Using his newfound increase in speed, Hikaru attacked at Yukari from all sides in quick successions. Whenever she'd turn right, he'd be at left and whenever she'd turn left he'd be at right. Hikaru kept running all around her making sure to wear her off as they clashed blades in quick successions.
"You scared?", Hikaru says coldly being right behind Yukari.
Yukari gets enraged and screams as she turns around to slice him,
"Shut UPP!!"
Hikaru had already evaded. Yukari's eyes widen and she looks back and saw Hikaru launching another Ice Meteor from the sky.
"How many times do I have to tell you, kid! It's not going to work!", Yukari yells in desperation as she focuses her energy on cutting the meteor down.
Hikaru grinned maniacally as he threw the meteor towards her.
In one swoop of her sword, she splits the meteor in half, the two hemispheres flying in opposite directions crashing towards the buildings.
Yukari looked up back at the horizon and didn't see Hikaru again.
"Watch out watch out big sis~", Hikaru says behind her as he starts blasting her with Frost Shards.
Yukari braced herself as the shards came dashing towards her.
But just as the shards made contact they melted and just splashed her with an incoming flurry of water.
"H-huh? What?"
"I said, watch out!", Hikaru yells slashing Yukari's side abdomen with his sword.
Beads of blood swelled up at her now exposed abdominal skin and suddenly blood gushed out of her wound. Yukari winced in pain, trying to cover her wound with her free arm as she has lost her left hand already.
Yukari then thinks to herself looking down at her wound,
"Ngh... This isn't good...H-huh?".
Hikaru came dashing at her in an attempt to decapitate her, Yukari felt fear and for the first time in the battle she picked herself up and started running in the opposite direction.
"Oh, sis... You're running? Too bad. You can run all you want," Hikaru yells in maniac as he pumps his legs with more Senzai to catch up.
Yukari picked up a nearby stone and threw it at Hikaru who caught it and shattered it within a second.
"What was that supposed to be?", Hikaru scoffs and continues his run at Yukari.
Yukari gasped in fear and ran towards the Shimo Clan's Base's walls and started running on it as if her feet were sticky.
Hikaru stopped right before the wall started and looked up at Yukari who was running upwards and giving a mocking smile to Hikaru.
"Looks like, lil bro didn't pay attention to his Senzai Classes! Hahaha! This is an advanced manipulation of Senzai," Yukari giggled as she ran upwards.
Hikaru scoffed and as he rested his feet on the base of the wall, ice formed under him and slowly he climbed up standing perpendicularlly against the wall with ice acting as his anchors.
"Okay, what...", Yukari says under her breath as she starts running faster.
Hikaru also started running upwards as ice shards fell off his feet with every step.
"What, you scared?" Hikaru laughs mockingly as the wind around them increased.
Hikaru's white hair fell back, exposing his right eye shut closed. His jacket fell off of his shoulders and flied away, only his black t shirt over him flowing with the wind.
Hikaru grinned and held his sword up and declared,
"This is the last stand, sister... You have no where to run,".
Yukari narrowed her eyes and faced down at Hikaru, her hairs cascading down due to the wind. Her plump lips turned into a smirk and she laughed replying,
"You've surely grown up, Hikaru... But you're still not enough!".
Yukari's brows furrowed and she slammed her heel on the wall, which was now acting as a floor for them.
The sheer strength of her heel caused large stones to burst out open below her from the wall and due to gravity went straight towards Hikaru.
Hikaru looked at the incoming death with nonchalance as he started running upwards faster.
Yukari responded to Hikaru's desperation by sprinting upwards and smashing the wall below her again and again.
The rocks fell all around Hikaru. Some were sliced cleanly by Hikaru and some were flicked away by his increased reaction speed.
Yukari got pissed. She was on her last rope and in a desperate attempt she screamed as she threw her katana at Hikaru with every ounce of her Senzai Energy in that attack.
The katana flew towards Hikaru at sonic speeds causing a massive sonic boom behind it, making more rocks fall out of the wall.
Hikaru looked up and ran straight towards the katana with renewed vigor. His adrenaline on high maintenance, his Senzai Energy skyrocketing. He was in a flow state. Everything around him became in slow motion.
Just as the katana came close to Hikaru, he leaped off the wall and in a moment of slow motion, he landed his feet on the sonic speed object and jumped up, flying straight towards Yukari. The katana landed down on the ground below causing a massive explosion from the sheer velocity.
Yukari's pupils dilated but before she could make another thought, Hikaru was already behind her leaped way up in the air
In slow motion, she looked back but suddenly her body began to fall down to the ground.
A massive red wound appeared at Yukari's abdomen which grew wider and wider and with a sickening crunch split her body into two, her intestines getting split.
Blood spewed out of her mouth, her face etched in pale complexion.
Her two limp bodies began to rapidly fall down towards the snowy ground and with a loud thud crashed into it. Her lower half falling besides her upper half.
Meanwhile, still in his flow state, Hikaru forced his body to do a mid air back flip way up in the air and rapidly came down at terminal velocity landing safely on the bed of snow.
Hikaru stood up looking down at his sister's fallen body with a cold glare.
Yukari, whispering weakly but loud enough for her brother to hear,
"You know... I didn't mean all those things...",
She looked up at Hikaru with a weak smile and her eyes trying to focus on Hikaru's eyes, but the darkness around her vision was slowly approaching.
"You already know... This is part of her (Dreamweaver's) sorcery... Yet... You still look at me with hope and a bitter coldness...",
she continued coughing some blood up.
"The least you can do... Is sit by my side... My brother?", Yukari said putting a smile on her face, her body twitching in pain.
Before Yukari could react, Hikaru had his arms around her hugging her desperately. Yukari was a bit taken aback by the gesture and leaned into her brother's embrace.
Yukari traced Hikaru's face, her blood lips curving into a smile.
"Ah... I'm so proud of you... You've grown up...", Yukari said her eyes tearing up.
There was a sad expression behind Hikaru's eye a sudden wetting around his cornea.
"Sis... I didn't mean to harm you... But I had to... To get out of this hellish landscape...", Hikaru replied softly, his eye tearing up in regret.
Yukari looked stunned and then ruffled his hair, spread some blood in his white hair. She sniffled and continued,
"Hey... It's okay... I'm not real here... I'm still out there you know... Fighting eclipses... ".
Yukari, though still laid on the ground gave a pose by flexing her biceps, trying to comfort her brother.
Hikaru sniffled and started crying at her neck. His tears mixing with her blood.
Yukari held Hikaru with a motherly embrace. She was afterall a better mother and his actual mother was.
"Shh.. it's okay my baby brother... It's okay... I'm here, okay? Let it all out...", she said with tears patting his back feeling his yet to be developing body under her hands.
Hikaru then broke down and wept profusely,
"I- I joined the Agency and I've been looking around for you ... I haven't heard of you and every night I miss you, Anne... I miss you.. I want to hear your voice again, I want you to see how strong I've gotten... I- I want us to find our big brother again... I wanted to hug you again, feel your scent again...".
Yukari smiled kissing his cheek with her bloody lips.
"Baby brother... I'm still out there... And all I think is..."
Her vision started to fade, her pupils desperately trying to focus.
"All I think is... How proud I'd be of my handsome and strong brother... I miss you...",
Yukari said with weak gasps as if she was trying to focus her remaining breath for Hikaru. Her body becoming colder.
Her tears stopped, and her eyes became dull. Her skin became pale and her hands limped down from Hikaru's back. Her smiling face returned to a neutral expression as her muscles relaxed for the last time ever, but she still had a little curve on her lips.
"Anne...?", Hikaru whispered still in her neck.
There was no response.
"Anne?!", Hikaru asked in fear.
There was no response.
"ANNE?!", Hikaru yelled as he lifted his head up as he saw her limp corpse below him.
Hikaru's pupils trembled, his face contorted into a mix of anger, fear and guilt.
"NO! God damn it! NO!",
Hikaru yelled shaking her body, his hands holding her kimono as if it were a life line.
"No... What have I done? No...", Hikaru said as he started scrunching his hair in regret. He scratched his cheeks and neck in pain leaving red marks behind it.
Hikaru remorsed in outburst in the cold dead atmosphere of the Shimo Clan Base. The snow became violent and started covering the ground with a thick snow.
Yukari's body started getting buried in snow as Hikaru looked down desperately trying to get rid off the snow off her
"NO! SHE'S MY SISTER! NO! PLEASE! I'LL DO ANYTHING!", Hikaru yelled in panic clawing at the accumulating snow on her body.
The snow kept accumulating and his claws became desperate, his fingers bleeding from the harsh action. The snow dripping in blood.
The snow became more violent and suddenly accumulated her and surrounded Hikaru compressing him them in a cold blanket.
Hikaru's Dreamscape roared with whistling winds and accumulating snow.
Far away, from the corner of a broken building, the Dreamweaver watched the unfolded scene in sweet enjoyment.
"Ah... I've broken him beyond relief... I'll have fun tearing him apart outside this world.Too bad his friends aren't as emotional as him... I wonder what those guys are upto...", the Dreamweaver thought with a smirk as she looked up at the hazy sky almost as if she was looking at Harushi's Dreamscape.
"Oh? Looks like Harushi-san's subconscious is enjoying the beat down against his father... How mortifying... Even Ren-san has joined the fray...", she continued walking around the landscape with a confident sly smirk on her face.
"Ah... I've already expended half of my Senzai on these fools... But it's fine... They are either burnt out or psychologically distressed enough to fight me in the real world... I don't think I want to kill these kids and eat them... I think they can be useful pets! Just imagine how I make them beg under my heel as they ask for one minute of a sweet dream. They'd do anything to please their master and have a happy dream...",
The Dreamweaver thought in her mind as a portal opened up infront of her and she entered it. Suddenly the landscape behind collapsed in thick blankets of snow.
Chapter 28, end