

**Chapter 839: Life and Death at Will, The True Undying Law**

The great war had begun, and the thousand-year-long racial conflict was about to come to an end. 

In fact, because of Lin Muyu's existence, the outcome of this conflict was already determined.

The military base was successfully completed, Meng Anwen finished setting up the formations, and the Eternal Great Wall was activated, firmly guarding the entrance to the Abyss.

The human race now had a stronghold, like a sharp knife already plunged into the enemy's chest.

Now, they just needed to push the knife further in to kill the enemy.

Lin Muyu knew the great war had begun, but he didn't care.

As long as Meng Anwen didn't come looking for him, there was no problem.

Before the war began, Lin Muyu had already compared the strengths of both sides.

Currently, the human race's strength was still superior to the demons.

Combined with the wisdom of the human race, this racial war was almost a guaranteed victory.

Lin Muyu continued to look at his small garden, where the grass had grown to the height of a hand.

The saplings, though not very healthy, had also stubbornly survived.

The entire garden exuded vibrant life.

Until spring turned to autumn, snowflakes began to fall from the sky, and the ground was covered with a layer of ice.

The grass gradually withered in the snow, losing its vitality.

But Lin Muyu could feel that the roots of the grass beneath the ground had not withered.

They still harbored life.

This is the power of life.

Surface death does not mean true death.

Behind life lies the coldness of death.

Deep within death, life is nurtured.

Life and death oppose each other, yet each contains the other.

At the edge of the garden, Lin Muyu slowly closed his eyes, and a wisp of gray energy appeared at his fingertips.

This gray energy seemed filled with the aura of death, but upon closer inspection, one could feel a hint of life within it.

The moment the gray energy appeared, the grass and saplings in the small garden quickly withered.

The last bit of vitality was exhausted at this moment.

The grass began to rot, completely decaying, roots and all.

After the grass completely rotted, the saplings joined in.

The saplings, which had grown to half a meter tall, quickly shrank, collapsing as if they were crumbling, withering and rotting.

The entire process happened quickly, taking less than ten seconds for the small garden to lose all its vitality and turn into a place of decay.

A thick stench filled the air, permeating the entire manor.


A soft exclamation sounded, followed by silence.

Ning Yiyi covered her mouth, looking at the garden in front of Lin Muyu, now completely rotten.

How could this be? Her little head couldn't figure out the reason.

But she knew she couldn't disturb Lin Muyu.

Soon, Mo Yun, Shu Han, and Mu Xianxian all arrived, showing expressions of shock.

Then, they witnessed a miraculous scene.

The small garden, which had completely rotted and lost all vitality, seemed to have completed its entire process of decay. At the final point of death, new life suddenly burst forth.

A tiny bit of life was nurtured within death.

Then, with unstoppable momentum, it rapidly exploded.

Life, as if accumulated for many years, fully erupted at this moment.

The gray light in Lin Muyu's hand also changed slightly. The originally lifeless gray light suddenly began to pulse.

Like a heartbeat, it pulsed continuously.

Life grew stronger and stronger, and the decayed soil was reorganized, turning into fertile soil.

Blades of grass began to grow.

Then saplings appeared.

In just two minutes, the grass had grown to half a person's height.

The saplings were even taller than Lin Muyu.

Then the grass transformed, blooming flowers, and the trees bore fruit.

The fruits ripened and fell, and the flowers withered.

Just like the cycle of spring and autumn, they began to wither again.

One cycle of life ended, and a new cycle began.

The seasons changed, constantly evolving.

Life continued endlessly, never stopping.

Every time it reached the end of death, new life was nurtured.

When life reached its peak, at its most brilliant moment, death would descend again.

The gray light at Lin Muyu's fingertips also went through cycles of change.

From lifeless to vibrant, and from vibrant to decayed.

Finally, the gray light at Lin Muyu's fingertips stopped changing.

The power of life and death merged into one.

It finally fused into a faint light, gray with a hint of white, no longer pulsing like a heartbeat, nor lifeless. This was the true Undying Law, the complete Undying Law.

No longer distinguishing between life and death, both life and death were contained within.

With a thought, the garden that was gradually decaying suddenly stopped decaying. Where there was no life, life suddenly appeared, and the garden began to change, life being nurtured.

A tender shoot quickly broke through the soil, followed by hundreds of green leaves.

The land rapidly regained its vitality.

Just as life was gradually being restored, it began to wither and decay again.

The changes were abrupt, with life disappearing and turning into death at any moment.

Death could also end at any moment, nurturing new life.

There was no need to go through the entire cycle.

All changes would follow Lin Muyu's will.

The cycle of life in the small garden began again, with the grass and saplings growing strong.

When life reached its peak, the gray-white light in Lin Muyu's hand disappeared, and he closed his eyes in deep thought, as if entering a special state.

He began to comprehend his recent gains.

Not far away, Ning Yiyi and the other three were completely stunned.

They seemed to have witnessed a miracle.

Before this, they couldn't imagine that life and death could change so seamlessly.

It took a long time for the four of them to recover from their shock.

They exchanged glances, silently retreating.

Lin Muyu was now comprehending his gains and couldn't be disturbed.

After they left, they couldn't help but chatter excitedly.

"Husband is amazing; that was simply a miracle."

"Life and death, all under husband's control. Is this the power of the laws?"

"It should be, but it feels different from others' laws."

"Indeed, it's a bit different, but Muyu has always been different from others."

They talked non-stop, their faces filled with pride.

Lin Muyu was their pride.

Winter passed, and spring came, the weather gradually warming.

Lin Muyu stood there for several months, unmoving, unaffected by wind or rain.

Finally, after half a year, Lin Muyu opened his eyes.

A gleam flashed in his eyes, and his spirit reached its peak.

A faint pressure emanated from him, spreading through the heavens and earth.

His soul power flowed freely, enveloping the entire manor.

"I finally comprehended the Undying Law." Lin Muyu clenched his fist, speaking softly.

Though his voice was soft, it couldn't hide his inner excitement.

He had been in contact with the laws for over three years, and this time he finally comprehended the true Undying Law.

Though it was just the basics, he could now wield the law.

Compared to merely using the laws contained within spells, the ability to wield the law himself felt incredible.

Unfortunately, he still couldn't apply the law to his spells to enhance their power.

The curse of the Great World Rune still existed, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Checking his own state, he found that his level had unknowingly soared to 95.

During the half-year of comprehending the law, the talent giant tree continuously supplied soul power to Lin Muyu, raising his level.

As long as he hadn't reached the limit of his soul level, this improvement wouldn't stop.

Not only had his level increased, but his soul level had also broken through the bottleneck of level 96, officially reaching level 97.

Comprehending the law could enhance the soul level, which was also the way strong individuals in the great world cultivated.

As for soul power, it could be enhanced through the talent giant tree.

The two complemented each other perfectly.