

**Chapter 941: Humanity is Fortunate, I am Fortunate**

Lin Moyu had a deeper understanding of the Sea of Laws after counting them. He was curious about how the Human Emperor Network constructed such a vast Sea of Laws. This was just one of the five Seas of Laws, and there must be even larger ones in the Central Divine City. According to the correspondence between reality and illusion, what exists in the Human Emperor Network might also exist in the real world. But where in the real world could there be so many law stars?

Moreover, law stars almost never form naturally. Lin Moyu was very curious. Then he saw a special star in the Sea of Laws. This star not only emitted no light but also swallowed the incoming light. If it weren't for Lin Moyu's sensitive soul, which detected the spatial vibrations on its surface, he wouldn't have seen it.

"Black hole?" Lin Moyu instinctively reacted. In the starry sky, there are various stars, and black holes are one of them. They swallow light and everything they touch, even stars. Some giant black holes can even swallow divine kings. Human records state that unless one reaches the divine sovereign realm, it's best to avoid black holes.

The black hole in the Sea of Laws couldn't be a real black hole but a virtual one constructed by the Human Emperor Network. But why construct a completely useless virtual black hole in the Sea of Laws? Lin Moyu didn't believe the Human Emperor Network would be so bored. His consciousness looked into the black hole, and an invisible suction pulled his consciousness in.

Lin Moyu felt his soul enter another space, but trusting the Human Emperor Network, he didn't panic. He knew it was absolutely safe in the Human Emperor Network, and any danger would be pre-warned. The feeling of his soul being split was just an illusion. A large amount of consciousness entered the black hole, which seemed like another starry sky. In the starry sky, a blazing flame burned, filled with astonishing laws. The laws were so powerful that they seemed to burn the entire starry sky.

Lin Moyu had never seen such a vast and astonishing fire law. A river of laws burning with flames appeared in the starry sky, with laws roaring and fire waves surging. In the center of the flames stood a human strongman. He stood casually, but his aura permeated the universe.

"Divine Sovereign!" Lin Moyu immediately recognized this as a divine sovereign, and a very powerful one. Divine sovereigns have complete control over the tributaries of laws, and their power is integrated into the river of laws. Every move is filled with the power of laws, immensely powerful. But now, this divine sovereign seemed to be in a bad situation. Flames flew out from the river of laws, burning his body and revealing fiery white bones.

This divine sovereign had lived with the fire law all his life, and the law had long seeped into his bones. But now, he was about to die under his own law. The divine sovereign was neither happy nor sad. He looked at the river of laws above and spoke loudly.

"Glorious humanity, the fire will not extinguish!"

"With the protection of the Human Emperor, our humanity will never perish."

"Now I, the Red Fire Divine Sovereign, willingly transform into the fire seed, eternally illuminating billions of humans, blessing the prosperity of humanity!"

"Humanity is fortunate, I am fortunate too!"

The voice echoed through the starry sky, and all the flames gathered together, compressing and condensing. The flames became more intense, and in the final gathering, they sublimated brilliantly. A violent explosion unfolded before Lin Moyu's eyes. The explosion opened the key to the inheritance, and a brilliant law star was born in the fire law.

In Lin Moyu's eyes, this newly born law star was far more brilliant than the fire law and far more magnificent than the river of laws. The law star condensed the supreme will of the Red Fire Divine Sovereign. He transformed into a law star, becoming the fire seed of humanity, blessing the prosperity of humanity!

The unimaginable shock deeply moved Lin Moyu's heart. It turned out that the sages of humanity not only existed in small worlds but also in the great world. The law stars were so brilliant, far surpassing all the stars in the starry sky.

Then, the scene changed, and cold winds howled. The entire galaxy was frozen, and countless enemies were eternally sealed in ice. But outside the galaxy, countless alien races were still watching. The Cold Water Divine Sovereign, heavily injured, laughed fearlessly and wildly.

"With the protection of the Human Emperor, our humanity will prosper."

"Now I, the Cold Water Divine Sovereign, will annihilate the enemy races, transform into the fire seed, and bless the prosperity of humanity!"

"Humanity is fortunate, I am fortunate too!"

The coldness swept across the starry sky at a speed faster than light. The brilliant silver-white river of stars sparkled, and within a radius of tens of light-years, everything was frozen in an instant. The Cold Water Divine Sovereign transformed into a law star in the starlight, illuminating humanity for eternity.

The scene changed again. In a prosperous alien galaxy, powerful aliens were on high alert. More than ten divine sovereigns, along with countless divine kings, defended the galaxy. This was their home galaxy, now being attacked by a single person. A human, dressed in black and shrouded in gray aura, exuded a strange and terrifying law.

Lin Moyu immediately recognized that this person controlled the law of death. The law of death was similar to his own law of immortality and was even recognized by the Human Emperor Network. The law of death was a second-tier law, much stronger than elemental laws. This human was covered in wounds but had a cold smile on his face, full of killing intent.

"With the protection of the Human Emperor, our humanity will prosper."

"Now I, the Death God Sovereign, will exterminate the enemy race, and from now on, there will be no more of your race in the great world."

"This god will transform into the fire seed, blessing the prosperity of humanity!"

"Humanity is fortunate, I am fortunate too!"

The river of laws appeared, covering the entire galaxy. The gray aura swept down, engulfing the entire galaxy. The alien race perished under the law of death. The alien divine sovereigns fought desperately but ultimately couldn't resist the invasion of death. The entire race was annihilated. The Death God Sovereign also transformed into a law star under the gray law, illuminating humanity for eternity.

Lin Moyu's consciousness returned, and he shuddered, waking up. He saw the origin of these law stars. They were transformed by human divine sovereigns who fought and died for humanity. Even after death, they transformed into law stars, illuminating future generations of humanity for eternity.

His eyes unknowingly became moist, filled with emotion and more with shock. Lin Moyu couldn't describe it in words.

"Only such humanity can withstand the cruelty of the great world!"

"Only such humanity is the true humanity!"