Shinjuku in Tokyo was bustling with night life and people. People were in bars or clubs having the time of their life. The skyscrapers were laden with sparkling lights and neon signs.
Megumi, her hair shampooed and shining black, adorning a black dress that hugged her body and a white pearly chain, walked through the streets with a smirky face.
Yoru followed behind her smiling, her eyes closed, enjoying the moment. She was wearing a very tight rosy dress with an off white furry muffler.
"Hey! Miss Yoru, thank you for this girls night out for me!".
Megumi said looking back at Yoru, her heels clicking on the ground.
"No worries, dear. It'd be nice to let off some steam here you know?", Yoru replies warmly opening up her eyes.
Megumi smiles pulling Yoru close to her by entwining her arm with hers. They both hurried towards a high class bar where all eyes were on them. Megumi giggled as she walked towards the bar counter, Yoru walking behind her gracefully.
"We'll have two of the best wines this city has to offer!", Megumi says smirking as she sat on the stool.
"So, Megumi, how are you feeling after your recovery?", Yoru asks grabbing the glass of wine.
Megumi took a sip of the wine and stirred the frame of the glass by moving her hand. She then replied in a tired expression,
"Ugh... I still remember that Adrik Ivanov guy... No idea what he used on me but I felt completely violated after that move... Those creepy things crawling on me... Eugh!".
Yoru nods understandingly taking a sip of the wine herself. She placed her cheek on her knuckle looking into Megumi's eyes.
"So what do you plan on doing after this fun night, Megumi?", Yoru asked with a content smile.
Megumi drank the entire wine in the glass and gestured for more. She then looked back at Yoru and replied,
"I plan on hitting the gym yknow? I wana get physically stronger and I wana improve my techniques".
Yoru smiled, content with her answer.
"What about you, Miss Yoru?", Megumi asked taking another swig of the wine.
"Me? Uh... Oh dear... I have yet to wait for Harushi's update on the situation at Kawagoe... Been 4 nights already... I hope they are safe", Yoru replies tracing the opening of the glass of wine.
Megumi took another swig and the effects of the wine were visible on her face to her neck, a reddening of her skin. Megumi then said,
"Why don't I go and help them? Harushi was it? He's a pretty boy yknow?", Megumi says smirking taking another sip of the wine.
Yoru giggles a bit and replied,
"Oh very funny Megumi... Heh... Well, I want you to rest up. I have someone who I can look after them".
Megumi thought for a second and started bursting out laughing while nudging Yoru's shoulder.
"Hasuke? HIM?! Hahahaha~ You still have a crush on that guy? He left for good and is married. He ain't gonna let you hit~", Megumi says slurring a bit in her words.
Yoru gave a side eye at Megumi and shook her head sideways.
"No, that's not it. Hasuke and I are good friends that's it", Yoru replies but with a seemingly surprising unconfidence in her words. Megumi tilted her head and smiled.
"You don't need to hide it, Yoru~," Megumi smirks taking another sip of the wine, getting her blood more intoxicated. Yoru looks back at her and sighed.
"Hasuke and I, it was a one time thing okay!?", Yoru blurts out drinking in the whole glass of wine at once. Megumi smiled satisfied with Yoru's confession.
The girls both ordered some food and enjoyed some ribeye over their discussion, both were opening up to eachother due to the wine's intoxication. Occasional giggles and laughters were common between them. The guests at the bar were blown away by both Megumi and Yoru's charismatic aura radiating off of them.
"Ahh~," Megumi sighs patting her stomach after the meal, leaning back on the stool. The alcohol's effect had taken root in her, causing her skin to redden.
Yoru had also dillgently finished her meal, but the alcohol had barely any effect on her except for a little reddening at the cheeks.
"You know what, Yoru?", Megumi blurts out slurring in her words. Yoru raised an eye leaning her shoulder against the counter.
"I just fucking want a mmm-man who can actually ss-stand up to me! Every guy is ss-scared of me because I'm muscular and fucking ss-strong! I need a damn man who can support me and appreciate me for who I am! Is that not enough!?", Megumi complains, her words slurring even more. She started to guilty drinking wine again and again.
Yoru tries stopping her but avoided doing so. She smiled and responded,
"You're beautiful, yknow? I'm sure there is someone out ther-".
"You're ll-lying! You're fucking so damn hot! You're everything a gg-guy wants! Nice c-curves and anything! I'm not pretty! I'm just ss-so unladylike!", Megumi rants out poking at Yoru's chest. She was completely drunk now.
Yoru looks at Megumi pitying her position. She knew Megumi didn't mean to be harsh, but the alcohol always brings out the true self of someone. Yoru replies in a warm but calculated response,
"Megumi, I have features that make me attractive. You have features that make you attractive. And every guy has a different taste. Plus, you don't need damn validation from men to prove your worth!".
"B-but I need from my family!", Megumi yells, tears running down her cheeks. "I-I need from my f-family...", she continues, her breath hitching as she cries. Yoru suddenly relaxed her face to understand her.
"I became an Executive Agent, because the Mizu Clan is patriarch as hell! I wanted to show them that a warrior woman like me can find a hh-husband who appreciates this! This!", she says gesturing at her athletic body in a drunk state. "I wana show my damn mother and father who gave me life that I don't need to submit and be a 'damsel in distress' to find a lover... I just wana find a prince in distress...", Megumi continues, sniffing as she cries.
Yoru's eyes open and she nods saying, "Oh... I'm sorry I didn't mean to be stern...".
"It's not your fault... You're a strong independent woman who doesn't need validation... I'm a pathetic independent woman who needs validation and comfort!", Megumi responds, crunching the hem of her dress, tears on her cheeks.
Yoru looks down, fiddling her fingers, unable to muster up a perfect response to her actual, valid rantings. Yoru understands that Megumi doesn't want a man because of love at most, she wants it firstly to prove her parents that a strong human like her can find a man as capable or weaker than her that is willing to tie the knot to spend their lives together. It would have been easy for Yoru to disregard if her parents were like Megumi's, because she gives no care what anyone says about her. Unfortunately, not everyone is born like her.
Meanwhile, a guy, probably as tall as Yoru, probably taller than Megumi sits next to Megumi, his shoulders brushing against Megumi's back. Megumi snaps as she's about to lash out at the man
"H-hey! W-watch where you're going you dickhea- oh... Oh...".
A light stubble at his immaculate jawline, a slightly tan skin and a figure that showed normal body structure, no muscle but still handsome. He adorned an elegant coat, a white button up shirt underneath him.
Megumi's jaw on the floor. Yoru's face confused and the man rocked Megumi's world.
"I'm sorry, miss. I'm Takeshi Himekawa. Your name?", Takeshi says confidently looking into Megumi's blue eyes, taking a sip of the wine.
"HE'S NOT AFRAID OF ME?!", Megumi yells in her head in excitement. A grin on her face.
"She's drunk as hell... I guess I can't stop her otherwise she'll hate me forever huh...", Yoru contemplates as she turns her attention elsewhere.
Chapter 25, end