Illusionist and Healer Xin


The Demon Lord of Slaughter was just watching from his scry crystal. Telling himself that it was the right time to attack as the mood was merry. And so, he grabbed the Teleportation clock and pushed it's button. Making him open a portal that could enter barriers like it's nothing.

Illusionist Xin was playing with Xian with his Illusions. Healer Xin was in the couch eating popcorns. All was happy and the mood was calm. No alarming premonitions either.

The thing was, it was a peaceful moment and all was in its resting and leisure time. The barrier was still up and they all felt secured. Healer and Illusionist was the best option to escape. Other clones have classes that were more on combat style and not in usefulness part in battle.

They played for a moment and were happy. The two Xin's made Xian confused who was who all along.

Up until, a portal appeared and they saw a robed man covering his face with a devil mask. He has a pair of gloves, a necklace of a clock, a mask of a devil, and twin curved daggers on his waist.

The two immediately were alarmed and stopped playing. Illusionist went to grab Xian and Healer blocked his path.

"How did you get inside my barrier!?" Illusionist Xin said to him.

"It is not important. Just give me the Destiny Key Child," he said.

"What? No!" Illusionist said to him.

He threw a dagger on Healer Xin and he grabbed the table to block the incoming projectile. The dagger hit the mark and was stuck on the table.

Illusionist made illusions to confuse the enemy. Making numerous Xian's on the process. He teleported and one by one grabbed her, but it was only a smoke.

Until, in the same moment, the enemy disappeared and whoosh! A dagger pierced Healer Xin's back. He puked blood on the process. His dagger was imbued with corrosion so even Healer Xin will heal himself, he would still die.

But still, he used refresh and his body reverted back. He used Empower skill and he was doubled in stats.

He kicked the Demon Lord to the chest and he was flung into the ceiling.


The Healer then used Heal and Refresh to make the corrosion disappeared.


[Skill: Heal]

[Heal the caster or the wounded and removes the debuffs of the one casted]

[Skill: Refresh]

[Refreshes the cool down of all the skills]

[Skill: Regeneration]

[Regenerates 1 Health points, Mana points, and Stamina points per second]

[Skill: Empower]

[Doubles the stats of the buffed person for 3 minutes]


"Oh I will stab you again and again right?" A crude voice was heard.

"Healer!" Illusionist shouted.

"I will hold him off! Run and take Xian!" He grabbed the hands that has the dagger and gripped it with all he got. He immediately grabbed another dagger and stabbed him again and again.

Healer Xin fought back and used his hands to grab his mask in which the enemy tried to dash backwards.

"So your mask is important heh?" He asked.

Illusionist Xin immediately used delusion spell on him and it has no effect. Must be because of the effects of the devil mask. He immediately used illusions on the room and the imagery of the room was replaced with a room of mirrors. Reflecting their faces that was surreal.

Healer used this option to attack him.

Only to get the illusion dispelled by a touch of his gloves. But at that moment, Xian was grabbed by Illusionist Xin and ran away. Illusions were the best at this types of events and Healer could do tanking at the moment and give him ample time to escape.

The enemy then used his clock of Teleportation and he teleported rapidly while slashing Healer Xin. Healer roared as he used Wing Chun to block his attacks and as well as Kali. Making the two clash in hand to hand combat.

Though the enemy appeared and disappeared in rapid motion, making Xin to have a disadvantaged state. He used to fight him but he has run out of mana to use heal on his wounds. Making him collapse on sheer blood lose.

The two dashed and thought they outran the enemy, only to get disappointed. They immediately saw the opening of portal and he was stabbed on the back. All witnessed by Xian.

Though it was only an Illusion and they have ran away. But to his complacency, he was tracked by the enemy and put a tracking device on Xian. He immediately dashed, only to get caught underhanded by the teleporting enemy.

Illusionist Xin used Mirror Image skill that made the enemy have a close to original clone when it comes to abilities.

The mirror image and the enemy fought but the mirror image did not have items that could teleport him. only to make him a butchered log of meat on the process of the slaughter skill of the enemy.

Xin immediately used smoke Illusions and they multiplied immediately. Though the enemy planted a tracking device and they were caught.

Stabbing him on the back was an easy piece of cake especially when he targeted Xian and Xin, in a blink of an eye, sacrificed himself to defend her.

"Xin!" Xian roared with eyes in tears. All witnessed by Xian's eyes. She witnessed too much bloodshed with her young heart. She still hasn't moved on from her trauma and there, once again witnessing their deaths.

Meanwhile in Original Xin.....

Original Xin felt troubled. But Xin knew one thing, he could not feel their life signs anymore and his heart was beating fast. Though he knew that their pulse were still there albeit weak.

'They are in danger but still alive,' all Xian could tell from deep inside his heart. Their memories went to him and someone was hunting them. Someone who could make portals that made a surprise attack via teleportation.

Making Xin to get angered once again. He punched the walls of the room and boom! It made a crack. He bit his lower lips and his blood oozed from his mouth.