Chapter 3 Letter From Hogwarts

Before Carlos could think any more, the sound outside the window attracted his attention.He tilted his ears, paying attention to the strange noises in the air."what sound?The sound of birds flapping their wings as they fly through the air?Such a loud sound, is it a large bird? pigeon? Eagle or vulture? "Carlos guessed this from the voice that reached his ears.But when Aino tilted his head and looked out through the window, he could only see a gloomy atmosphere.Thick clouds blocked the sun. When I looked out the window, I saw nothing but darkness or a gray sky. In addition to my own breathing, the sound of birds flapping their wings came from outside the house.In such weather, Carlos knew that it was going to rain heavily, even though it was sunny just now.In the northern hemisphere, the rainy season in Ying, a country with a cold temperate climate, is so windy and rainy.Something strange gradually came into Carlos' sight. Guess what he saw, a tawny owl!As a nocturnal bird, it's weird enough for an owl to appear during the day, but it actually has a letter in its beak?It turns out that this owl is a messenger!The owl landed next to him, threw the envelope in front of Carlo, then flew to the table in the courtyard, staring at Carlos with wide eyes, with no intention of leaving.Carlos gently picked up the envelope, which was written in emerald green ink: St. Louis 3rd Street, Alice Manor, Front Hall Garden, Received by Mr. Carlos Lucifer."The parchment envelope is really an ancient tradition!" When Carlos opened the envelope and was about to open it, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. A shield coat of arms, with a capital "H" surrounded by a lion and an eagle. , a badger and a snake.As a young real-life time traveler, Carlos truly understands that his world is the low-level magical world of Harry Potter.This envelope comes from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, where the plot takes place, and Carlos knows that this is his opportunity to contact the magical world.The content on the parchment is written in the same emerald green ink:Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry: Albus Dumbledore (President of the International Federation of Magic, President of the Wizards Association, First Class Wizard of the Order of Merlin)Dear Sir Carlos Lucifer: We are pleased to inform you that you have been admitted to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Attached is a list of required books and equipment. The semester is scheduled to begin on September 1st. We will be waiting for your owl to bring your reply before July 31st.Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry [Uniform] First-year freshmen need:1. Three sets of plain work robes [black]2. A plain peaked hat for daytime wear [black]…By Quentin Trimble (Other equipment: a wand and a cauldron (made of pewter, standard size 2).A set of glass or crystal vials, a telescope, and a brass balance.Students may bring an owl or a cat or a toad.I would like to remind parents that first-year students are not allowed to bring their own broomsticks."Da da!"Carlos tapped his index finger lightly on the table, making a ticking sound.Admission letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry?This may be your best opportunity to enter the legendary magical world in the simplest and safest way!As for the other way, the only way is to join the church.Carlos believes that he is the only Luciferian to enter the magical world in thousands of years.There are only two main reasons. First, the scientific power in the world is becoming more and more prosperous, which will soon bring about the decline of the power of the church.Now in the entire church, there are only a few people in the church who truly believe in the existence of God, even at the top.My Lucifer Bloodstain proficiency level is only level 1 (89/100), which is ironclad evidence that the number of people in the world who believe in the true existence of God is gradually decreasing.Otherwise, Carlos suspected that in the Dark Middle Ages when the power of the Bible Church reached its peak, his Luciferian blood level was basically the same as the title of his family - the ancient noble level, or even several levels higher.As for the second reason, the church leaders have basically completely given up on protecting and guarding against the Lucifer family.For thousands of years, the Lucifer family has been a single generation. Except for the boys of each clan member, their life span is over 130 years old before they die of old age.Basically, it is similar to ordinary mortal blood, except for the honorable position brought by the world's most noble and oldest direct blood descendants of Lucifer.Carlos knew that his father was at least 90 years old, and he was born when he was in his 80s.Even during the ten years of being together with Carlos, his physical age has always been in the prime of life, around 30 years old.Carlos has not aged at all. Over the past ten years, Carlos and his father have gone through various explorations of family documents.We also know that the third Lucifer patriarch recorded in family history personally said it in ancient times.His grandfather and father were both the greatest, most powerful and ancient wizards. His grandfather even conquered the oldest and purest Veela Queen and gave birth to his father.But he himself completely enjoyed the dedication of his family's power. He had excellent talents but had not seriously practiced any magic ability.Until the eighth Patriarch Lucifer joined the Bible Church and became the Pope at that time.Relying on its own ability, the Bible Church began its official rise, as did the successive Lucifer patriarchs.Either they were left to eat and wait to die, or they were sent various valuable materials and servants by the church, and passively |||| were left to eat and wait to die under various temptations.Carlos's father, the thirty-fifth patriarch of the Lucifer clan, was a complete otaku who was addicted to all kinds of books.In addition to reading books every day, he spends his time messing around and contributing to the inheritance of the Lucifer family's bloodline.

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