Take the fruit of life and break through as a trainee knight

 Thoughts intertwined one after another.

 In the end, Thor chuckled lightly and without any hesitation, he directly stuffed the Fruit of Life into his mouth.

 Bite after bite

 The pulp instantly turned into a warm current that spread to the entire body.

The next moment, Thor felt an extremely hot feeling all over his body, and at the same time, the originally vague life force began to stir rapidly.

The life source power contained in the life fruit is undoubtedly extremely huge. As the main material of high-level life potions, the life source power it contains is enough to give an earth knight a chance to be promoted to a sky knight. Such a huge source of life force, for a being who is not yet a trainee knight, is almost equal to the vast ocean.

 Fortunately, the life source power contained in the fruit of life is extremely mild.

  It will not cause death due to explosion.

 A large amount of life force, even if it could not be absorbed, was quickly integrated into Thor's flesh and blood to lay his foundation.

But even so, the feeling of heat is still unbearable.

 Sweat dripped down in big drops.

Thor's body seemed to be filled with gas at this moment, and the extreme discomfort continued to spread.

Thor gritted his teeth, swallowed all the fruit in a couple of mouthfuls, and then sat cross-legged.

 Struggling to gather his thoughts, he began to use the Knight's Breathing Technique.

The Dressrosa family's knight method, called the eagle breathing method, is the highest level breathing method and has the best effect on mobilizing the source of life.

The moment the breathing method was used, Thor felt that his eyes could not help but become empty, and the life force in his body began to quickly gather toward his chest.

 Time passes minute by minute.

 not knowing how long it took.

Thor's clothes were soon soaked with sweat and gradually dried.

 When the blood-red moonlight gradually dotted the sky.

 Night falls.

In the room, Thor suddenly opened his eyes.

 The moment he opened his eyes, he felt the difference in the whole world.

 He could clearly see the fine dust in the air, and he could also detect the chirping of insects outside the window that he could not hear in the past.

 He could even hear servants walking in the corridor.

 The whole world has changed at this moment.

 No, not the entire world, but his perception of the entire world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

 The five senses have been unprecedentedly improved.

 The body is changing even at this moment.

If you could look inside his body at this moment, you would find that a green light spot the size of a rice grain was quietly suspended in the center of his heart. A faint light filled the air, and the blood in his heart was constantly being soaked, and then moved towards it. The limbs and bones spread away.

 The blood soaked in green light also brought subtle changes to the entire body.


 This is the extraordinary power that belongs to this world.

 Only those who have condensed the seeds of life can be called trainee knights.

 Because the power given by the life seed is unparalleled, it can subtly change the human body's various attributes, strength, agility, reaction, perception, everything.

 Every trainee knight possesses power that ordinary people cannot match.

 Even if you join the nobles, you will get a lot of benefits.

In my memory, every trainee knight in my father's knights had an income of ten silver coins a month. You must know that an ordinary family of three only needs ten silver coins a year. It can be said that they have an income of ten silver coins. A world of difference.

 This is also the reason why he finally chose to swallow the fruit of life.

Perhaps he gave the fruit of life to his father he would be able to stay as freeloader.

Let's not talk about it for now. This is only possible, not certain.

The Dressrosa family's family rules are extremely strict, and no one can be sure that their father will really be like this. And even if he can, is it really what he is willing to do to travel to this world and become a freeloader?

 Extraordinary power.

 Which traveler in this wonderful world does not have longing for it.

Thor is no exception.

 The decision to make in this situation is self-evident.

As for his father, he has a daily intelligence system. If he really has an idea, he believes that he will still have a chance.

 A smile appeared on his face.

 Thor clenched his fist involuntarily.

 "The next step is to meet my father!"

Muttering to himself, he stood up and immediately called a servant to wash and change clothes.

 When he walked out of the room again, his figure was extremely neat and tidy, and his temperament had obviously changed.

Walking in the castle, a castle maid glanced at him from time to time.

 When the figure walked past, the maid's started to gossip.

 "Master Thor, something seems a little different today!"

"Yes, Master Thor seems to be more glorious!"

 "Master Thor seems to look much better today!"

The apprentice knight's keen hearing allowed him to hear the maids' discussions even when he was far away.

 He was not too surprised by this.

Having condensed the seeds of life, he will undergo great changes from the inside out, and even ordinary people can detect it.

This will be more obvious if you become a knight. Unless you can reach a higher level, you can restrain this change. Naturally, he who is just a trainee knight at this moment cannot do it.

But he doesn't need to hide.

In fact, it is only two days before he reaches adulthood. What he needs more is to show his strength to his father, Engel, the owner of Dressrosa Castle, Count of Dressrosa.

 Steps forward.

 His figure reached the third floor of the castle.

This is located at the highest point of Dressrosa Castle, where Count Engel of Dressrosa used to stay all year round.

 In the past, at this hour, Engel Dressrosa would read in this study.

This day is no exception.

Engel Dressrosa was in front of the bookcase, just flipping through the "General History of the Continent" in his hand.

But what no one noticed was that the earl's thoughts did not stay on the general history of the mainland but wandered to unknown directions.

 "It's been ninety years!"

The long voice sounded, with a sigh and a deep worry.

 And after sighing.

 The whole room fell into silence again.


 "Dong dong dong!"

There was a soft sound from the door.

 Then the voice of the butler Charlie sounded.

"Your Majesty, Master Thor wants to see you!"

The voice was not loud, but it brought Engel Dressrosa's thoughts back to God.


"Come in!"

Engel Dressrosa frowned slightly. He was not too concerned about his ninth son. After all, his talent was so poor that he was almost the last among all his sons. But after thinking about it, it was better to say yes.

 (End of this chapter)


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