10) "Blessings"

Victor whipped out his European Sword that was coated in a blue hue on the blade, electric sparks surging all around the blade.

"I hope you know, you're in a severe disadvantage, Megumi...", Victor cackles as he points the tip of the blade towards Megumi. Them both being in fighting positions.

Megumi laughs mockingly and says:

"As I said, kid, don't underestimate your elders...".

Victor narrows his eyes on Megumi and dashes right at her with a loud thunder bang.


Their weapons made contact. There was a huge weight of Senzai behind their clash, the electricity crackling violently around Victor and Megumi standing on the back foot.

It seemed like Victor had a clear speed advantage, but Megumi wasn't so far off in her reactive capabilities.

Victor grins and kicks, flying megumi away and swiftly flies towards her trying to kick her again, but Megumi uses her legs midair to lock Victor's leg and then she uses her staff like wand to smack Victor's head, but Victor immediately dodges that and starts flying in the room in all directions, with Megumi still holding onto his leg.

"Too damn of a pest aren't you!?", Victor's volatile nature made him pissed off by the fact Megumi wasn't letting go of him.

It was a great strategy by Megumi to hold onto Victor as that'd keep the gap between them close to make up for the speed gap.

Suddenly, megumi bends forwards and grabs Victor's shoulder blade and using her superior strength, she pushed them both down, crashing into the ground.

A loud bang erupted from the crash and megumi sat ontop of Victor, whose face was stuffed in the floor.

"End of the line, kiddo...", Megumi scoffs as she prepares to smack his head, but suddenly her left arm rips off, disarming the weapon off her too.

Megumi looked puzzled as she looked Infront of her that Victor had already escaped and was infront of her with a cocky face.

"Surprised? You should be... I'm the master of the Thunder Art, so of course... I was always two steps faster...", Victor chuckles as he speed blitzes Megumi and then prepares a high voltage blast in his palm.

"Senzai Art: Thunder Electrokinesis:

High Voltage Blast"

Victor slaps his palm on Megumi's abdomen, Megumi looks down at Victor with surprise and suddenly massive pools of electricity pumps in her body, causing her body to shrivel, get burned and blown away with a bright blue flash. There was smoke everywhere.

"Cough Cough... A fresh smell of electricity in the night, heh...", Victor looks at the smoke as the smoke dissipates and there is no sign of Megumi left.

"Pathetic...", Victor scoffs as he dusts off some dust on his suit and walks towards Sora's incubator.

Victor lays his hand on the control panel and he grins.

"Time to awake for real this time, Sora...", Victor grins excitedly with anticipation as his hands on the control panel start exploding in electricity and the control panel starts malfunctioning.

The entire PPA Headquarter's lights start malfunctioning and suddenly all light went out in the confines.

Then suddenly the lights come back up, but it's a brownout, meaning that only a few lights are on and powered but the voltage is too less and it's dim.

Victor looks at his hand with proud written all over his face. He looks ahead and sees Sora's incubator open and all the liquid flown out.

"Wakey wakey, sleepyhead...", Victor says as he places a finger on Sora's heart and gives him a light shock to awake his body.

Sora's body overexaggeratedly twitches and his eyes open up.

"W-what the clucking bell...", Sora groans as he yawns looking around.

Sora then notices Victor infront of him with a smug smile.

"Who the hell are you?", Sora asks with suspicion in his voice.

"My name isn't necessary, but if it's a must... I'm Victor and I just want to say... We freed you from the confines of this organisation that kidnapped you. They wanted to do terrible terribles tests on you... I came here and I've saved you...", Victor says looking at his nails as if this was a usual part time job.

"I'm not a damsel in distress, but ok...", Sora grunts as he looks away.

"Well, you aren't now ... So, since I saved you I want you to join us.... Join us on our cause, Sora.", Victor smirks as he lays his hand out.

"In what?", Sora asks disgruntledly.

"In allowing all of humanity access to Senzai Energy... And helping us revive Tsukuyomi...", Victor says as he looks into Sora's eyes, an electric aura over shadowing Victor.

"No. I really don't care. All I care about is fighting the strongest person here.", Sora refuses the offer outright.

"You currently lack your power, Sora. We are the group of the strongest humans on this planet. We can easily help you access that power that you lost... And we can give you the fight of the strongest. You'll enjoy it...", Victor says as he brings his arm out further mischievously.

"... No.", Sora responds

"Huh?", Victor looks flabbergasted.

"I don't wish you to join anyone or anything. That will make me weaker... I alone am enough. I appreciate you freeing me but I don't care about your goals... Nor I appreciate being spoonfed to regain my power.", Sora says pushing Victor's hand away and walking ahead of him.

Victor looks surprised but he immediately goes serious and looks back.

"It wasn't an option...", Victor says as he prepares a Paralysis shock in his palm.

Suddenly the room bursts into water droplets splashing everywhere and Victor looks surprised as his and Sora's hairs and bodies get wet.

"What the?", Sora says looking around in distrust.

"Wait... No!", Victor looks at the center of the lab and sees her...

Megumi... Her left arm had regenerated as if nothing ever happened and her pants were rugged and dirty due to the Voltage Blast. It seemed like part of her shirt had been ripped off but she was wearing a Black Undervest.

"I told you... Kiddo, not to underestimate me...", Megumi smirks as her Senzai erupts in high frequency.

Sora notices of her power and grins.

"AHA! IS THIS THE STRONGEST? YOUR POWER IS AMAZING!", Sora grins as he takes out his arm, his own arm surging in Senzai.


Sora shouts as he begins running towards Megumi with lust for battle.

"SHOW ME WOMAN! SHOW ME YOUR POWER!", Sora shouts as he is about to throw the flames at her but suddenly water splashes all over Sora and the flames extingusih.

Megumi raised her eyebrow certainly not impressed by Sora's performance.

"Is that all you got? Please... Your Senzai output is so pathetic that you couldn't equal out your output to evaporate the flames...", Megumi scoffs as she moves Infront of Sora and slams him away using her shoulders, throwing Sora into the building.

Suddenly, Victor pops behind Megumi and launches the same High Voltage Blast.

"Thunder Electrokinesis: High Voltage Blast!"

His palms make contact with Megumi but nothing?

Victor looks surprised at what just happened.

"No.. it's not possible for her to over output me... This is an elemental advantage, what's the issue...", Victor thinks as he looks up at Megumi.

"You forgot one basic Chemistry knowledge, Victor... Pure Water doesn't conduct electricity... Has no ions...", Megumi smirks as she begins preparing a punch at Victor. Victor smirks as he thinks to himself:

"Hah... I still have a speed advantage, bitc-", Victor gets heavily slammed away by a water fist from Megumi.

Victor's body flies away and crashes on the wall as blood coughs out of his mouth.

"H-huh...? Wasn't I faster?", Victor looks surprised as Megumi walks towards him.

Megumi laughs as she sees the confusion written all over Victor's now scared face.

"Humans are 70% water... I simply increased the water pressure within my body to increase motor functions... Again... It's basic chemistry...", Megumi smirks as she begins walking towards Victor, her eyes locked onto his.

Victor just looked at her with total confusion.

"So... This is what an Executive Class Agent is... I underestimated her...", Victor thinks to himself wiping the blood off his face.

Chapter 10, end