FLUX Cores



Asher felt he was doing rather well accepting all of the new information that had just been dumped in his lap. That, along with the arrival of Hiraeth, his new abilities, and everything else he'd learned within the last week, would have any normal person feeling crazy. Actually, now that he thought about it, he did feel a little crazy…

He quickly refocused as EDS began to explain what he found regarding what was happening to Asher.

"Before going into detail," EDS began, "you mentioned that you are experiencing some new abilities with regard to your perception and your physical abilities, Officer Hardy?"

"Yeah," Asher replied, "I haven't really had a chance to test the limits of these new abilities, but I'm able to sense all kinds of crazy things, like the emotions of everyone in the room, and my five physical senses have been amplified like crazy. Not only that, but I can actually sense your presence now, too, EDS. It's different than how everyone else's presence feels, but I can sense you here."

"That's pretty cool," Darren muttered.

"I thought you might be able to," EDS said. "Now, what about these physical abilites?"

"I've had even less chance to test the physical side of things, but my body feels stronger in every way. I feel faster, stronger, more agile, more capable all around."

"Hmmm…" EDS mused. "Based on the information I have access to I believe you are on what has been called 'the Radiant Path.' This is a path of progression followed by innumerable individuals before you from other worlds."

"The Radiant Path?" Asher asked. "What is that?"

"The Radiant Path is the framework by which FLUX Bearers, which is what you are, unlock their potential and ascend through progressive stages of mastery. FLUX Bearers each have a FLUX core of a certain type, which I'll explain more in a moment.

"Each level of advancement reflects a deeper synchronization between your core and the FLUX energy that powers you. Progression occurs not merely through physical effort, but through honing your mind, refining your abilities, and expanding your control over the energy flow within.

"At the foundational ranks, the focus is on stabilization - learning to manage the FLUX without overwhelming your system. As you ascend, the emphasis shifts to refinement, improving efficiency and precision in the use of your abilities. Later stages unlock advanced techniques, granting access to new applications of your power, larger reserves, and increased sensory awareness.

"Each milestone on the Radiant Path signifies not only increased capability but also a shift in how you interact with FLUX. As your core evolves, you will experience moments of attunement - breakthroughs where your abilities surge to new heights. The highest levels demand near-perfect mastery, where you move beyond brute force and embrace fluidity, balancing power and control seamlessly.

"The journey is cumulative: what you develop at earlier stages lays the foundation for later mastery. Growth is not linear - some breakthroughs will come swiftly, others only through persistence and deliberate practice. In the end, those who achieve the upper echelons of the Radiant Path become Luminaries, the living embodiment of balance, power, and purpose. Few reach that summit, but each step forward will bring you closer."

Asher sat back, exhaling heavily. "That's… a lot to take in." The room was silent as everyone processed EDS's words. "What did you mean by core types, EDS?"

"Ah, yes. There are several categories which a FLUX Bearer's core might fall into. It's possible for a core to fall into more than one category, though that is exceedingly rare. These types are called hybrid cores, which is what I believe you have, Officer Hardy. In the literature, it appears that other civilizations equated hybrid cores with peerless genius," EDS explained all of this rather nonchalantly.

"Peerless genius?" Asher asked. "Well, I mean, I am pretty cool I guess…" he said with a sheepish grin, causing everyone to break out in laughter.

"EDS, you said you believe Hardy has a hybrid core. If that's the case, do you know what types make up his hybrid core?" Kaycee asked.

"Indeed," EDS began, "I believe Officer Hardy's hybrid core is a dual mental-kinetic type. This is because of his burgeoning abilities related to ultra-sensory perception and the heightened physical abilities he reported. I do not know if either side will end up becoming dominant over the other, or if there will be a continuous balance throughout the cores development."

"So, is he like my brother and Kaycee?" Ava asked after a few moments. "Is he a Knight?"

EDS stayed silent for the space of a few breaths, as if contemplating Ava's question. Soon, though, he began to answer, "No, Officer Hardy is not a Knight. The Knight's are new to this reality. The nearly infinte multiverse we currenly find ourselves residing in has never experienced anything like the Knights of the Great King. FLUX Bearers, though, have been around since before recorded history. Mortal men cannot remember that far back…" EDS said, trailing off.

"So, what's different about him?" Aiden asked curiously, watching Hardy intently. "And how did this happen?"

"It seems that the simplest explanation of the differences between FLUX Bearers and Knights I can provide is this: Knights have abilities granted directly by the Great King. Every Knight that exists was given their abilities at the exact same time after having their hearts tested in the very throne room of the Great King.

"FLUX Bearers, however, have abilities honed through the development of their FLUX cores. The presence of the core itself is what determines whether or not a person has FLUX abilities. Most do not, and will not, develop a core even if they are exposed to FLUX energy. That is, by the way, how Officer Hardy must have been able to develop a core: through exposure to FLUX energy. There was a massive and rapid influx of FLUX energy downtown on the day of the Nightmare breach, which explains Officer Hardy's exposure.

"As far as why cores develop in some and not in others, this is not something that has been studied in great depth. Some theories suggest that it's related to genetic makeup, while others suggest that cores only develop in those of the highest moral character. It seems likely that it's some combination of the two, but I cannot be certain."

"Well, I appreciate the compliment, but I don't know how my moral character could have anything to do with this core developing," Hardy said, somewhat confused by the concept.

"As I said," EDS replied, "I cannot be certain that it has something to do with core development, but there is a clear correlation in the literature, at least insofar as it's related to new species and the attainment of cores.

"The physical and spiritual realms are deeply intertwined, and one's moral character has much to do with their spiritual health. If you are spiritually healthy, then your body's potential will be much higher. Eventually, the genetic aspect comes into play, as succeeding generations of FLUX Bearers commonly develop cores themselves, independent of their moral character."

No one said a word. Even though Asher felt like he'd been handling everything well, something felt as though it was breaking inside him. The dam that had been holding back a flood of emotions cracked, and everything came pouring down.

He reached up and covered his face as his tears began to flow. His face felt hot and embarrassment pained him as he felt all eyes in the room on him.

Keep it together, Hardy, he thought to himself, trying to get a grip.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I guess it all just hit me right now."

"Don't worry about it brother," Darren said, "I think we can all understand what you're feeling." He walked over and patted Asher on the back.

The others in the room echoed Darren's sentiments. It was a strange feeling Asher hadn't known before. He'd never really had any close friends, and sitting here now with his emotions clearly on display for all to see, and getting only understanding from the people here, gave him a warm feeling inside.

He took a few minutes to gather himself as everyone else busied themselves with other, quiet conversations, waiting patiently for him to be ready. Soon, he asked, "So, EDS, what do I do with all of this information?"

"That, Officer Hardy, is up to you," EDS said with a light tone. "You have a mission in this world, as does everyone. Now, maybe you can accomplish it in a way you wouldn't have been able to before."

Asher breathed deeply, thinking about what the future held. He had his job to think about, for one thing. He loved being a cop, and these new abilities held a lot of potential for helping him be a far better cop than he'd ever been before.

He'd always felt that law enforcement was his calling, because he was driven to help others, and to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Now, he could do that to a much higher level.

And maybe he would need these abilities more than he could even fathom right now. He knew the world was changing faster than he could understand, and with the arrival of an entire freaking continent, and the opening breaches, there was going to be threats unlike anything Asher had ever seen.

Not to mention the fact that if he had developed a core after being exposed to the FLUX energy leftover after a breach opened, others would undoubtedly experience the same thing. EDS seemed to think only those with high moral character would develop cores initially, but that remained to be seen. And if Asher knew anything, it was that power had the potential to corrupt even the best of people.

"I think it would be a good idea to have you join our party," Darren said, turning to Asher.

"Party? What do you mean?" Asher asked quizzically, coming out of his reverie.

Darren explained the devices his twin siblings possessed, and showed him what they looked like. Asher had felt a bit lost, unsure exactly what his next steps would be. After Darren's explanation, though, Asher thought he might have begun to grasp a way.

"So, I'd have access to speak with EDS, as well as with all of you here?" Asher asked. Having this awesome group of people to lean on seemed like it was too good to be true, and too good to pass up.

"Yeah, pretty much," Darren said with a shrug.

"That sounds perfect," Asher said, his excitement showing clearly on his face.

"Great! Give me a sec," he replied. "EDS, can you open the store please?"

"Certainly," EDS said aloud.

"Wait," Asher said, "you guys have access to a virtual store?"

Kaycee, who he'd directed the question towared, chuckled softly. "Yeah, the features we have access to are pretty sweet."

Asher shook his head in disbelief, not letting his inability to fully understand this situation take away from his excitement. Moments later, Darren appeared to reach into the air in front of him and pull the Knight's Beacon and its Companion Band from nothing. Asher's mouth dropped open in shock.

Darren reached out toward Asher, handing him the devices. He wasted no time activating the Beacon and placing the Band on his left wrist. As soon as the Band was on his wrist, things began to appear in the air before him, startling him.

He could suddenly see a bar indicating what he could only assume was his own health points, and another bar showing his stamina points. Almost immediately, a window popped up in his vision. It was a party invite from Darren.

"Okay, how do I accept the invite," Asher asked.

"Users of these devices obtain limited access to me," EDS said, "emphasis on the 'limited' part of that. You must interact with me verbally, as I do not have access to your mind."

"Oh, okay," Asher said. "Then, I accept the party invite."

The window disappeared promptly and quite abruptly he was able to see the health and stamina bars of each of the other party members, as well as other partially filled information bars below the health and stamina bars for Darren and Kaycee.

Each set of bars had a small circle next to them with an image of the party member, and each of their names were listed above their individual status bars. Darren's image had a small crown on top of it.

Beside the crown, there was a small shield emblem with a sword pointing straight down in front of it.

"What's this crown on Darren's head for?" Asher asked.

"Huh? There's a crown on my head?" Darren asked, somewhat bewildered, feeling the top of his head with his hands. "What are you talking about?

Asher chuckled, "No, on my HUD. It shows your image with a small crown on top."

"That's because Darren's the party leader, right?" Aiden asked.

"That is correct, young Aiden," EDS replied. "The other emblem you see above Darren's head, as well as the one above Kaycee's head, indicates their status as Knights. In addition to that, you'll also have access to information regarding any quests your party members are currently undertaking. When you're ready, I can provide a more complete overview of the capabilities of the Knight's Beacon and the Companion Band."

Aiden beamed at EDS's acknowledgment as Asher continued to try to absorb everything.

Suddenly, the looks on Darren's and Kaycee's faces shifted and a tension filled the air.

"Oh, speaking of quests," Kaycee said. "We're running out of time."

Darren looked over at her, saying, "Yeah, looks like we have an appointment to keep."