Chapter 107 Trial

So that's when Carlos used the Demera potion.

The magic power in his body directly reached the peak of quality.

Both quantity and quality had reached the level of the most terrifying senior magician at that time.

It's just that the materials required for Demera's potion are very demanding.

The main material is the dragon's blood, and the accessory material is the rising branch.

Of course, branches are actually easy to obtain, and this potion can be found in the magic market.

Based on this material, although Carlos's Lucifer family can be regarded as a declining aristocratic family.

But after all, they are also a noble family.

They must also have certain financial resources to be able to find such materials in the potion market.

If there is a channel, there will naturally be an answer, but the dragon's blood cannot be found by ordinary people.

Even in the market, it is difficult to find such terrifying power.

Snape smiled and looked at Carlos who was lying on the bed on the ground in front of him.

Seeing his still unconscious look, he shook his head slightly and said.

"There are signs of black magic on his body953. It seems that he has used black magic before. Is it the black magic that caused his physical collapse?"

Dumbledore shook his head and spoke slowly.

"You guessed wrong. Although he does know how to use Avada Kedavra, it is not the black magic that Avada Kedavra uses to cause his body to collapse.

In our mouths, it is called black magic, but in fact it can also be used normally. "

"Then what you are saying is that from now on, there is no need to ban the use of black magic, such as the use of Avatar, in the academy?"

"Huh? Snape! Don't you think you haven't read the content in the school rules?"

"Hmph, principal, you don't need to play charades with me. I'm not interested in knowing what Carlos in front of me has done or what he wants to do.

But what he has done cannot be wiped out or disappear, so principal, you don't need to protect him.

The use of black magic is forbidden, so he should be tried. "

Dumbledore looked at Snape in front of him and shook his head slightly.

Then, he looked at Carlos lying on the bed in front of him and said.

"This is not (bgbg) something we can decide. Let's wait until Carlos wakes up."

Three days passed quickly, and at this moment Carlos's eyes slowly opened.

When he woke up, the first thing he knew was that Snape had initiated a magician's trial against him.

Of course, Carlos knew about this trial.

He is the magic trial executed by the Magic Tribunal to judge those who use magic illegally, use magic to harm innocent people and harm Muggles.

and an tribunal of magicians for those who use black magic.

Of course, it was Carlos's impression that no one in Hogwarts College was stipulated or prohibited from learning black magic.

At least in the future, shouldn't Harry be able to do dark magic?

Seemingly sensing something strange about Carlos, Harry, Hermione and the others smiled slightly.

After they heard that Carlos was sick, they immediately came to see him.

After they heard that Carlos was awake, they immediately came to see him.

"Carlos, is it okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a trial, it's not a big deal to me.

Don't worry, what I did was based on my heart. He cannot judge me, and he is not qualified to judge me. "

Avada Kedavra is actually not a forbidden magic. At least in the entire Hogwarts Academy, there is no clear rule that prohibits the learning of Avada Kedavra.

However, there are clear regulations prohibiting the use of Avada Kedavra on ordinary people, innocent people, companions, and classmates.

Although, Avada Kedavra's destiny is based on black magic.

However, in Dumbledore's view, whether it is black magic or positive magic.

They are all props in the hands of the magician. How to use them? The final result is all the magician's own choice.

Not only Dumbledore thought so, Carlos also thought so.

Although Avada Kedavra is considered evil magic in many eyes.

But Carlos felt that, just because it is considered evil magic in people's mouths, it should not be used, should not be learned, and should it be banned?

After all, it would be ridiculous to kill everyone with this stick.

The magical tribunal will be convened soon, and this tribunal will be convened at Hogwarts.

He looked at the figures one after another passing by in front of Carlos.

And Carlos, with shackles on his hands, sat slowly in the middle.

Looking at the president of the court above, Carlos smiled slightly.

The Tribunal is not implemented by the academy, that is to say, it is not part of the academy's planning.

The principal next to him also smiled slightly. He was not in a hurry. He wanted to see how Carlos could escape such a disaster.

Snape at the top looked at Carlos in front of him, and then said slowly.

"Carlos, the Inquisition has ruled that you possess signs of using dark magic.

Here, we can identify you as an evil magician. Do you have anything to say in defense?

If not, we will punish you. "

However, Carlos smiled slightly and looked at the president of the tribunal at the top and said.

"I just used a black magic and was considered a black evil magician. So are there too many evil magicians in this world?

Mr. Snape, do you also know how to use dark magic?"

"Please don't change the subject. At least our use of black magic is an act of justice, but the black magic you used killed two people. Isn't this evil?"

"It seems that Mr. Snape is still too anxious. Don't you know that those two people entered Hogwarts with malicious intentions?"

"You said they were malicious. These two people entered the school and didn't do anything. They didn't even destroy the college. They just competed with you.

It would be better for you to kill them both directly. Is this what you call justice?"

"Hahaha, but if the teacher knows a little bit, he should be able to understand the shattering magic that remains in my body.

But it's not the so-called ordinary magic that can be resisted. Could it be that the teacher still doesn't know the horror of the body-shattering magic and its effects?"

"But even so, Avada Kedavra is the evil magic of the ghouls. Do you use Avada Kedavra to disrupt the order of Hogwarts?

Inquisition, I propose that Carlos be expelled from Hogwarts House. ".

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