About to arrive in Loren City

TN: Sorry about no chapter yesterday the site was not working and saying that I was a threat to the website whenever I tried to log into Web novel


"Sir, there is someone ahead!"

A cry of surprise rang out, and then the entire knights couldn't help but prepare for battle.

Hearing the knight's words and the fallen figure in front of him, his heart couldn't help beat, but he instantly understood that the mysterious old man who was seriously injured should be in front of him.

"Don't be nervous, go and see what's going on!"

Thor waved his hand and spoke solemnly.


 A knight nodded, then waved his hand, and several people quickly stepped forward.

 Soon, these people returned.

"Sir, the man in front seems to have been poisoned and his life is in danger!"

A respectful voice spoke and reported to Thor.

 "Bring him here!"

Thor thought for a moment, and then gave an order to the knight commander next to him.


Steve nodded, and then quickly summoned the men to come forward.

 Soon the old man was brought over by several knights.

And Thor finally saw clearly what this mysterious old man looked like.

The old man was wearing a dark armor, his hair was already graying, his face was haggard, and a touch of brown almost spread to his face at this moment.

 Looking at this scene, Thor's brows couldn't help but frown.

 Obviously, this person may have been poisoned.

 It's hard to say whether he can be saved or not.

Thor was slightly confused, but still looked at Ren next to him.


 The words speak.

"My lord

 Ren responded respectfully.

"Place him in the carriage at the rear and go and give him the fruit I got a few days ago."

Thor spoke and decided.

  He even took out an equally precious item he had recently acquired.

It was a sacred tree fruit that he harvested in the jungle three days ago. Although its value is not as good as the life fruit, it is almost the same as the star and moon fruit. The only difference is that the star and moon fruit is usually a tree. There will be countless of them, but there is only one sacred tree fruit. It can only be born among trees that contain life power for more than a thousand years. Each one contains a large amount of life source power, not just for intermediate life potions. The main material is also the auxiliary material for high-level life potions.

 Under normal circumstances, as long as the limbs are not severed, a piece of sacred tree fruit can cure it.

But the old man's situation is indeed not optimistic at this moment, and Thor is not sure that the sacred tree fruit can be taken over.

But now that he has chosen to save the old man, Thor is ready to give it a try.

  In any case, he can afford to lose a sacred tree fruit, so there is no need to worry too much.


Ren nodded.

 There was no hesitation about this.

 Ran quickly to get the fruit.

 "I hope you don't die!"

 "Otherwise it will be in vain!"

Thor murmured to himself, and after taking another look, he immediately looked away.

 That's all he can do.

 As for using high-level life potions.

Let's not say that he doesn't have this thing. Even if he does, he most likely won't take a gamble. After all, he doesn't know how much unexpected surprises the old man in front of him can bring. Even high-level potions are not suitable for him now. The effects are unimaginable.

 It is naturally impossible to just take it and use it casually.

 This is an interlude.

 Everyone set off again.

At this moment, we are getting closer to Loren City in the Municipal District of Northland Province. At the current speed, it can be reached in ten days at most.

 In response, Thor directly chose to speed up.

 Haven't bothered to look for items anymore.

  After all, as we get closer to Loren City, the harvest around us becomes obviously lower.

 It's not attractive enough anymore.

 In this case.

  Ten days' journey, but it took only seven days, the city of Loren is already in sight.

 Seven days.

 Everyone is on their way.

 Fortunately, all of them are at least trainee knights, so they are not tired or anything.

 As for the reduction in harvest, no one even cares.

 After all, everyone knows that it is impossible to gain something all the time. Everything that happened before was enough to surprise people.

And for Thor, he didn't care too much. Everything before could prove the great role of the daily intelligence system in the Northland Province.

 At present, we are not in the pioneering land. If we go to the pioneering land, the harvest will only be greater.

 It's not even the beginning now, so naturally there's no need to care.

 The only person who caught his eye was the mysterious old man.

 Seven days have passed, but the old man's breath is still weak and there is no sign of waking up.

Had he not been able to still feel the fluctuations in the source of life, Thor would have doubted whether the old man had died.

There was no way. Even just feeling the poison made Thor's scalp feel numb. He suspected that even a formal knight might not be able to stop it.

 No, not I'm afraid.

 But affirmative.

 In this case.

 Whether he can wake up is undoubtedly a bit daunting at this moment.

 Once he cannot wake up, his investment and risk will undoubtedly be in vain.

 Fortunately, the intelligence in the past few days did not indicate any danger.

 Otherwise, he would have to consider leaving the old man behind.

 After all, it's not worth it no matter how you look at it.

However, since there was no warning of danger and the old man was not dead at this moment, Thor decided to stay after thinking for a moment.

 After all, according to the tradition in the previous life, everything was saved.

 And on the eighth day.

 Everyone can already see what it looks like heading to Loren City.

Ren's aura shook suddenly, and the next moment green light spots spread to his entire surroundings. At the same time, waves of life source power swept across, and the aura was rising rapidly.


Thor opened his eyes and looked at Ren, who was not far away. The corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch again.

At this moment, he has just felt the existence of the mid-level trainee knight. If he wants to break through, he estimates that it will take another day. The result is now good. Ren has directly broken through to the peak of the trainee knight. If it was just a guess before, then he is almost sure at this moment. Ren will definitely be able to break through to the official knight before heading to the territory.

 Formal knight, that is a formal knight.

 At his current cultivation speed, let's see if there is any hope in ten years.

This is still an enhanced talent. Before, it was estimated that it would take decades.

 Shaking his head, Thor couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, everyone in the knights was alarmed. Even Steve, as the knight commander, couldn't help but look at Ren in shock.

Along the way, although he had a sufficient understanding of Rens' talent, he was still deeply shocked by his breakthroughs one after another.

He knew about Ren's knight training method, and it had only been less than three months since he reached it.

 Think about yourself.

It seems that I have only just mastered the correct knight breathing method in three months. Let alone the peak of the trainee knight, I have not even seen the door of the trainee knight.

 (End of this chapter)



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