
POV: Kaycee 

Kaycee stood in absolute darkness. She couldn't see her hands. She couldn't even feel them. Her breath was silent, her body numb. Panic set in—where was she? What was happening? She wanted to cry, but she couldn't find her eyes or even be sure they were still there. She couldn't breathe.

Then, from somewhere far away, a sound pierced the void. A blood-curdling scream echoed through the darkness, and strangely, a wave of relief washed over her. Though the scream was terrifying, the mere fact she could hear anything at all was a comfort.

Suddenly, the sensation of spinning gripped her, and in an instant, a massive stage materialized before her. The curtains pulled back as the spinning stopped. An eerie tune played, and with a loud clack, a spotlight illuminated the center of the stage. A figure, shrouded in shadow, stepped into the light, somehow making it seem darker as though it was absorbing the glow.

"Welcome, welcome, one and… well, one," the figure's voice rasped. Its tone was worse than nails on a chalkboard, a sound that sent shivers down her spine. It reminded Kaycee of the Nightmare Commander's voice, but somehow even more dreadful. The reality hit her—she had been struck, hard. Was she dead? Was this hell?

"You're not dead yet," the figure said, as if reading her thoughts. "But you'll wish you were soon enough. Welcome to your worst nightmare."

The creature's voice faded into an evil chuckle that made Kaycee want to claw at her ears, desperate to block out the sound. The shadowy figure vanished, and the scene around her transformed.

Her hometown was burning.

The visceral reaction hit her body immediately. She gasped, muscles tensed, eyes wide in horror. The familiar streets, buildings, cars, trees—everything was engulfed in flames. The heat was unbearable, and monsters roamed through the fire, more grotesque than anything she could have imagined.

A scream rang out nearby. Kaycee turned just in time to witness a hulking, oozing monster crush a man's skull under its foot. The sickening crack echoed, blood and brain matter splattering across the street.

She collapsed to her knees, sobbing uncontrollably. She should have been fighting, running, doing anything to survive—but she was paralyzed by fear, frozen in place as her world burned.


"…Kaycee! Kaycee!"

Her eyes fluttered open, the darkness beginning to drain away. Darren was kneeling over her, concern etched into his face.

"Kaycee, are you okay?"

"I… I think so," she croaked, her throat dry. Memories of the battle flooded her mind, and her entire body tensed. "Wait! The monsters—where are they?"

"It's okay," Darren reassured her, a small smile tugging at his lips. "I took care of them."

Kaycee glanced past him, seeing the carnage littering the street—bodies and severed limbs scattered across the pavement. Her shoulders shook, and tears streamed down her face. The nightmare played on a loop in her mind.

Darren wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close. She melted into his embrace, sobbing uncontrollably, her body shaking as she cried out the terror that clung to her. Time passed, but she couldn't tell how long. The sirens of approaching police and paramedics filled the air, yet Darren never let go, speaking for both of them as the officers moved on to tend to others.

Eventually, though, an officer approached, his expression serious. 

"I'm sorry, but I need to speak with you both," he said, breaking into their moment.

Kaycee wiped her eyes, trying to compose herself. She had never cried like that before, never felt such overwhelming fear. Darren stood first, offering his hand, and she took it, rising unsteadily to her feet.

"I'm sorry, Officer. This is all… a lot to process," she said.

The officer, whose nameplate read *Hardy*, scrutinized them with narrowed eyes. His dark brown eyes matched his slightly disheveled hair, and he wore a dark navy uniform, a badge glinting from his vest. A black utility belt, complete with a holstered gun, wrapped around his waist.

"I have some statements from witnesses inside the nearby buildings that say you two were directly involved in all of this," he gestured to the carnage around them. For the first time, Kaycee noticed that the breach had closed.

"Yes, Darren and I fought the monsters," she admitted.

"You're Darren, I assume?" Officer Hardy asked, looking at him.

"Yes, Darren Cadogan. And this is Kaycee Ellis," Darren responded, slipping his arm around her shoulders for support. Kaycee leaned into him, still reeling from the nightmare but grateful for his presence.

Officer Hardy scribbled their names and birthdates in a small notebook. After a moment, he spoke into his radio, receiving a response that only he could hear through his earpiece. He turned back to them.

"So, can you tell me what happened here?"

Kaycee hesitated. "You're not going to believe me."

"Try me."

She glanced at Darren, who gave her a reassuring nod. Taking a deep breath, she explained everything—from the vision of the throne room to the Rift, EDS, and the breaches. Officer Hardy listened quietly, not once interrupting or reacting with disbelief.

When she finished, he sighed, pushing a hand through his hair. "Is it hot out here, or is it just me?" he asked, wiping sweat from his forehead.

Kaycee and Darren exchanged confused glances. "I'm not hot," Kaycee replied, Darren echoing her answer with a shake of his head.

"Thanks for explaining," Officer Hardy said. "For some reason, I feel like this is only the beginning… I don't feel so well. Can you write your numbers down here? I might need to get in touch."

Darren scribbled their contact information next to their names. "You should have the medics check you out," he suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Officer Hardy muttered, staring off into the distance before snapping back to the present. "Thanks again. I hope things get better for you both." He turned and walked away, leaving them standing in the wreckage.

"Strange guy," Darren said quietly.

"Aren't we all?" Kaycee replied.

Darren chuckled softly. "Yeah, I guess we are." He turned to her, placing his hands gently on her shoulders. "Are you really okay?"

Kaycee reached up, feeling the blood matted in her hair. It didn't hurt, but the sight of it was unsettling. "Yeah, surprisingly. I think it's my Healing Aura."

Darren nodded. "For that, I'm grateful."

There was something haunted in his eyes, but Kaycee didn't press. She suspected that whatever had happened while she was unconscious was something Darren wasn't ready to talk about. 

"I agree with Officer Hardy," Darren said, turning to look down the ruined street. "Things are going to get much worse before they get better."