
POV: Kaycee

Kaycee looked at herself in the mirror, contemplating the strange emotions she felt for this guy who seemed totally oblivious to the outside world, including her.

She brushed her bangs to the side, taking in her new hairstyle. She had been a bit apprehensive when the hairdresser recommended a layered bob cut with curtain bangs, but it turned out she really liked it. She'd thought it might look strange with her fair skin and pale blonde hair color.

"I wonder if Darren will like it..." she mused.

And there she went again, thinking of this guy who she was pretty sure didn't even know she existed. His nonchalance was a rather attractive quality, though. Coupled with his raven black hair, piercing blue eyes, and adorkable glasses, she couldn't think of a more attractive man on campus. Her own blue eyes and glasses were a perfect match for his, if she did say so herself.

"I hope he shows up tonight," she muttered to herself. She really wanted to get to know him better.

There was no telling with Darren, though, if he would completely space the entire thing or not. She couldn't really hold it against him, of course. He had people to take care of and he worked very hard to make sure he was at the top of the class. He would surely graduate with top honors in both of his majors. But what would he do after that?

"I suppose I could go find him and ask him instead of standing here staring at myself in the mirror..." she decided.

Kaycee nodded to herself, resolving to do just that.

As she turned to leave the top floor restroom, a hot pain suddenly erupted within her chest. She felt the world start to tilt and grabbed the counter to try to steady herself. Her vision began to darken as the pain worked its way through her entire body. She tried to scream for help, but no noise escaped her throat. She felt the hard floor pressing against her body, its coolness doing nothing to alleviate the fire burning her alive.

"How did I end up on the floor?" she wondered as everything faded to black. 




Her eyes opened as she jolted awake with a shock. She had no idea how much time had passed as she sat up on the floor. Her breaths came rapidly and shallowly as she tried to understand what just happened. There had been people everywhere around her, and they were all bowing to... 

It had to have been the Creator Himself on that beautiful throne!

His words still rang loudly in her head: "PROTECT MY CREATION."

She knew as soon as He said it that she would do anything to ensure she lived up to His expectations. There was no higher calling, except for that calling which was intrinsic to protecting the world, which was to love one another. She remembered His love and His sacrifice and resolved in her heart to do everything in her power to follow His example.

Kaycee grabbed the counter and pulled herself up to her feet when someone began talking to her.

You have new notifications.

"What?" She looked around the bathroom, but it was empty except for her. She pulled her phone from her back pocket, unlocked it, and swiped down, but there were no new notifications there.

"What is happening right now?"



You have new notifications.

She heard it again, this time accompanied by two soft bell chimes.

This time it felt like it was... in her head? She must be losing it. 

"What notifications?"

Open display to view notifications.

"Ooookay?" She didn't know what she was doing.

A window abruptly opened in the air before her. She jumped back in shock, but it followed her. It looked kind of like a hologram. It was a deep blue, semi-translucent screen, with text in the middle.

The text read: Would you like to view your notifications?

"Well, this is weird, but why not?"

The text disappeared, replaced by something else.

-Welcome to the Earth Defense System [expand for more details]

-Specializations are now available [expand for more details]

-You have reached Level 1! [expand for more details]

-You have unlocked the Nature Affinity [expand for more details]

-You have received a gift [expand for more details]

It felt like someone was rapping on her head with their knuckles as each notification hit her.

"This is crazy!"

It was extremely difficult to believe that this was all really happening, but how could she deny what was right before her eyes? And in her actual head?


POV: Darren

Darren looked around to see if anyone else could see the brightly lit screen in front of him. He was on the edge of the yard already, but still close enough that anyone looking could see it. No one so much as glanced his way, though, so he assumed the display was only visible to him. How that was possible, though, he had no idea.

He could feel the wind growing stronger as he stood there, and thunder sounded in the distance far overhead.

He looked up as the branches swayed more forcefully, with a look of slight confusion on his face. The forecast hadn't said anything about a storm. For some reason, though, the idea of a good, strong storm exhilarated him.

He looked back at the display and saw that there was an option to expand each notification for more details about them.

"Do I just think or say the command to expand the notifications?" he muttered to himself.

Either way works.

"Well, that's weird..." It must be the system itself that was talking to him. "Expand first notification, please."

Everything but the topmost message moved down as another box opened below it with more information.

-Welcome to the Earth Defense System [minimize for less details]

--Thank you for joining the Knights of the Great King. I am EDS. I'm here to assist you in defending Earth from hostile forces. I have been designed with video game-like features for the convenience of the Knights. I am, above all, the servant of the Great King. I am aware of your surroundings and circumstances, and I am able to answer any questions you may have at any time. We can speak to one another with, or without, audible words. In order to ask highly detailed questions, though, my display must be open. I look forward to working with you, Storm Knight.

-Specializations are now available [expand for more details]

-You have reached Level 1! [expand for more details]

-You have unlocked the Lightning Affinity [expand for more details]

-You have received a gift [expand for more details]

"Oh, this is awesome. EDS? That's what you want me to call you?"

That will do fine.

"Okay, EDS, it's nice to meet you! Uh, what's a Storm Knight?"

You are a Storm Knight. In fact, you are the only Storm Knight.

"The only Storm Knight? Why's that?"

You were given the Storm Affinity because of the Great King's awareness of the state of your heart.

"The state of my heart? Do I have a medical condition or something?" Darren couldn't say for sure, but it almost seemed like EDS chuckled at that.

No, you don't have a medical condition related to your heart. I'm referring not to the state of the organ in your body, but rather that "heart," as in the center of your thoughts and emotions. The state of your heart is such that you, above almost everyone else invited to the throne room, are willing to go to any lengths for the Great King, to accomplish His will. Because of this, He has granted you a one-of-a-kind ability that will aid you tremendously in your efforts to protect Earth from hostile forces.

Darren didn't know what to say. The King had given him a special ability? He didn't deserve that. He was just a normal guy...

"Wait, can you read my thoughts, EDS?"

You must intend for me to know your thoughts if you wish me to know them.

"Oh... Well, I was just thinking that I don't understand why I would get some special ability. I don't deserve something like that."

I only know what I have been told. The mind of the Great King is unknowable, unfathomable, and as such, I do not care to speculate beyond the certain information I've already shared with you.

"I guess that's understandable." Darren looked back at the notifications on the sapphire display.

"Hmm... Specializations are now available? And I've reached Level 1? This one is about my Storm Affinity, and I've also gotten a gift? Expand all notifications, please."

Suddenly, boxes opened up beneath each notification. The first read:

-Specializations are now available [minimize for less]

--Congratulations! You can now choose a Specialization. Your chosen Specialization will define the focus of your abilities and combat style. You can choose from the following Specializations:








--In addition, each Specialization has a Sub-Spec which allows you to hone your abilities even further. In rare cases, a Knight may be able to choose more than one Specialization. This is allowed if the Knight has one of the following Titles:

---Restoration Knight

---Warrior Knight

---Wisdom Knight

---Swift Knight

---Iron Knight

---Blossom Knight

---Storm Knight

--Of course, there are anomalies, but that's for another time.

--You have been given the title of Storm Knight. Congratulations! You may choose up to TWO Specializations. Please make your selections now.

The text on the screen scrolled as Darren read it. Apparently, because of his special title, he got to choose two Specializations, which sounded pretty cool to him.

"Wait a minute," he started, "EDS, I haven't really stopped to think about it so far, but what does all of this mean? Are you saying I'm going to be fighting aliens or something?"

After a fashion. There is a threat facing the Earth, unlike anything seen in the past. But, rather than "aliens" in the typical sense of the word, denoting beings from another planet, this threat is not only extraterrestrial, but in many cases it will be extradimensional.

"Are you telling me that beings from another dimension are threatening Earth?" The question seemed kind of dumb after EDS had clearly explained that was exactly what he was talking about, but it was difficult to get his mind around something like that, even with all of the oddities that had occurred in the last hour or two.

Yes, that is correct.