Chapter Two Hundred and Seven: Two Top Academies, Adorned with Boss Accessories

[Fire God Palace]instance upgraded, the news of the appearance of Hell difficulty finally spread. Lin...

Students from various independent academies were sharpening their knives and preparing to make a splash in the instance.

After all, legends about the [Fire God Palace]instance had been circulating among professionals for many years.

Many people were very curious about the instance's 'Element Fragments'.

At the same time, news of Lin Moyu setting a new record in the instance also spread.

Setting a record of just over an hour in the instance made people feel incapable of competing.

It's okay, if the first one doesn't work, there's always the second and third.

Anyway, Lin Moyu had already created one miracle after another, and being overshadowed by him wasn't embarrassing.

It seemed that as long as Lin Moyu had cleared an instance, others only had the qualifications to compete for second and third place.

Anyway, only the top three were on the list, being on the list meant strength.

Just when all the academies were itching to move, another piece of news spread.

Baili Academy, personally led by Baili Sheng, returned defeated.

Baili Sheng left the instance hall with a despondent look, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Regardless of his usual demeanor, he still had strength.

The fact that he personally led the team to fail was surprising.

Immediately, some busybodies went to inquire about the specific situation inside the instance.

From the mouths of the people from Baili Academy, they learned about the instance.

It was similar to other Hell-level difficulties, with very strong monsters.

They were discouraged from going too deep into the instance.

The key was the constant onslaught of fire elemental attacks that they couldn't withstand.

In summary, only one auxiliary with status effects was needed.

At least five healers were required, four were somewhat too strenuous.

Output required wind, water, and electric three-series mages or physical professions.

Fire mages were useless.

There were some changes compared to Nightmare difficulty, but not particularly significant.

The key was the number of healers and a very powerful knight acting as a tank.

With the data in hand, the various academies sprang into action.

They needed people and equipment, quickly organizing teams to vie for second and third place.

Lin Moyu was oblivious to these matters as he repeatedly ran the instance.

He had become very proficient by now, handling it with ease.

And because of the stability, he wasn't in a hurry. His speed wasn't faster than the second place, just maintaining stability.

After running the instance three times in a row, he finally collected the first Flame Crystal Shard.

Putting the five Flame Crystal Shards together, they automatically fused.

Clearly, they were crystals, but they turned into liquid when they merged.

It looked like a red magma, filled with a huge amount of fire element.

It should have been very hot, but in Lin Moyu's palm, it only felt warm.

All the fire elements became introverted, hardly emitting any outward.

After the fusion was completed, there was only a fist-sized flame crystal, like a flawless ruby, stunningly beautiful.

[Flame Crystal: Can be combined with other single-element crystals to form Elemental Divine Stones, increasing the probability of career sublimation at the third stage. The more elements fused, the stronger the effect of the Divine Stone. Can also be used alone to permanently enhance fire resistance. After being used alone, you can no longer receive the help of Elemental Divine Stones.]

As White Yiyuan and others said, Flame Crystals can be combined with wind, water, electricity, and light four-element crystals to form Elemental Divine Stones.

Greatly increases the chance of career sublimation at the third stage.

However, Lin Moyu saw a difference.

It didn't necessarily require all five kinds of crystals to be gathered. Even if only two kinds of elements were fused, they could also form Elemental Divine Stones.

However, the effect would be much weaker.

And the upper limit was not necessarily the fusion of five single-element crystals.

There could be six, seven...

As long as you could find enough pure single-element crystals.

The premise was pure enough.

Those that came out of the Elemental Secret Realm wouldn't work, as they contained too many impurities.

The Elemental Secret Realm was a place where multiple elements were mixed together, losing the purity of the elements.

Lin Moyu thought, "The commonly used elements are wind, water, fire, and electricity. This is also the most common elemental system for mage professions."

"Besides, like Su Sheng, who is a light element mage, and there are also shadow mages who are good at curses and control, they actually use dark elements."

"I wonder if there are other elements."

Lin Moyu thought, the rest would have to be found slowly by him.

In his contemplation, he left the instance.

The instance hall was much quieter now.

After three consecutive instances without setting a new record.

People wouldn't always pay attention to him.

Lin Moyu found a relatively quiet place to rest.

After running it five times, fighting continuously for over ten hours, both body and mind were somewhat exhausted.

With the increase in attributes, stamina was also correspondingly increasing, and he only needed to rest for a while to recover.

Experience had reached level 28, 43%, a few more runs and he could level up.

After a rough calculation, when he collected three Flame Crystals, he estimated he would reach level 30.

After a while, a strange energy fluctuation appeared in the square outside the instance hall.

Lin Moyu, who was resting, slowly opened his eyes and saw a group of people coming.

Not only Lin Moyu, but when the group appeared, the entire square quieted down.

It was the aura of Boss accessories.

And not just one.

Ning Yiyi had Boss accessories on her, the Goblin King's ring. Lin Moyu was very familiar with this aura.

But Ning Yi only had one, so it wasn't very strong.

And now, there were at least ten Boss auras mixed together, obviously much stronger.

Lin Moyu was curious, what kind of team could possess so many Boss accessories.

Even those independent academies, at most, had only a few Boss accessories. It would be difficult to form a team with them.

After the teleportation, everyone saw the appearance of this group of people.

Not recognizing the people, but recognizing the clothes and the emblem on them, they couldn't help but exclaim.

"It's from the Genesis Academy."

"How did people from the top academies come here?"

"It's really strange, they rarely show up, each one is mysterious and arrogant. I've been at the academy for so many years, and I haven't seen them a few times."

"I heard that the top academies are not in the academy, so it's rare to see them here."

"It's really strange, how did they come here."

There were three top academies in Xiajing Academy.

Naturally, the strongest was the Creation God Academy.

Undoubtedly the leader, always first without dispute.

After that, there was the Genesis Academy and the Flame Emperor Academy.

The strengths of the two academies were comparable, and it was difficult to say which was more powerful.

But regardless of which academy, compared to other academies or ordinary students in the academy, they were mysterious and powerful existences.

The sudden arrival of a team from the Genesis Academy attracted a lot of attention.

"They all seem to have Boss accessories."

"Goblin King's ring, Firefly necklace, Wind Spirit earrings..."

"My god, although they are all only gold-level Boss accessories, they are almost complete sets."

"If only I could have one Boss accessory."

The voices were filled with envy.

There were thousands of Bosses in the world, countless instances.

Some instances dropped materials that could be used to make special accessories, which were called Boss accessories, possessing some magical properties.

Below level 40, the best Boss accessory was the Goblin King's ring.

It wasn't related to level, purely based on attributes.

The Goblin King's ring could increase the level of a skill.

Just this attribute alone made it the king of accessories below level 40.

Lin Moyu looked at this group of people, exactly twelve in number, men and women.

After they arrived, they didn't say a word, ignoring everyone's discussions, and walked directly into the instance hall.

Lin Moyu didn't pay too much attention. They must have come to run the instance if they came to the instance hall. Since he couldn't see them, it wasn't worth paying attention to.

Someone followed them up, and soon ran out to call out, "They entered the [Fire God Palace Instance]."

A faint smile appeared on Lin Moyu's lips. So they were going to run the [Fire God Palace]instance.

That wasn't surprising.

They must also be after that legend.

Inside the instance hall, there were fire, wind, and water three major elemental instances.

If they were all like the [Fire God Palace]instance, they could obtain the corresponding elemental crystals, which could also be fused into Elemental Divine Stones.

It would undoubtedly help with career sublimation at the third stage.

At this point, the aura of Boss accessories once again permeated the air, even more intense than before.

Another group of professionals teleported over.

The number of Boss accessories on this group of people was even greater.

Their arrival once again caused an uproar among the crowd.

"God, the Flame Emperor Academy is here too!"