Army Training

Sun Xin went to the firing range of the army and practiced before delving to the dungeons.

He selected the Shooting first and was into the firing range. He saw a vast firing range and the time was at night. Crickets sounded in the vicinity with hoots of owls. It was dark and an instructor that he saw managing the firing range was having a flashlight embedded on his helmet.

He wore a green vest that has many magazines and a green helmet. Having a camouflage pants on the bottom.

"Hello instructor! What is the goal?" Xin asked.

"Your mission is to eliminate the targets. You have to use all kinds of weapons as a goal and that's it!" he said to him.

It was still night time so he could not see the targets yet.

"Here are your night vision goggles. Put it on first." The instructor said then handed him the Long machine gun.

With it, he saw the target dummies on the firing range. Several ones of them were already has holes on their bodies.

With it, Xin lifted the machinegun and looked into the scope of the rifle.

"It was called M4LMG, a long machine gun that has a big capacity with 100 bullets. Its strength was its bullet numbers and its range. Fire it to the targets," he said.

"Okay!" Xin replied.

Xin lifted the machine gun and aimed it at the targets. With the night vision goggles on his eyes, he saw the target was green. The dummy has three circles and a red dot in the center.


Sound of the gun with a silencer in it. Xin then reloads it in one second. He had fast speed reloading it even it was heavy. It was a muscle memory that etched with constant practice.

"It all hit the mark! Very good! Now use the submachine gun and run while firing the targets," he instructed.

Immediately Xin grabbed the PDW–57 and ran then fired the visible targets. It was muffled by the silencer and only the clanging metal was sounding.

He dashed and fired at them one by one. Making a cover and then fired at an interval. It was also called run and gun.

"Was that good enough?" Xin asked.

"You need to be faster to draw your weapon. The submachine guns were the ones that excelled at close combat. With its fast draw, fast firing speed, and fast reload speed.

"It will be the best in close range. Better use their strength to the fullest. Next was the assault gun. Have a try with the AK–47. I adjusted its attachments to be as accurate as possible. Go on try it," He said to him.

Xin then grabbed the gun and it was lighter than the long machine gun he used earlier. Though heavier than submachineguns.

Xin then aimed at the sight with a red dot sight. He fired it and hold it tight.


It sounded like a proper gun. It was also silenced.

"The strength of the assault weapons was its accuracy and its range. You can shoot farther enemies with it as long as its recoil was at its lowest and it will be accurate," the instructor said.

"Now the sniper. We have DL–Q33. It was extremely damaging compared to the faster firing rate ones," the instructor said.

Xin then grabbed the weapon and fired it at the target.


Sounded the sniper. Xin then reloaded and he was surprisingly agile.

"Good! Now the shotgun. Its strength was close attacks. Anyone can fire it but many were slow reloading it. Practice reloading it as fast as you could," the instructor said.

"Yes!" Xin said to him.

Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Chokchuk!

Xian finished reloading.

"Good! You are fast enough to reload it but you need practice. Your performance is excellent and can rival the best police right now.

"Now the pistols," he handed a desert eagle on Xin then observed.

Xin immediately fired at the targets.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

All were headshots on the targets.

"Good, you finished the task!" The instructor said to him.

"Nah it's nothing," Xin replied to him.

Immediately, he went to meet his commander and he was delighted to see him.

Entering the tent, he was welcomed by his commander.

"Sun Xin! How have you been? It's been a long time since you resigned as a Scout Ranger. You in hero association now?" he asked.

"Yes sir, it's been a while. I am in Hero division now. I longed to fight the Villains themselves." Xin replied.

"Have a seat, coffee or juice?"



"It seemed that you are following your dreams, that's good. Anything you needed? We will always welcome you if you go back," he said to him.

"Thanks a lot sir, but I will be on training for the next step. Thanks a lot for taking care of me," Xin said to him feeling grateful.

"My powers are cloning. And if I clone myself, the clones will inherit my knowledge and skills. As well as my capabilities. And so, I would like to train in all squad positions. Sniper, assault rifleman, machine Gunner, medic, and everything else." He deliberately said it without hesitation.

"Hmm, I see. Well we can train you but your loyalty must be firm. We would not want to see our trained personnel biting our hands," he said then put a gun on the desk.

"I am loyal to my country sir! I will not betray you all," he said.

"Then put a bullet on your head," his commander said to him.

Without hesitation, Xin put the gun on his head and fired.


"Oh! Hoho! You actually did it! Welcome back," he said to him.

With it, Xin trained in the army again. He was training for 3 months and was now ready.

He went home and then Xian was getting taller. She was now a big girl. Xin was proud. As for his mother, he needs to get a divine Mandragora and Dragon's heart. As well as the bark of the world tree. Worth millions of dollars in the market. He would be working like a slave to just have half of the price.