The First Step


[DATE: 14.10.2024 MONDAY]

[TIME: 03:26 PM]

The place was huge, probably the biggest thing in the entire mall. The nice scent of perfume and relaxing music in the air made the atmosphere pretty. Though it was pure chaos. The lines for the stands where items were sold reached outside the place.

Some lines were blocking the way in the mall, requiring people to go around. Daniel was standing at the back of the lines, having to wait so long just to sell 2 things was overwhelming.

He thought to himself "I should've skipped school today so I could've come when they opened...". Skipping school wasn't a valid option either but it was probably for the best, yet Daniel gave up on that option because he didn't feel good doing so.

From the distance a man in a nice suit with a black hat, making sure to be barely seen is sipping from a cup of well-made latte. The man was looking at Daniel while writing a weird number on his phone and then calling it.

The man spoke in a respectful tone towards the other person on the other side of the line.

"I've found the boy with the black key, sir."

"Bring him to Varna as quick as possible..."

The other side responded, in a low and sharp tone before hanging up. The man sighed, standing up and walking towards Daniel. He stood in front of Daniel with a fake smile, speaking in a warm voice.

"Hello there, do you have a minute?"

Daniel glanced at him and responded curious.

"Uhh yeah, what is it?"

"Well I saw a young boy waiting on the line, wasting his time and I decided to tell you something that might be in your interest! I and my partners are doing an event the entire week in Varna where you'll be able to sell your stuff for way bigger prices!"

Daniel looked amazed, knowing that was exactly what he needed, and responded even more interested.

"Sounds great, but why exactly are you doing that? Won't you just lose money?"

The man, now having Daniel wrapped around his finger looked at Daniel, and responded.

"Well, we're doing that for nature! We found out that the stuff found in apartments can be turned into eco-friendly materials. The energy coming from them can also replace the use of electricity and gas!"

Daniel needed to go and wanted to accept but in his lack of money, he had to decline.

"Uhm, I can't. I don't have the money to go to Varna right now."

The man thought to himself that he couldn't let go of Daniel right after finding him and put his fake smile back on, continuing to speak using his silver tongue. 

"Hmm, show me what you have..."

Daniel reached into his pocket, pulling out the golden grenade and golden knife he got 2 days ago. The man looked at them carefully, seemingly analyzing every single detail, and then continued to talk.

"These look too useful to be passed on. My partners surely will like it! I'll get a ride sure for you, just give me your number and we can talk later on the phone about your traveling!"

After Daniel gave the man his coordinates, they walked away from each other. As they were distancing the man thought to himself "Finally...I did what you wanted'll finally be able to look at me again."

As Daniel sat at a table in a small restaurant in the mall and ordered food he turned his attention to the TV.

"BREAKING NEWS! Two famous doorbreakers, Konstantin Velichkov and Orlin Ivanov got into a fight inside a yellow door! Shooting from the clash itself!"

Then the TV showed the 2 men fighting, destroying everything in their way. Konstantin smashed his great hammer towards Orlin, but Orlin dodged swiftly, going to the side of Konstantin.

Ready to stab him, he lunged right into Konstantin but Konstantin sent him flying using gravity manipulation. Orlin stood up, smirking while talking mockingly.

"So scared to keep your distance from my small little blade?"

"The only thing I'm scared of is the consequences I'll suffer after dislocating your head from your shoulders and making a cup out of it..."

Replied Konstantin with a grin while ripping his cotton shirt off. They both rushed at each other with determination and power, ready to end the other's life but then between them appeared Bulgaria's National Door Breaker, Grozda Nikolova.

She turned her body into steel, easily taking their attacks and then grabbing them by the throats and slamming them down into the ground.

Daniel looked away from the TV, thinking to himself what crazy heads the stronger doorbreakers are. He was afraid deep in himself because he knew he'd meet all 3 of those at some point. The feeling inside of him was screaming that it was not the last time he saw them.


[DATE: 14.10.2024 MONDAY]

[TIME: 04:10 PM]

The boss of the casino, Evgeni Radkov Dinev was sitting on a large couch. He spoke, revealing his shiny golden teeth.

"Cigarette and fire. Now."

His underlings around him stood all afraid. One of them took out a cigarette, putting it into Evgeni's mouth and another one lit a 5 lev (ABOUT 2.78USD) banknote on fire, using it to light their boss' cigarette.

He took a puff off his cigarette and then threw the cigarette on the ground, mockingly. He spoke up, commandingly.

"Pick it up, I'm in a good mood. I don't want the carpet to burn."

Another one of his underlings kneeled, picking up the cigarette, afraid of their lord's merciless anger. As the underling tried to stand up, Evgeni put his feet on his back, using him for a foot table, and then mumbled "Show quest".

Then a purple hologram that only Evgeni could see appeared before him, saying:





He mumbled to himself as he ordered another cigarette from his underlings.


[DATE: 14.10.2024]

[TIME: 05:01 PM]

Daniel walked through the hallways, children playing around reminding him of the younger him. He knew he would save the orphanage. Daniel walked into his room, glancing at the old stitched scarf he always kept dear to him.

Then he proceeded to get up and point his hand towards a water bottle. He tried to focus invisible energy into his hand, trying to mimic Nathaniel's movements and then he closed his hand.

A knife appeared, stabbing the water bottle in the side. Daniel was shocked, yet excited. He managed to recreate Nathaniel's powers first try. "What a power.." he thought to himself.

He continued practicing by trying to imitate turning the air around him into a sword but instead, he got just a destroyed steel and handle. "No big things for now, huh?" he told himself, jokingly.

 He sat down, listing down about the powers of Nathaniel.

"Every time I create a tool it feels like I turn the world around me into one. Not physical but something on a deeper level. Like I pull the air into transforming but also not. When trying to create things on a bigger scale it's like I destroy that space and recreate it in a way it never existed. I can't explain how it's happening. Even what I say right now sounds like bullshit to me but it's just a feeling."


[DATE: 15.10.2024]

[TIME: 06:05 AM]

Daniel was standing, leaning on the fence of the orphanage while waiting. He had left a note to the orphanage that he'd be on school vacation for the week and also went to his doctor to get a note for missing the school week. He had everything planned out exactly the way he needed.

A fancy black car descended into the street, stopping right in front of Daniel. He sighed mumbling out "Finally" with his breath turning into a small cloud of cold air. The door opened itself for him and Daniel walked into the car.

"Good morning!"

He told to the driver as the driver sighed in irritation. The driver looked at Daniel through the rearview mirror, with tired eyes. He responded.

"You ready to go to Varna, sir?"

Daniel agreed, trying not to be too loud. He saw the current state of the driver, he was confused. It was almost inhumane the way he looked. The noise of the car became louder, starting to move.

One thing was for sure. Daniel will not come back with empty hands.