he couldn't help but feel jealous of their natural talent.

"They are both really talented and most importantly beautiful, I wonder what I would have to do to get Mom to make them my cock suckers," Tion thought out loud.

After speaking these words, Tion took a mental gulp and it was only when a voice rather than the feeling of danger hit him that he felt a bit of relief.

"You should be careful with your words Tion, accidents happen even in the capital," Leah said.

"Sure, they are talented and have a bright future, but what is their puny future compared to the desires of the prince of Mamonth and the person whom the Empress favours above all, right Leah?" Tion said.

"Get out" the woman spoke an edge to her tone, while a feeling of dread and death washed over Tion, but with annoyance, the boy ignored the feeling and turned to Leah directly looking at her predatory gaze.

"Just as they have dreams they wish to achieve, so do I, and I don't care what limited imagination or thinking you have, but I will become the strongest, now you have the chance to either help me and make this Empire greater or you can sit back down like an obedient puppy and watch me rise and then decide the future of your precious students."

"My loyalty is first and foremost to you Mother, and without the slightest regret, I would rather see this entire empire burn than betray her.

I pick the option of sitting back like a puppy and serving your mother while watching you attempt to climb a wall you can't even see."

"No, you'll be sitting at the bottom and watching me stand at the top, that I promise you," Tion said as he turned and walked away.