14) "Resurgence"

It was barely even the start of the a working day in Tokyo that out of nowhere entire press and media teams gathered outside the PPA Building, waiting for a response from the Director for what happened last night.

Meanwhile, throughout the city, everywhere where TVs were present, the news broadcasted an important press conference with the local Mayor who showed great enthusiasm in every word he spoke - expected of a politician.

A man, presumably in his middle age, eating some leftover noodles from last night watches the television programme where the Mayor keeps boasting about:

"Whatever happened last night was an attack against me! The Yakuza hates me for keeping this city clean and tidy and rid of corruption! However, I will make sure that no more acts of terrorism ever occur in Tokyo! And that is my word!"

The crowd goes wild.

"Hmph, fraudulent bastard!", the man grunts as he breaks a piece of chopstick in anger. He seemed like an avid hater of the government.

Back to the gates of the PPA Building, the media teams stop bickering and focus all of the cameras towards Yoru, who had a somewhat confident look despite knowing what happened last night.

Yoru steps on the podium and taps on the mic.


A loud noise erupted from the speakers and the crowd surrounding her goes quite, awaiting for her words.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, citizens of Tokyo, Japan and the World. I come to you with displeasure that even after more than 40 years since World War Two, the world still remains a mean place... The United Nations, the People's Protection Agency, even the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, has tried it's very best to fend off and maintain the safety of human lives before any own personal motive... And that has been true and will be... However, last night, a terror group we believe as the New Faith, whose activities were last "relevant" were over twenty years ago, when I was just a new girl in this department..."

Yoru pauses for a bit and looks towards the sky, which was still in it's sunrise stage, with birds flying over the city in various areas.

"The New Faith are not an ordinary terror group. They specifically were able to target us because they are a group of people who can use Senzai effectively and that to an extent that they can use various Arts of it... However, the entire world thought that this terror group died over two decades ago, but it seems that they are back and attacked us as a show of power... And we will show power to them too. Their actions are against humanity, so will the entire world's powers will fight them. And I promise you this, as a Deputy Director of PPA for the Eastern Hemisphere, I will make sure they can never ever get away with another act of terrorism. Our agents will work twice or thrice as hard, but we will make sure that this time the organisation dies for good and we will come out on top for we never ever give up!"

Yoru finishes as she raises her fist as an act of power towards the crowd and the press.

A few hours later

Yoru was seemingly pretty exhausted and tired as she sat on her chair with a lack of enthusiasm.

"Ugh, I have to answer to the Defence Council (Japan), and possibly have to talk in the Security Council with the Director... Maybe I shouldn't have announced about the group in the first place...", Yoru groaned as she scratched her hair, causing it to be a tad more messy.

Out of the blue her room door opens and her receptionist barges in.

"Uh... Miss Yoru, there is a visitor to see you".

Yoru's eyes pop out and she panicks trying to fix her desk and get her coat and wipe off any signs of irregularities.

"EEK! Don't just barge into the office like that!" Yoru exclaims as she tries to put on the coat but her arm gets stuck midway.

"It's Hasuke, Ma'am", the receptionist responded.

"Oh", Yoru silently said.

Hasuke opens the door a bit more, wearing a grey full sleeve fleece jacket.

Hasuke raises his hand and smirks,"Yo! Did I catch you in bad timing?".

Yoru, still in the same position of halfway wearing her jacket stops and politely smiles and removes the jacket.

Hasuke was a close accomplice of hers so she didn't need to maintain the professional façade of a "dignified" woman.

"Hey... I didn't expect you here... Sorry for the bad presentation here...", Yoru whistles as she slowly crawls into her chair facing Hasuke, who was still standing.

Hasuke laughs and waves his hand.

" Pfft- It's fine, I don't care about presentation..".

Hasuke then sits down and says staring with a whistle, "Soooo... I saw that speech of yours... Pretty daring I'd say...".

"Ugh. Don't remind me of it, okay?" Yoru rolls her eyes in embarrassment.

"Nah. I'd say it was the right thing to do. It's great you lied in some parts such as not specifying the truth of why they were here... It was a great plot for a story I'd say," Hasuke says shrugging while at it.

"Oh... I didn't think about it that way," Yoru replies while looking astonished.

"I guess there was no need to panic, huh," Yoru continues.

Hasuke nods but breaks the sentiment, "However, what I want to ask you is, how do you know it's the New Faith? Didn't it end with Nakamura's death?".

"I know it's the NFO as they were trying to get Sora, and they did on their side. And you already know they they would," Yoru responds.

"To gather strength in order for them to exert their authority on mankind," Hasuke responds while thinking deeply.

"I mean... That's one reason and possibly the Senzai infused weapons, but we have never seen them in action since that day over two decades ago," Yoru responds while putting her hand on her forehead in stress.

"It's just... I'm really tight on the agents, and their duties. Plus it's dangerous to risk them on investigation missions especially considering what happened to Megumi last night... And she is probably the strongest agent from this side," Yoru sighs.

"Not really the strongest Senzai user," Hasuke smirks at her.

"Look, I know I can trust you for things that some agents can't do, and I especially came for you to tackle Sora, but I don't know if we are enough... Maybe the enemy is more than what I assume," Yoru says while still in stress mode.

"I get what you're getting at Yoru, but I don't think I can serve the PPA again, you already know that if I become an agent again, you will be the face of the criticism from the entire world. Plus, I don't want myself to be a risk to humans... There already is so many threats, I wish that my power stays locked behind and never comes out," Hasuke replies whilst comforting Yoru a bit.

"Yeah... I know that... I mean I remember that event quite clearly of your power," Yoru responds looking back at him while still worrying.

"But that doesn't stop me from being an anonymous help for you whenever you need much, I have retired but that doesn't mean I'm powerless, there is still some fight in me!hehehe," Hasuke smirks trying to flex his arms.

"Very funny Hasuke, but you're a great friend to rely on," Yoru says the first bit in sarcasm.

"Well, I'll be going. Wife will be worrying why I didn't bring the necessary groceries. Cya Yoru, and uh, keep me informed about the situation of NFO whenever you're free," Hasuke says as he cheerfully leaves the room.

Chapter 14, end