Chapter 76 The Flying Key

Harry looked around every corner of the room, "Here we are, look! The broomstick! We have to go up and grab the key to that door!"

"But there are hundreds of keys, let's try to open the Alajo Cave first!" Ronald muttered, but unfortunately no matter how hard he tried, the door didn't respond.

Carlos smiled, chuckled, took a broom and rode on it, "Harry, let's compete and see if we can grab the key first?"

Harry was stunned for a moment, then took a broom and said, "I won't lose. You know, this situation is more suitable for the seeker.

Harry hadn't watched Carlos's game because Carlos hadn't participated in any competition at all this year, but Qiu Zhang crushed him during the game, although it was very embarrassing for him.

At that time, Ronald and Hermione comforted him together. Although he was depressed at that time, he unexpectedly learned about Carlos's competition last semester, so Harry still knew Carlos very well.

He admitted that Carlos's speed and strength were the most outstanding on the Hogwarts Quidditch field, and no one could stop him. But now the competition was to catch the key, which was undoubtedly more beneficial to the seeker.

The two of them rose into the air almost at the same time, and then rushed into the dense array of keys. They grabbed and fished desperately, but the enchanted keys evaded so quickly that it was impossible to catch them.

Although Harry is the youngest Quidditch Seeker in a century, Carlos, who has a proficiency system, is even more abnormal. His current strength has long been beyond the scope of ordinary wizards, and his eyes are almost not dazzled by what he sees. Affected by the key, his power is even more abnormal. The broomstick is almost like a straw in his hand, and he can control it however he wants.

I saw a figure flash through the key array, and plunged almost straight in. With a turn of more than 90 degrees, Carlos' hand fiercely grabbed in one direction, and then a big silver key appeared. Caught in his hands.

Seeing Carlos grabbing the key, Harry felt inexplicably disappointed, but he quickly forgot about it. The most important thing now was to quickly stop Snape from being an imaginary enemy of Carlos. We should not talk about it later.

"Good job, Carlos!" Seeing Carlos grab the key, Hermione cheered immediately and gave Carlos a look, blinking as if to tell you if you were hiding too much.

"No problem, Hermione will come to Penello's dormitory to find me tonight!" Carlos said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll come to see you tonight, and everyone in my dormitory will come to see you too!" Hermione nodded and said with a smile.

Ronald and Harry looked uncomfortable when they heard the conversation between Carlos and Harry, because this was a naked show of affection, or a show of Carlos taking away all the beauties in the school.

Seeing that Carlos and Hermione were still planning to continue chatting, Ronald's face became even more ugly. He turned to look at Harry next to him, rolled his eyes and said with a smile, "Well, Harry, you fly very beautifully too."

Hearing Ronald's words, Harry nodded, then silently walked over and patted Ronald. The two looked at each other, and a feeling of being connected with each other arose spontaneously. How could there be such a pervert like Carlos in this world? , all the beauties in the school were packed away by him alone.

Just when the two were feeling sorry for themselves, Carlos and Hermione had stopped showing off their affection and kissed Hermione gently on the mouth. Carlos took out the key and walked forward.

When he came to the door, he roughly inserted the key into the keyhole, twisted it hard, and the door was opened. "Guess what the next level is? Lu Wei was set by Hagrid, and the devil's net should be Professor Sprout. Just now The key looks like it belongs to Professor Flitwick, I guess the next level is either Professor McGonagall or Professor Snape." Carlos said as he opened the door.

It turned out that he was right, the second room was completely dark and nothing could be seen. But as soon as they stepped in, the room suddenly became brightly lit, illuminating a shocking scene.

They were standing next to a huge chessboard, with black chess pieces in front of them. Those chess pieces were taller than them and seemed to be carved out of something like black cloth.

At the other end of the room, facing them were some white chess pieces. Harry and Ronald were trembling with fear—the towering white chess pieces had no facial features.

As for Hermione, she was a bold lunatic. She took this opportunity and hugged Carlos. She gently grabbed Carlos's hand with her beautiful hand, and kept groping Carlos with her left hand, like a woman with constant desires.

But Carlos could know that Hermione, the little witch, was leading his right hand to her face, and even licked Carlos's hand.

An electric shock-like feeling spread throughout his body from his right hand, which startled Carlos and quickly retracted his hand. He now doubted whether the women in his harem had shared information.

This move is Elena's unique skill, but she didn't expect that she would actually give it to Hermione. It seems that the two of them have joined the same harem team, but I don't know whether it is Qiu Zhang and Penello's group, or the two of them formed a team of their own. Team.

While Ronald and Harry looked at the huge chessboard in shock, Hermione kept licking Carlos' big hand. This pet-like behavior made Carlos' body become hot.

After all, there are very few women in this era who can do this as their husbands, and this level of flirting can only be done at home.

Carlos turned his head and stared in front of Hermione's eyes. Seeing the mist in her eyes, knowing that Hermione was about to get emotional, he quickly said with a smile: "Little Hermione is in the wrong situation. Let's wait." Let's talk about it after we go back to the dormitory, okay?"

"Yeah! Carlos, I will go to Penello's dormitory to find you, right on her big bed." Hermione woke up after hearing Carlos' words, and quickly made the agreement with a smile.

Carlos nodded and said with a smile: "No problem, but you'd better recruit more people, but a small body like yours won't last long."

"Yeah! I'll get the people from my dormitory, and then I'll get the people from Elena's dormitory to come find you." Hermione said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait for you. I'm looking forward to the combination of you and Elena, that silver-haired dumpling." Carlos said expectantly

"I won't let you down, we can prepare a good idea" Hermione nodded and said with a smile.

Hearing that Hermione had prepared a good idea, Carlos nodded and said expectantly: "Just let me look forward to your good idea!"

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