Chapter 275 - A new round of speed brushing! Excitement!

The two of them appeared outside the copy, and Lin Moyu used the Cooling Amulet to cool down the copy time. The one he used was his own Cooling Amulet, and he didn't use the Advanced Cooling Amulet given by Bai Yi Yuan. Lin Moyu moved quickly; before and after only two seconds, the two entered the copy again.

Outside the replica, the three parties are still facing off. This has happened many times in recent decades. The standoff was to last until the replica was closed.

"They're out."

"Huh, how did they get back in?"

"Man, they didn't die in there."

"This copy doesn't have an exit, so it's hard to believe that they beat-passed the copy."

"Is that possible?"

The human professionals were stunned one by one. Their mouths were open in disbelief. The [Geocentric] copy is special; unless one passes it or waits for the copy to disappear, otherwise, it couldn't have come out. All disengagement props are null and void. The fact that Lin Moyu and Mu Jianlian were able to come out could only mean that they had really gotten through. And it's starting to hit for the second time now.

Jiang Hanshan said silently in his mind, "Of course it's possible." Only those who had seen Lin Moyu fight would know how strong Lin Moyu was. With his Undead Legion, it really wasn't that difficult to single-handedly brush this kind of copy.

Caran Night Rain couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Mu Jianlian come out. She was truly afraid that something would happen to Mu Jianlian inside. The two grew up together and are like sisters. It was natural to see that she was safe now.

Jiang Hanshan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Brothers, from now on, we need to get our spirits up. When Colonel Lin comes out next time, the Abyssal Demons and Dragons will likely launch an attack." Jiang Hanshan knew very well that the Abyssal Demons and the Dragon Race did not want another Earth Knight to be born in the human race. In the records of history, the Earth Riders brought them great defeat. So it was highly likely that they would snipe Lin Moyu.


Everyone was pumped up and ready for a big battle at any moment. On the side of the Abyssal Demons and the Dragons, a dangerous light flashed in each of their eyes. The people at the head of the two clans had gathered together.

Demon: "The first time it took him 4 hours, the second time might be faster, maybe 3 hours or so would be enough."

Dragons: "Let's get ready to strike a killing blow when he comes out."

"Never allow another Earth Knight to appear in the human race."

"That's right, the threat of one God-ranked Earth Knight is better than three God-ranks from other professions."

"Our clan has an iron order to prevent the birth of Earth Knights from the human race at any time."

The second time Lin Moyu entered the book, the environment was already very familiar. Standing at the entrance, he pondered the fight in his mind.

"[Strong Soldier] skill cooldown time one hour."

"Without this skill, the last [Ancient Earth Dragon] is not good to fight."

"That means that even if you swipe the book as fast as you can, it'll be once an hour."

Seeing that Lin Moyu seemed to be in deep thought, Fiber Mu Mu quietly watched from the side and did not interrupt. She was a little excited at the moment, with her new gear, her warrior skills, and the gear came with really great skills. Plus 50% physical immunity. She has so much to gain. Trying not to get excited.

Lin Moyu suddenly raised his head, "No, it's not necessary to rely on the [Strong Soldier] skill."

"As long as I move fast enough, I can completely utilize the Earth Flower and Earth Fire Fish to fry the [Ancient Earth Dragon]."

"I wonder how well the alpha monsters blow up."

The strength of the plant-based BOSS's life force was amazing. Lin Moyu was curious as to what the effect would be if he used it to blow up. If his idea could work. There's every chance of getting a few more rounds of copies. At least, with the cooldown time of the [Strong Soldier] skill, it could be swiped for another 3 to 4 rounds.

Eyes lit up and it was settled. It's been a while since Lin Moyu speed-swiped, and his blood boils.

"Mu Jianlian, have you tried speed brushing?"

Quick brush?

Mu Jianlian shook her head, indicating that she didn't understand. Lin Moyu admonished, "In a moment, I'll pull the monsters together and you run after me."

"When I start gathering monsters, judge the timing yourself and go up and release the group gathering spell."

"If it doesn't feel right, it's okay to leave it out."

"The degree of it, take it into your own hands."

"You can't miss out on your Gathering Technique when it's only the leader and the final boss."

Since you're going to speed brush, you're going to have to give up some gains. As long as you keep the big head, you'll be fine, and some of the flies should be let go.

Mu Jianlian listened carefully to Lin Moyu's words and nodded her head vigorously to assure, "Don't worry, I'll do my best."

"Well, it's on then!"

After Lin Moyu finished speaking, he put the skeleton armor on himself and Mu Jianlian. With a soft gulp, the Skeleton Warrior answered the call. The Skeleton Warriors pulling monsters didn't need to be many, two Undead Legions and 400 Skeleton Warriors were enough. Skeleton warriors ran through the canyon like the wind. This time, instead of pulling in batches, they just ran all the way to the end. Some of the monsters that were too hidden, Lin Moyu simply let them go and let them live. A large number of monsters were attracted out by the Skeleton Warriors, and their numbers grew.

The first section of the replica's canyon has an approximate monster count of 500. Lin Moyu gave up some of them and pulled a large portion, up to about 400. 400 monsters of huge size occupied a large space. The sound of mud and rocks tumbling and splashing as they ran was amazing. Mu Jianlian honestly followed Lin Moyu's side; she had never seen a monster fight like this before. She finally realized that this was the quick brush that Lin Moyu was talking about. Pass the entire copy as fast as you can. She also got a little excited at the thought. The Combat Instinct Talent flew, and his mind became extremely clear at this moment. When the talent was activated, Mu Jianlian discarded her timidity, and her thoughts cleared. As the monsters gathered, she ran over with a chirp. Skill: Group Gathering! A large cloud of fireworks was thrown. The range was extreme, and so were the monsters affected. It absorbed the attention of 200 monsters in a flash. 200 monsters simultaneously abandoned their respective targets and rushed towards Mu Jianlian. Mu Jianlian didn't run away but ran around the periphery of the monster group. Lin Moyu realized that the monsters she attracted were all in the back half of the monster group. There was also a large number of monsters whose attention wasn't on her in between. "Very clever!" Mu Jianlian was running around, waiting for the skill to cool down. Ten seconds later, she cast another Group Gathering spell. This one drew the attention of all the monsters. The speed of gathering monsters was even weirder than Lin Moyu. All the monsters had only one target, Mu Jianlian. Mu Jianlian didn't run away again this time but gave Lin Moyu an I believe you look. Skills: Total Defense! The skill she had just obtained was unleashed, and Mu Jianlian glowed all over. For 1 minute, defense is increased 1000 times and damage is reduced by 99%. And that 1% damage is almost the same as no damage in front of 1000x defense. Within that 1 minute, Mu Jianlian was almost invincible. ---- Request Flowers ---- -------- Meat shields aren't even as meaty as she is. Lin Moyu didn't expect her to do this, this match. There is no other word for it than perfect. Lin Moyu didn't wait half a second longer either. Lin Moyu had already moved when Mu Jianlian unleashed her group collection spell for the second time. More than 200 spells cut through the sky, the red light of the Skeleton Warrior's great sword exploded, and the soul flames in Lin Muyue's palm jumped and boiled. A red light fell and the damage curse turned into a sharp sword. A monster was attacked by concentrated fire and instantly killed in seconds. Then a roar echoed through the copy. After a dozen consecutive loud bangs. There was silence all around. Countless messages popped up that were too much to read. Lin Moyu gave Mu Jianlian an appreciative look, "Well done." Mu Jianlian's pretty face was slightly red and hot, "Thank you." There was some small joy in being able to get a compliment from Lin Moyu. "Following each . Day! More, newcomer? From the small. The story of the group. () Continued!" Since it's a speed brush, you can't stop. The Skeleton Warrior grabbed a large number of monster corpses and ran straight forward before jumping off the cliff without any hesitation. Lin Moyu and Mu JianJian also followed behind and jumped straight down. The second section of the replica, a world of magma and sulfuric water. .... ... 0 The Skeleton Warrior dragged the corpse in a frenzy, charging straight towards the Earth Flower. Along the way, it attracted a large number of Earth Firefish, and the tentacles of the Earth Flower were reaching out of the lava and sulfur water, but the Skeleton Warriors were running so fast that not many of them were entangled. Skeleton warriors arrived and threw the corpses in their hands on the ground next to the Earth Flower. Lin Mo Yu and Mu Jian Jian then arrived, and without saying a word, Mu Jian Jian directly went up and unleashed a group collection spell on the Earth Flower. Earth Flower instantly unleashed its skills at Mu Jianlian. The tentacles lashed over frantically, all of which were blocked by the skeletal armor. Buzz! Red light falls, damage curses! An explosion went off. After just three explosions, the Earth Flower was seriously injured after that. The nearby Earth Firefish also died out. In the next second, the flower of the earth exploded. It began to cast its Rebirth skill to recover from its injuries. At the same time, the tentacles frantically reached out from the ground and formed vines. More than two hundred earth firefish rushed out of the magma. Mu Jianlian let out a delicate cry and cast the Group Collection Technique once again. Even if it couldn't cover all of the Earth Firefish, it could at least cover 80%. Explosions continued to ring out, and in the midst of them, the skeletons had thrown their bodies at the Earth Flower. Lin Moyu grabbed every second, not wasting any. Mu Jianlian had looked dumbfounded. It's too soon to play a copy like that. This time into the replica, it's been a little over half an hour at most so far. Most of the time was spent on top of running, and not even five minutes of real fighting time. Mu Jianlian kind of saw that this was what Lin Moyu called speed brushing; it was too exciting. With a roar, the Earth Flower was blown up and died an even more suffocating death than the last time. There wasn't even the slightest chance of a counterattack. Not waiting for the lava to cool, not waiting for the earth to harden, not waiting for the waterfall to disappear. The skeletons had grabbed the bodies of the Earth Firefish and the Earth Flower and jumped up the cliff. The Earthflower's body was too big, and its tentacles were very long, making it very inconvenient to drag around. The Skeleton Warrior kept slashing with his knife, cutting off all of its tentacles. It was then carried by four Skeleton Warriors and ran towards the [Ancient Earth Dragon]. Mu Jianlian sighed softly, "I'm afraid that the Earth Flower would never have imagined that it would be split up after its death." Lin Moyu glanced at her, this girl's focus, some peculiar ah! Jiu. Kangxi radical 118 science