

**Chapter 744: If You Can't Learn to Be Ruthless, Then Learn to Die**

Outside the Demon Emperor's palace, a dozen demon kings arrived simultaneously. They called out to the Demon Emperor, hoping that Demon Emperor Liliane would take action to stop Lin Moyu. The entire Demon Emperor's palace was surrounded by the fierce Abyssal Fire, the most intense flame in the Abyss, with a dark green color tinged with black. It was filled with Liliane's laws, possessing the power of destruction and imbued with her personal will. Even high-level demon kings could not approach. The demon kings could only call out from outside the palace.

After a long time, the Abyssal Fire trembled slightly, and a cold voice came from within the palace, "I know, I will take action!"

The dozen demon kings immediately smiled. In their view, as long as the Demon Emperor took action, Lin Moyu was nothing. After all, the information they had indicated that Lin Moyu could not defeat the Dragon Emperor. The Demon Emperor had fought the Dragon Emperor before and was clearly stronger. As demons, they had confidence in their emperor.

Inside the Demon Emperor's palace, the Succubus King cautiously asked, "Your Majesty, are you really going to take action?" By now, the Succubus King knew what had happened. Lin Moyu had been slaughtering cities along the way, unstoppable. Moreover, Lin Moyu's performance was even stronger than when he slaughtered cities in the Dragon Clan. The Succubus King couldn't believe how Lin Moyu had become so much stronger in such a short time. There should be a limit to getting stronger, but why did Lin Moyu seem to have no limit? Every so often, he would become significantly stronger than before. Fighting above his level was as easy as eating and drinking.

Initially, he was able to slay the Flame Demon King with a level below 60. Later, his level and combat power increased at an astonishing rate, almost like cheating. Now, at just over level 80, he could easily slay high-level dragon kings and even confront the Dragon Emperor and Demon Emperor. The Succubus King had never seen such a talented human professional, almost like a monster. The Succubus King was also fortunate that she had not stubbornly fought against Lin Moyu; otherwise, she might be dead by now.

Liliane chuckled, "Do you think Lin Moyu is very perverted, with combat power that defies logic?" Her voice was pleasant and melodious, and her human form was nearly perfect. Especially her beautiful face, which even made the Succubus King feel a sense of inferiority. The Succubus King said, "Among all the humans I've seen, he is the most talented."

Liliane smiled, "People like him are called 'monsters' in the great world." "There are many monsters in the great world, but there shouldn't be many like him."

Mentioning the great world, a look of anticipation appeared in the Succubus King's eyes. She had just learned some information about the great world from Liliane. She had thought that the Abyss, humans, and dragons were the entire world. She didn't realize that the world she knew was just an insignificant island in the vast ocean. She also wanted to see what the real great world was like.

Liliane said, "Let's go, it's time to send some heads." "Lin Moyu is approaching your territory; show your sincerity." The Succubus King understood what "sending heads" meant. She had no resistance to Liliane's orders and immediately replied, "Yes, Your Majesty."

Liliane waved her hand, and she and the Succubus King disappeared from the palace. In the next second, the Succubus King appeared in her own royal city. Liliane had been rooted in the Abyssal world for many years and was not just hiding in the Demon Emperor's palace doing nothing. In secret, she had arrangements throughout the Abyssal world. She had backdoors everywhere in this world. For example, now, if she wanted to go somewhere or send someone somewhere, she only needed a thought to open a teleportation channel and arrive directly. She was much smarter than the Dragon Emperor, always preparing a way out for herself. If the path she envisioned didn't work, she had a final backup plan. However, even she wasn't sure if that backup plan would work, so she wouldn't use it unless absolutely necessary.

The Succubus King immediately summoned her closest subordinates upon returning to her royal city, including a succubus named Mina. "You all, leave immediately and find a place to hide." "Wait for my orders before coming out." The Succubus King's expression was extremely serious, and her tone was very grave. Although she was fully loyal to Liliane, she still wanted to save the lives of a few trusted subordinates. "Yes, Your Majesty." They had no doubt about the Succubus King's orders. They thought she was sending them to confront Lin Moyu. In the demon society, the Succubus King was the supreme existence in their eyes. They immediately teleported away and disappeared. The Succubus King stood on the city wall, looking at the many demons in the city, and sighed. Liliane's order was for her to send heads. The demons in the city were the heads to be sent. How to send them was up to her. The Succubus King knew that sending away a few trusted subordinates would not escape Liliane's notice. However, she had no intention of betrayal, so Liliane should not mind.

Lin Moyu was approaching, and the Succubus King activated the barrier outside the city. As the ruler of the royal city, she had absolute control. The barrier covered the entire royal city, not just a defensive barrier but other barriers as well. Teleportation arrays and devices were all disabled at this moment. All communications were cut off, unable to send any information to the outside world. From this moment on, the royal city became an isolated island. This was how she sent heads.

The Succubus King looked at the demons in the city and sighed again. This world was so cruel. It was said that the great world was even crueler. If you can't learn to be ruthless, then you must learn to accept death. For this reason, the Succubus King began to be ruthless. But she wasn't completely ruthless; at least she saved a few trusted subordinates. After doing all this, the Succubus King hid.

Lin Moyu found several royal cities through the headless knights. He chose a relatively convenient route and slaughtered cities along the way. As he expected, the demons fled when they saw the situation turning against them. In the two cities he passed through, there weren't many demons left. On the contrary, the headless knights encountered many demons on the way, and those demons fled like they had seen a ghost when they saw the headless knights. Compared to the Dragon Clan, the demons were much smarter. Once they scattered, it would be difficult for Lin Moyu to carry out a true city massacre. This also made his experience gain slower than expected.

In the human world, Antares' live broadcast continued. Lin Moyu's strong and decisive actions in sweeping through the demon royal cities left a deep impression on people. The giant Eye of the Undead, like a heavenly curtain, swept through the royal cities, leaving no survivors. This amazed everyone. Lin Moyu seemed to be telling the world that he not only had a powerful undead army but also skills more terrifying than forbidden spells.

"The demons are too cunning; they all ran away." "What else could they do? Stay in the city and wait to die?" "True, even if a demon king came, it would be a death sentence." "It seems the Dragon Clan is really stupid." The human world was abuzz with discussion, and everyone saw through the demons' coping strategy. Although cowardly, it was effective. Lin Moyu was also somewhat helpless. The fragment world was not small, and once the demons scattered and hid, finding and killing them one by one would be extremely inefficient.

"Feeling a bit troubled?" A pleasant voice rang out, and Liliane stepped out of the space. Lin Moyu was not surprised by Liliane's arrival, "It's okay, just a bit troublesome."
