

**Chapter 809: Damn Human Race, I Won't Let You Go**

The book was accompanied by a scream that only the soul could hear. Lin Muyu's world core trembled violently and then completely fell silent. The last remaining will was completely crushed.

The next step was to leave his soul imprint on the world core, turning this ownerless world core into his own item.

Suddenly, his soul frantically warned him, and the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal emitted a loud dragon roar. Lin Muyu sensed a deadly danger, and a sharp sword appeared in front of him, aiming at his neck. Simultaneously, a sharp sword also appeared abruptly in his soul world, directly stabbing at his soul body. Dual attacks on both the physical and soul levels.

The sword appeared silently and without any warning. In the soul world, the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal suddenly met the sword head-on, causing a violent tremor in the soul world. The sword was shattered by the collision with the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal. However, in the real world, the sword grazed Lin Muyu's neck, but he remained unscathed.

The undead army suffered some damage but not to the point of collapse. The opponent's attack was not as powerful as the light of destruction. Lin Muyu possessed the passive spell [Physical Resistance], making him completely immune to all physical attacks. Even physical law attacks could be reduced by 8100 times.

The sudden sword attack ended without success, and a light "hmm" came from the air. Then another sword was thrust out, again with dual attacks on both the physical and soul levels.

"Again? You're asking for it!" Lin Muyu muttered to himself, donning a layer of bone armor. The attack on his soul was once again shattered by the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal. The bone armor crumbled, but the sword stopped abruptly in front of Lin Muyu's neck.

A white light appeared not far away, and the attacker was trapped by the bone prison spell. Bone fangs and bone spears simultaneously launched, exploding into a burst of white light. A faint gray shadow appeared in the white light, wearing special clothing that wrapped itself tightly, revealing only a pair of eyes. It looked humanoid but was not human. Its hands had only four fingers, which were very sharp, and it had a tail.

It had no aura at all, and if not for the spell linkage, Lin Muyu would not have found it. But since it appeared, it was easier to deal with. The opponent was very strong, and the bone prison only trapped it for a moment before shattering. Lin Muyu pointed a finger, casting the fusion spell: Time Curse!

A scream echoed as the opponent's soul was instantly burned, then attacked by soul poison and various curses. The time law played a significant role, causing what should have been long-term damage to accumulate and explode in a short time. The opponent retreated in screams, quickly disappearing and hiding in space.

Lin Muyu donned his bone armor and did not pursue. His full rebirth talent was on cooldown, and he had used the undead spell several times, so he was not in his strongest state. With the opponent's identity unknown, Lin Muyu chose to wait for his talents to cool down. He estimated the opponent's strength to be between the seventh and eighth tiers of super god. It would be difficult for the opponent to kill him, but Lin Muyu was unsure if the opponent had more powerful means. The opponent seemed to be from the great world, and Lin Muyu did not dare to be careless about the unknowns of the great world. The opponent disappeared without a trace.

Until all his spell talents cooled down, the opponent did not reappear. "Gone?" Lin Muyu chuckled. This guy really fled after a failed attack. Are all people from the great world so cautious? Not daring to try a second time.

Lin Muyu knew the opponent couldn't kill him, but it would also be difficult for him to kill the opponent. Since the opponent left, it saved him trouble. The undead army remained vigilant, protecting Lin Muyu in layers. Lin Muyu closed his eyes and began to imprint his soul on the world core. His soul power flowed into the world core, which emitted a soft light.

Suddenly, the soul world trembled, and the sword reappeared. The Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal roared and charged. With the Nine-Colored Dragon Soul Crystal, the opponent's soul attack was destined to fail. In the real world, the sword also appeared, this time with the light of at least two intertwined laws, much more powerful than before.

Lin Muyu snorted, flicking his finger to summon the Eye of the Undead. As the bone armor shattered, the opponent's hiding place was immediately revealed. The bone prison could trap the opponent for a moment, enough for Lin Muyu to counterattack. The gray figure appeared a hundred meters away in the air, with its sword close to Lin Muyu. Its hand seemed to stretch through space.

The undead gaze fell, and soul attacks rolled in. Using the opponent's methods against them, Lin Muyu unhesitatingly pointed a finger, casting another Time Curse. The scream was even more miserable than before. The previous soul damage continued, and this time it was even worse. The Time Curse combined with the undead gaze meant even an eighth-tier super god would suffer greatly. Lin Mumu was also proficient in soul attacks.

The opponent disappeared again in screams. Lin Muyu's eyes were cold, knowing this attack had truly hurt the opponent. If the opponent returned, there might be a chance to kill him. Taking a deep breath, Lin Muyu prepared to eliminate the opponent. Meanwhile, his soul power continued to imprint on the world core. But to Lin Muyu's surprise, the opponent did not reappear.

In a corner of deep space, a gray shadow suddenly appeared, falling out of space and rolling on the ground, screaming in pain as if his soul was burning. "Damn human, I won't let you go, never!" "I'll cut your flesh into ten thousand pieces." "I'll make sure you die a horrible death." He cursed Lin Muyu, not even knowing his name. Trembling, he took out an item and crushed it, disappearing from deep space.

Lin Muyu was unaware of this. Anyone who dared to steal his world core was a mortal enemy. His soul power continued to imprint on the world core, which was then absorbed into his soul world, appearing in his soul body's hand. Energy flowed from the world core into his soul body, making it shine brightly. The gap to the second-tier peak was completely filled. His armor was enveloped in light, reaching the second-tier peak.

Through his soul, Lin Muyu sensed the world core was filled with various laws, though all were incomplete. He also felt another powerful force, transcending laws, the most fundamental power of the world core: the power of the world. Lin Muyu had heard of this power before. The world core's value lay not in its laws but in this world power. With the world core absorbed, the independent world disappeared, and Lin Muyu returned to deep space. Taking a deep breath, he felt his mission was complete and prepared to return.