

**Chapter 1042: Not Just Entering the Divine City, But Also the Human Race's Divine Path**

Because of the Law Divine Flower incident, many people still harbored resentment towards Lin Moyu. 

At that time, Lin Moyu was extremely strong, but because he was outnumbered, they had to swallow their anger.

Now, Lin Moyu was using puppets to complete tasks, which was clearly against the rules.

One by one, they connected to the Human Emperor Network to report him.

The Human Emperor Network indeed had this function.

But soon, they were dumbfounded.

The Human Emperor Network told them that Lin Moyu did not violate any rules.

"Did not violate the rules... The Human Emperor Network means that these skeletons are not puppets?"

"If they are not puppets, then are they his spells? I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it either. We've seen summoning spells before, at most summoning dozens or hundreds. How can there be so many?"

"Moreover, summoning spells generally cannot summon things stronger than oneself."

"Could it be some kind of treasure?"

In the starry sky, a group of people stared at each other, completely unable to understand what method Lin Moyu had used.

On the other side, Gu Qingxuan laughed softly, "Junior Brother Lin, those people really hate you now."

"Hate without being able to do anything about it is the sentiment of the weak," Lin Moyu said lightly.

Gu Qingxuan's eyes sparkled, "Junior Brother Lin, have you never hated anyone?"

Lin Moyu shook his head, "What I had was not hate, but enmity. But now it's gone, as all my enemies have been eliminated!" Lin Moyu was referring to the demons in the small world. He never hated them, only saw them as enemies.

Hate without being able to do anything about it is a meaningless emotion that only burns one's mind over time.

Lin Moyu simply harbored enmity and killed his enemies whenever he had the chance.

And he truly did it.

Gu Qingxuan sighed softly, "It seems that Junior Brother Lin's small world was not peaceful either. Many small worlds are like this, with constant strife. So those who can emerge from the small world are mostly geniuses."

Lin Moyu said, "The great world is too gentle. The Human Emperor Network protects the human race, but it also imposes many restrictions."

Gu Qingxuan naturally understood this principle. She knew far more about the Human Emperor Network and the operation rules of the human race than Lin Moyu did.

"My master once said that the existence of the Human Emperor Network has both advantages and disadvantages. It is good for the weak, but not necessarily for the strong. That's why the Divine City exists."

"It is said that the competition in the Central Divine City is much fiercer, and strong individuals emerge more suddenly."

In Gu Qingxuan's words, there was a hint of longing for the Divine City. She had always been striving to enter the Divine City.

Lin Moyu only knew that the Divine City was a holy place for the human race. Any human cultivator with ambition wanted to enter the Divine City.

But the level of the Divine City was too high for Lin Moyu to reach.

Lin Moyu looked at Gu Qingxuan, "It is said that to enter the Divine City, one must complete certain tasks. Only by passing a series of task assessments can one enter the Divine City, right?"

Gu Qingxuan smiled and looked at Lin Moyu, feeling that his eyes were as bright as the stars, very attractive.

Her face blushed slightly, and she turned her head to look elsewhere, "Junior Brother Lin, when you had third-level permissions, you should have received a chain task, right?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "I need to complete ten tasks, and I've already completed eight."

Gu Qingxuan said, "Actually, this task is the task to enter the Divine City. Completing ten tasks is the first step. After completing ten tasks, there will be a comprehensive assessment based on the completion of the tasks."

"Depending on the assessment, you will continue to perform the subsequent tasks."

"When all the tasks are completed, you can enter the Divine City."

"This is a long task, with a total of nine steps. However, it is said that those with excellent assessments can skip several steps."

Lin Moyu pondered Gu Qingxuan's words, "It doesn't seem very difficult."

Gu Qingxuan couldn't help but laugh, "Junior Brother Lin, don't say that to others. This task is very difficult, and most people are forced to stop halfway."

"Those who are forced to stop halfway are considered eliminated and are not qualified to enter the Divine City."

The Divine City is not easy to enter. Most people do not qualify.

Lin Moyu asked, "Senior Sister, how far have you progressed?"

Gu Qingxuan said, "I have reached the seventh step. Two more steps, and I will complete the entire task and enter the Divine City."

Gu Qingxuan was obviously confident about entering the Divine City. Her previous task completions were evidently good. Lin Moyu congratulated her, "Then let me congratulate Senior Sister in advance."

Gu Qingxuan smiled brightly, "Actually, I should thank you. My fifth step task was to bring someone from the small world. Your performance was excellent, which improved my task assessment. I think entering the Divine City should not be a problem for me."

Gu Qingxuan was in a very good mood, seeing her dream about to come true.

There are three ways to enter the Divine City. The most common is to complete the chain tasks.

The chain tasks are given to everyone. As long as they can successfully complete the nine steps, they can qualify to enter the Divine City.

However, most people cannot complete the nine steps and are disqualified halfway.

Another way is to join the army. By earning enough military merits, one can also get a ticket to the Divine City.

The last way is through the Temple of War.

As long as one can become a formal member of the Temple of War, they qualify to enter the Divine City.

Among the three methods, the first one seems the most complicated but is actually the simplest and safest.

The second method requires going to the battlefield, which is much more dangerous.

The third method is the most difficult. The requirements of the Temple of War are very high, and ordinary people cannot enter.

Gu Qingxuan suddenly asked, "Junior Brother Lin, you also plan to go to the Divine City in the future, right?"

"Of course, I want to go to the Divine City. I also want to see the Human Race's Divine Path," Lin Moyu said firmly.

He not only wanted to go to the Divine City but also to step onto the Human Race's Divine Path.

Gu Qingxuan said softly, "The Human Race's Divine Path is too difficult. It is said that no one has been able to step on it for thousands of years. Junior Brother Lin's ambition is really great."

Lin Moyu smiled slightly, "People should always have dreams."

Lin Moyu had dreams. He wanted to become an invincible strongman and change his wife's fate against the heavens.

Thinking of his wife still sleeping in the coffin, Lin Moyu felt a sense of urgency.

Gu Qingxuan waved her fist, "I believe Junior Brother Lin can definitely do it."

Lin Moyu smiled but said nothing, his eyes full of confidence.

Gu Qingxuan found that she really liked seeing Lin Moyu's confident look, which made her a little fascinated.

The undead army steadily advanced, not missing a single corner of the star system.

Strange creatures were continuously killed. Whether they were fourth-tier or fifth-tier true gods, they could not stop the undead army.

Twenty days later, the undead army finally advanced to the core area of the star system.

In a star system, starting from 10 million kilometers away from the star, it is considered the core area of the star system.

In this range, the influence of the star's power becomes increasingly significant.

With the star at the center, a spherical area with a radius of 10 million kilometers is formed, where the number of strange creatures increases significantly.

In this area, multiple strange creatures often attack simultaneously.

The danger increases, and the number of cultivators correspondingly decreases.

But for the undead army, this is not a problem. The undead army still advances with unstoppable momentum, killing their way in.