Chapter 8 Sacred Rites And Gringotts

Before Carlos could speak, Professor McGonagall had already walked in front of the counter.Everyone knew Professor McGonagall, and they smiled and waved to her.The bartender picked up a cup and said, "Professor McGonagall, new student?"Professor McGonagall said to Tom: "I need to borrow your yard. I have to pick up the last two freshmen today!""Is little Harry okay? Will he go to Hogwarts this year?" Tom seemed to be telling a pleasant story, and everyone else nearby listened attentively."One more year! Harry won't enter Hogwarts until next year!" Professor McGonagall explained. "It's time to go, Mr. Carlos Lucifer. I'll be responsible for sending you to Gringotts. I'll buy the rest by myself, no problem!"All the bodies in the bar felt like they had pressed the pause button when they heard the name Carlos Lucifer.They all thought of Carlos Lucifer and paid attention.After a while, under the leadership of Minerva McGonagall and bar owner Tom, Carlos Lucifer performed an ancient and noble etiquette.Carlos knew this ritual, the most important ritual in the Church for the Holy One.That is to say, the Pope's etiquette towards holy angels is not an ordinary angel. It is a sacred etiquette that corresponds to Michael in the Bible, the commander of the first legion of angels under Gabriel, and is half a level higher than the upper angels.Carlos knew that this was a noble courtesy for a divine heir like Lucifer.Before the end of this sacred ceremony, he could only wait silently for the ceremony to be completed.----After the sacred ceremony, the usual calm returned to the bar, or so it seemed."Carlos, if you have any other requests, you can ask me!" Professor McGonagall said with a smile."No need, I can handle the rest by myself!" Carlos and Professor McGonagall walked into the courtyard of the Leaky Cauldron. The only thing in the courtyard was the wall made of bricks."The entrance to Diagon Alley is here. You have to remember the way to enter Diagon Alley." Professor McGonagall used his staff to lightly || tap across the stone bricks on the wall at a special location and tap || lightly. Three times, he reminded: "Okay, stand back, Mr. Carlos."The brick they struck with the wand shook || and began to move ||. A small hole appeared in the middle, and the hole became bigger and bigger. Soon, an arch wide enough for two people to pass side by side appeared in front of them. The road leads to a winding cobbled street with no end in sight.Professor McGonagall said to Bert: "Welcome to Diagon Alley.""Thank you, this is a very interesting place!" Carlos' expression did not change at all. He did not want to step into Diagon Alley. He liked to look up and look around, wishing that everything here could be seen in his eyes."See you at the Academy in two months!" Professor McGonagall disapparated and disappeared.Carlos soon came to a building that was higher than other shops. The tall building was made of marble and was completely different from the architectural style of other shops in Diagon Alley.It was as if I had returned to modern times from the Middle Ages. The sudden sense of incongruity made people feel very uncomfortable.Coming to the building at the intersection of this street, it turned out to be Gringotts. There is a group of short creatures here, a bit like dwarfs. They are full of magic and are even more powerful than ordinary wizards. These magical creatures are called by wizards. goblin.Bert passed the guard at the door and reached the second door. The following words were engraved on the silver door: Please come in, stranger, but you must be careful about the consequences of being greedy. If you blindly ask for something without working, you will be punished the most severely. …He paused for a moment in front of the silver door, and a goblin waiter led Bert into the marble hall.The goblins in the hall are all short, about half the height of a normal adult and even a head shorter than the current Carlos.They have pointed ears and wrinkled skin like an old man.There were about a hundred goblins sitting on high stools behind a row of long counters. Some used copper scales to weigh coins, some used eyepieces to examine gems, and made hasty entries in the large ledger."I need to change some pounds into galleons," said the goblin at Bert's counter. He handed the check to the old goblin. The check was filled with one hundred thousand pounds, which was the tuition fee given to Bert by his father Wessex!"The exchange rate between galleons and pounds is one to five. Are you sure you want to exchange it?""Sure, help me exchange everything, including 80% of the pounds on this bank card, into galleons!""1 Gold Galleons = 17 Silver Sickles; 1 Silver Sickles = 29 Copper Nuts." The old goblin found out that the customer was a wealthy Muggle wizard, and sold Gringotts' vault to Bert: "You need a Your own private vault, the cheapest vault in Gringotts only costs 500 gold galleons, and no one can open it without your permission.""Okay, get me ten gold cards worth one thousand galleons, and deposit all the remaining galleons in the vault!" A young elf received a heavy bag, a bank card and the key to the vault.(Please give me flowers, please collect it, please give me an evaluation form, and please give me monthly votes. All kinds of data in the new book period are very important. I hope all readers will support me.)

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