

**Chapter 1003: One Cannot Grow in a Comfort Zone**

Zhu Tian and Luo Qiankun, two old fellows whose combined age was unknown, stared at each other, neither willing to back down. 

After a while, Zhu Tian couldn't help but speak, "What is the War God Hall planning to do?"

Luo Qiankun looked at him as if he were an idiot, "Do you think I would tell you?"

Zhu Tian snorted, "Even if you don't say, I can roughly guess."

"Since you can guess, why ask?" Luo Qiankun retorted unceremoniously.

Ignoring his words, Zhu Tian said in a deep voice, "I just want to confirm. If you don't say, it's fine. I'll immediately order people to protect Lin Moyu closely. No one will be able to touch him."

Hearing this, Luo Qiankun's face changed, and he angrily rebuked, "Are you crazy? A tree cannot grow tall in a greenhouse."

Zhu Tian chuckled, "Are you anxious? Is it any of your business?"

This was exactly the reaction Zhu Tian wanted from Luo Qiankun.

Based on the War God Hall's past actions, he had already roughly deduced what they would do.

Luo Qiankun glared at Zhu Tian, "What exactly do you want?"

Zhu Tian said, "It's simple. I want to share information about Lin Moyu. Don't hide any information you have, and I'll tell you everything I know."

"Let me think about it." Luo Qiankun fell into deep thought.

Zhu Tian was not in a hurry and also pondered some information about Lin Moyu.

The demon race had a list called the "Demon Must-Kill List."

The people on this list were those whom the demon race considered threats to their own race.

Lin Moyu had shown astonishing combat power this time. Although his level was still low and he was like an ant to the demon race, his potential made the demon race feel threatened.

If Lin Moyu were to grow and maintain such combat power...

Therefore, Lin Moyu was added to the demon race's must-kill list, and they would use various means to kill him.

In fact, it wasn't just the demon race that had such a list; the human race had a similar one.

In the countless years of struggle between the human race and the demon race, it had become common for both sides to secretly assassinate each other's geniuses.

In racial conflicts, no means were considered too ruthless. As long as the goal was achieved, it was acceptable.

Once, a top genius appeared in the human race and was added to the demon race's must-kill list.

To kill him, the demon race even launched a war.

This war affected dozens of star systems and nearly half a star domain, involving dozens of god-level beings.

The human race defended fiercely to protect this genius, but in the end, they couldn't.

No one expected that the demon race would pay a huge price to hire the Shadow Clan, known for their assassination skills.

In the end, a god-level being from the Shadow Clan assassinated this genius, who was only at the true god level.

The result was the loss of a top genius for the human race.

The high-levels of the human race were furious, and a peerless expert from the God City took action, killing their way into the Shadow Clan.

They obliterated the god-level being who had acted and forced the Shadow Clan to sign a treaty.

From then on, the Shadow Clan declared to the entire big world that they would not use assassins above the target's level in any assassination.

In other words, if the target was at the true god level, the Shadow Clan would only use true god-level assassins at most.

This treaty was made under the strong pressure of the human race. If not, the Shadow Clan might have faced extinction.

However, Zhu Tian knew that the human race did not really want to destroy the Shadow Clan.

In fact, for a long time, the human race often hired the Shadow Clan to assassinate geniuses of other races.

But there had never been an incident where a god-level being killed a true god.

That time, the Shadow Clan had gone too far and broken the rules.

If the Shadow Clan had only used a god king, the human race might not have reacted so strongly.

In the end, the Shadow Clan was just a tool. Tools could be used, but they couldn't break the rules. If they did, they had to be punished.

The Shadow Clan wasn't strong enough, and in the face of the powerful human race, they could only bow their heads.

After a moment of contemplation, Luo Qiankun said, "Alright, I agree to share information about Lin Moyu, but I have a condition."

"Speak!" Zhu Tian's attitude improved significantly upon hearing Luo Qiankun agree.

Luo Qiankun said, "You can send people to protect Lin Moyu, but he must not find out. We need warriors, not flowers grown in a greenhouse."

Zhu Tian waved his hand, "Nonsense, do you think I don't understand that? I agree. Now tell me, what information do you have?"

Luo Qiankun straightforwardly shared what he knew, "After the demon race added Lin Moyu to the must-kill list, they contacted the Shadow Clan..."

Zhu Tian snorted, "I guessed they would do that. Do these guys have no other tricks?"

Luo Qiankun shook his head, "Besides the Shadow Clan, they also contacted another race."

"Which one?" Zhu Tian raised an eyebrow.

Luo Qiankun shook his head, "We don't know yet. The demons have kept this information very secret. We don't know much."

"If even you don't know, this must be serious." Zhu Tian's face darkened. He knew the capabilities of the War God Hall.

If even the War God Hall didn't know, it meant the demons were indeed being very secretive.

The more secretive they were, the greater the threat, and the more cautious they had to be.

Luo Qiankun said, "The Hall Master wants to see Lin Moyu's potential. He came from a small world, or more accurately, he fought his way out of it."

"His killing intent is very strong, especially towards other races. This is both good and bad."

"So we need to continue observing him and not extinguish his killing intent."

Zhu Tian snorted, "You people think too much and make things so complicated. But I understand your point. I know what to do."

"Let me know if you get any new information. I'll think about whether to send someone to Lin Moyu's home world."

Luo Qiankun nodded, "I've thought about that too, but I suggest you ask the City Lord. You might get a different answer."

Zhu Tian's eyes widened, "Do you know something?"

Luo Qiankun shook his head, "I don't know, but I asked a similar question. You can ask too. Alright, let me know if you get any new information."

After speaking, Luo Qiankun disappeared from the Human Emperor Network.

Zhu Tian also left. He sat in his chair, tapping the armrest with his fingers, muttering to himself, "It seems old Luo knows something."

"This guy won't say and wants me to ask the City Lord."

"Ask then, what's there to be afraid of!"

He then reported his intention to investigate Lin Moyu's home world.

He quickly received a reply from the City Lord.

The reply was simple, just two words: Not allowed!

But these two words made Zhu Tian's face change slightly.

The refusal was so straightforward, it was clearly unusual.

He became even more curious. Was there something special about Lin Moyu's home world?