### Chapter 246: Fresh Corpses are Getting More and More

Phantom Alice was among them. Although only level 50, she held a high status as the emissary of the Phantom King, commanding all Abyssal Demons.

Jiang Wenshan had already gotten a good look at the demons approaching and was slightly relieved, "Fortunately, there are only high-level demons and no lord-level demons."

The world of the Abyss is filled with countless types of demons, endless in number. The hierarchical grading is even more rule-based, distinguishing demons by rank and class. Levels above are known as top-level demons. In addition to rank, there is also a distinction between demonic classes; the higher the class, the higher the status. 

There are Demons, Lord-class demons, and Demon Lord-class demons—a rigorous method of distinguishing between them. Lin Moyu was also very clear about the difference. For example, the Red Moon Demon he encountered the other day was a Lord-level demon. In terms of status, a demon of its class can't even compare. Those top-level demons over level 70 could only be compared to the level 55 Red Moon Demon. Red Moon Demons are somewhat special and different from ordinary demons. Their thinking is too simple, with the strength of a Lord-level demon but without the intelligence.

There is also a distinction of class on the Dragon side. Their distinctions are more brutal and brainless, in line with the character of the dragons. The purer the bloodline, the higher the status. So, there are commoner dragons in the Dragon Clan and noble-class dragons. Even if a level 70 usual Dragon Clan meets a level 30 noble, the status and rights are equally inferior.

There were a few of these dragons coming over now with powerful bloodlines, distinguishable by their aura and equipment. Their breath is more powerful, and their equipment is more ornate and refined, heavily jeweled and colorful, very much in keeping with the dragon race. They belonged to the noble class in the dragon race.

Lin Moyu looked at these dragons flying in, "Their equipment seems to be good."

Mo Yun glanced blankly at Lin Moyu, this guy was eyeing other people's equipment again.

Lin Moyu turned to Jiang Wenshan, "In a moment, listen to my command to use the air-banning skill."

Jiang Wenshan nodded, "Understood."

The Shadowmaster also nodded, "Got it."

Jiang Wenshan chose to believe in Lin Moyu, and they chose to believe in Jiang Wenshan.

The Abyssal Demons stopped more than five hundred meters away from Lin Moyu. They spread out, densely occupying the sky, each more than 100 meters apart. This was entirely aimed at Lin Moyu's Corpse Burst skill. Alice's gaze was firmly fixed on Lin Moyu, positioned at the furthest distance from him. Upon seeing Lin Moyu's bland and somewhat relaxed demeanor, for some reason, fear grew in her heart.

She took out a crystal ball and threw it down, and flames flickered in it. With a bang, the crystal ball hit the ground and exploded, creating a large sea of fire. The sea of fire took on an eerie black-green color and blazed across the solid, dark ground. The earth was instantly burned into liquid, turning into magma, showing the high temperature of the flames.

Mo Yun and Jiang Wenshan's faces changed drastically at the same time, and Mo Yun even exclaimed in shock, "Abyssal Fire."

Lin Moyu turned his head with a question.

"Abyssal Fire," Mo Yun explained, "is said to be the source of power for the Abyssal Demons. The first demon of the Abyss was born from the fire of the Abyss. Within the area covered by the Abyssal Flame, the power of the Abyssal Demons will increase dramatically."

Jiang Wenshan added, "Within the flame cage, the Abyssal Demon's strength can be increased by at least 30%."

Lin Moyu understood that the Abyssal Flame could be seen as a status bonus for Abyssal Demons. The Abyssal Demon's attributes were already the highest of the three races, and with the additions, their attributes would be even more impressive.

Jiang Wenshan continued, "It is also because of the existence of the Abyssal Flame that our human army has attacked the Abyss several times and returned in defeat. We must be careful as well."

After releasing the Abyssal Flame, Alice chanted, "Do it!"

In a flash, a large number of Abyssal Demons rushed over. They were hideous and exuded a powerful aura. Abyssal darkness power rolled and flowed in their hands, swinging out a large number of attacks. The abyssal power transformed into black swords and fell like rain. There was also part of the abyssal power driving the abyssal fire, forming black-green fireballs that fell from the sky. Some Abyssal Demons incited their wings, forming a tornado-like attack. A few Abyssal Demons disappeared abruptly in the air.

Jiang Wenshan shouted, "Watch out!"

He wanted to come over to protect Lin Moyu but was stopped by Lin Moyu with a look.

Four sharp and thin daggers appeared around Lin Moyu at the same time. Four stealthy Abyssal Demons had snuck up on Lin Moyu for a sneak attack. 

Bang, bang, bang.

Four consecutive crisp sounds rang out. The skeleton armor shone brightly. All their attacks were blocked by the skeletal armor.

"It's good that you're here. I'm afraid you wouldn't come down."

The corners of Lin Moyu's mouth lifted slightly as he reached out and squeezed.

Skill: Slow Speed Curse!

Under the curse, the four Abyssal Demons revealed themselves at the same time. They were short in size, standing no taller than one and a half meters. Half-bowed, with small wings on their backs, they were not as tall and imposing as other higher demons. A flash of panic was evident in the eyes of the four demons, and they instantly backed away, drawing trails of residual shadows in the air.

Phantom Alice couldn't help but shudder when she saw the corners of Lin Moyu's mouth lift slightly, realizing something was wrong. She saw a body through the cracks of the skeleton, a very fresh corpse of a monster. The red light flashed again, and the slowing curse instantly turned into a damage curse. Almost at the same time, there was a loud boom! The monster corpses were detonated. The four Abyssal Demons didn't even have time to make a sound and were blown up on the spot.

A level 55 monster might not have as much life force as a level 60 Abyssal Demon. But with a 10x damage curse and a 10x corpse burst, under the double augmentation, even a level 60 Abyssal Demon couldn't withstand it.

When Jiang Wenshan saw this scene, he involuntarily shivered. The four demons that died were recognized as Abyssal Night Demons, somewhat similar to the human assassin profession. They could be stealthy, were very fast and explosive, and specialized in sneak attacks. It was even possible for them to kill mages, auxiliaries, and other brittle professionals of the same level in seconds. The downside is that their vitality and defense are weak, and once caught, they are just as easy to kill. But it couldn't be any easier than being killed in seconds.

"Four more fresh bodies. The battle turned in our favor from the start."

Alice shouted in the air, "All spread out, beware of Lin Moyu's group attack skill."

A large number of attacks from the Abyssal Demons fell on Lin Moyu. The skeletal armor glistened and creaked. The attack power was indeed powerful; although it was no match for the Earth Touch Dragon God, it was no worse than the Red Moon Demon. Even skeleton armor wouldn't last more than a few hits.

Lin Moyu smoothly patched up a layer of skeleton armor for himself and one for Mo Yun. As for Jiang Wenshan and the others, there was no need for him to care. The Shadowmaster in the group hit a black cloud over their heads, blocking all the attacks.

The Abyssal Demons spread out and attacked from a distance, which was the playstyle Phantom Alice had set from the start. In her opinion, this was the only way to play it safe. As for the four Abyssal Night Demons making a sneak attack, it was just an attempt. She didn't expect it to fail.

Lin Moyu didn't pay any attention to the Abyssal Demons that had already dispersed and looked towards the Dragon professionals on the other side, who had already rushed over. Dragons are more direct in their approach, charging straight ahead. They didn't care what the Abyssal Demon was doing. It could also be said that they simply ignored the Abyssal Demons. Receiving orders from the Dragon King, their goal was to chop Lin Moyu into pieces.

The assistants in the group had filled up their statuses, and currently, those melee fighters rushed towards Lin Moyu.

"This kind of one is a favorite!"

Lin Moyu laughed as a skeleton picked up the Abyssal Night Demon's corpse and violently threw it up.

Mo Yun whispered, "It's going to rain again!"

Jiang Wenshan hadn't reacted yet. First, there was a flash of red light, followed by an intense explosion. Exploding in the air is more powerful than exploding on the ground. In one explosion, nearly half of the dragon professionals were killed. The bodies fell in droves, as if it were raining. Jiang Wenshan then realized that this was what Mo Yun meant by rain. The bodies are raining!

Several noble-class dragon professionals also

 rushed to the front. Their magnificent armor failed to protect them, and they likewise died in an explosion.

Fresh corpses, more and more.