Chapter 1


The wind was harsh against the skin, it was like a complete storm just without the rain and thunder. The soft wails of a baby was easily muffled by the wind, chattering teeth, ice cold hands and trembling like a leaf, Aelle stood in the middle of nowhere. Big fat tears streamed down her soft cheeks, she was rather adorable. At 21 years old, she had thick, long, silk, red hair that reached just the small of her back. Her eyes were a startling light purple color, a unique yet enchanting color. She was a bit chubby, not in a bad way but the kind of way that made her extremely adorable. She was truly a sight to behold yet unlike her physical appearance, her destiny wasn't that beautiful. Grew up in foster homes where she never really belonged, got sold and raped at 16 only to be rescued a few years later and be put back in the system. When she discovered that she was pregnant, she was terrified because she had no idea who the father of her child was among the monsters that raped and she didn't really care. What horrified her most was the fact that she had no money or anything in her name so she couldn't support a child.

It was no surprise when everyone in her foster home began ghosting her even more, some of the kids would verbally abuse her and the caretakers never said a word against it. Things took a turn for the worst over the next months, the abuse eventually got physical and when Aelle gave birth not not one but three babies, she was immediately thrown out of her foster home. Which led her to where she was now, it was the middle of winter and she had to use the little clothing she had to cover her triplets or they would've frozen to death. The poor girl has been wandering the streets for hours, no one bothered to listen to her cries for help let alone stop to help her. She could barely keep her eyes open let alone stand on her own feet. She was really going to die out there in the freezing cold along with her sons and that thought shattered her beyond what her little body could handle. Her body wrecked with sobs as she fell on her knees with a thud.

Just when black dots began to fill her hazy vision, she thought she heard the sound of a motorbike or was it a car? Couldn't tell really, even when lights blinded her and arms grabbed her off the ground. Not even when she was kept in a soft surface with her sons next to her." S-save m-my k-kids, p-please," Was all she managed to get out before passing out cold.


Beep. Beep. Beep.

Aelle groaned at the annoying beeping of the heart monitor, she hated hospitals in general...Wait! The last thing she recalled was crying in the middle of nowhere so how did she get to the hospital? Did someone suddenly felt pity for her? Where were her son? All these thoughts were going through her mind as she began to panic which caused the heart monitor to spike. Suddenly a bunch of nurses and a doctor rushed into the room with worried expressions all over their faces. They shuffled around the room doing their work and asked her a few questions, once they were done, they told her she was ready to go. Before she had a chance to respond, two women came to usher her out of the private hospital room she was in, she noticed then that it was a magnificent villa that she was in and not at a hospital. Guess whoever saved her was filthy rich to have their very own hospital ward at home.

The women who escorted her didn't talk to her the whole time, they were gentle with her and helped her whenever she stumbled which shocked her since no one had ever been so kind to her. The elevator came to a halt at the top floor and Aelle was ushered to a room that looked like it belonged to a royal. She gulped when she saw the large windows, a California King bed in the center that had light and dark grey sheets covering it. There were two doors on her right which she assumed were a bathroom and a walk in closet, opposite the bed was a dressing table. on her left sat a coffee table with two majestic chairs near the window which seemed to be overlooking the ocean. The entire room had a dark, powerful theme to it, whoever owned it must be either a very dangerous or wealthy person. Aelle sighed in relief when she saw the TV which for some odd reason was on, when she took a closer look, she realized that it showed CCTV footages of a nursery, she frowned at first until she saw a large crib in the center with her sons fast asleep in it.

Tears filled her eyes when she saw the well decorated room filled with everything a baby could ever need. Her sons were also dressed in warm and comfortable clothes, their blanket also looked warm and soft to the touch. Each of them had a pacifier in their mouths as they slept away, for some reason she felt like a huge weight has been lifted off her shoulders at the sight. Seeing her kids safe was all she wanted, now she can be at peace, she had to thank whoever did this for her... As if hearing her thoughts, the bathroom door clicked open and the sight that greeted Aelle had her gasping for air. She had never seen anything like this before, nor had she ever imagined it in her entire life. Right before her eyes stood the most gorgeous yet somehow handsome woman she had ever seen. She was tall, about six feet tall, well built and had the most enchanting black eyes. Her shoulder length hair was tied into a half ponytail, Aelle also noticed that she had cut the sides of hair to be shorter. She was clad in black sweats and an oversize vest along with matching sneakers.

She didn't realise she was gawking at the drop dead gorgeous species in front of her until she felt a hand close her mouth," Don't gape so much or I'll have to give your mouth something to do." The woman warned in a husky tone that had Aelle nearly crumbling to her knees.

" W-what...Huh?" The poor girl stammered brokenly, the woman watched her amusedly but didn't say anything. She seemed to be quiet satisfied with watching Aelle struggle to form any coherent sentences. This was going to be interesting, she thought as she studied the girl who had so much control over her yet she didn't know it. True, Aelle was beyond confused, she didn't know this woman nor can she recall ever meeting her yet she felt so safe and familiar. The stranger in front of her felt like home.

hence, without waiting for her mind to try come up with excuses why she shouldn't feel the way she did, she had already walked over to the woman and wrapped her arms around her waist tightly. The stranger didn't push her away rather she hugged the smaller girl back and kissed her hair. " It's ok now, my moon, you and your babies are safe here. Relax," She cooed softly. For some weird reason, Aelle believed her and she trusted her.