

**Chapter 1102: Beginning to Cultivate the Five-Colored Spirit Fire**

Suddenly, large cracks appeared in the starry sky, and space was torn apart. Yu Qingrou's sword strike was incredibly powerful, even stronger than the one she used against Lin Moyu.

"She seems to have become stronger again."

Lin Moyu felt that Yu Qingrou had grown stronger since their last encounter.

The sword light intercepted Xu Jianxing's arrow, and the sword light and arrow were locked in a stalemate in the starry sky.

Yu Qingrou had already grasped the four-colored spirit fire in her hand and laughed, "Your archery is good, but it still needs improvement."

Xu Jianxing chuckled, "Thank you for the compliment!"

Lin Moyu saw him draw his bow again, but this time no arrow appeared.

Instead, a phantom longbow suddenly appeared on the arrow that was locked in a stalemate with the sword light.

As Xu Jianxing drew his bow in the void, the phantom longbow on the arrow was also fully drawn, and then it was released again.

The arrow seemed to gain a second wave of power, instantly shattering Yu Qingrou's sword light and whistling towards her, closing the distance in an instant.

Yu Qingrou exclaimed softly, "I underestimated you!"

She swung her sword, sending out several sword lights in succession.

Xu Jianxing shouted, "Explode!"

The arrow exploded with a terrifying force that swept through the starry sky.


Yu Qingrou let out a cry and then disappeared.

Along with her disappearance, the four-colored spirit fire also vanished.

Yu Qingrou had escaped, and Lin Moyu saw that she seemed to be injured.

Xu Jianxing sighed, "Such powerful laws, yet she managed to escape."

Lin Moyu said, "She controls the laws of space, coming and going without a trace. It's very difficult to capture her."

Xu Jianxing looked at Lin Moyu in surprise, "Junior Brother Lin, do you know her?"

Lin Moyu nodded, "I met her in the third stellar fire group. She calls herself Yu Qingrou, a princess of the Starfish Clan, and she controls the laws of space."

Xu Jianxing showed a look of realization, "No wonder, the Starfish Clan is mysterious and powerful. However, they have always been aloof from worldly affairs. I didn't expect to see one here."

"It's a pity that Junior Brother Lin's four-colored spirit fire was taken. I couldn't stop her."

Lin Moyu smiled, "If it can be taken, it means it wasn't meant for me. There will be other opportunities."

Xu Jianxing laughed heartily, "Indeed, Junior Brother Lin's mindset is very correct. If it's meant to be, it will be. If not, don't force it."

Xu Jianxing was carefree but not indifferent to everything.

On the contrary, he believed in striving for what he wanted, but he didn't care much about the outcome.

After striving, whether he could obtain it or not was not that important.

Xu Jianxing said to Lin Moyu, "Junior Brother Lin, are you planning to continue searching for spirit fires here?"


Xu Jianxing frowned slightly, "Then Junior Brother Lin, you must be careful. Those guys might come looking for trouble."

Lin Moyu was not worried. If they came looking for trouble, he might have to stain his hands with blood again.

From Xu Jianxing's words, Lin Moyu sensed that he seemed to be leaving.

Xu Jianxing indeed planned to leave. He wanted to go deeper.

He had said that the four-colored spirit fire was of no use to him.

What he needed was the five-colored, or even six-colored spirit fire.

However, the possibility of a five-colored spirit fire being born here was very low.

According to Xu Jianxing, the naming of the first stellar fire group was not random.

Among the top-grade stellar fires, the lowest grade was the three-colored spirit fire, and the earliest place they appeared was the third stellar fire group.

In the third stellar fire group, it was almost impossible for a four-colored spirit fire to be born; the probability was very low.

Similarly, in the fourth stellar fire group, most of the time, only four-colored spirit fires were born, and the possibility of a five-colored spirit fire being born was also very low.

Xu Jianxing had been searching for a long time but had not found a five-colored spirit fire.

To obtain a five-colored spirit fire, he had to go deeper.

According to him, 400 billion kilometers from here, in the center of the 38th war zone, there was an enormous stellar fire group.

Some called it the fifth stellar fire group, while others called it the source of the spirit fires.

Some believed that all stellar fires were born from there.

There was a high probability of a five-colored spirit fire being born there.

However, it was very dangerous, and the 400 billion kilometers of void was a long journey.

At Lin Moyu's full speed, it would take 160 days to reach.

If there were any delays along the way, it could take up to 200 days.

Lin Moyu did not tell Xu Jianxing that he could artificially cultivate five-colored spirit fires.

After all, they had just met, and although Xu Jianxing gave him a good impression, Lin Moyu was not naive.

So, Lin Moyu could only say, "Take care."

Xu Jianxing left decisively.

After he left, Lin Moyu chose another direction and left the stellar fire group.

When he left, he was not obstructed by the two fire rings.

The two fire rings were like gatekeepers, allowing people to leave but not to enter.

Lin Moyu flew farther and farther, heading towards the edge of the stellar fire group.

He wanted to experiment and see if he could artificially cultivate a five-colored spirit fire.

To artificially cultivate a five-colored spirit fire, he needed flashing fire.

Flashing fire could be found at the edge, not necessarily within the stellar fire group.

Moreover, he needed to be far enough and hidden enough.

This way, even if he successfully cultivated a five-colored spirit fire, it wouldn't be discovered.

If he could indeed artificially cultivate a five-colored spirit fire, he wouldn't need to compete with others and risk his life.

Even if he had to fight, it wouldn't be now.

Lin Moyu flew for half a day, completely leaving the stellar fire group and reaching the edge, nearly 500 million kilometers away from the two fire rings.

It was very quiet here, with no disturbances from dark stars or flashing stars.

Although the probability of flashing fire appearing was low, it was not impossible.

Lin Moyu began to fly along the edge, holding the shell to search for flashing fire.

The area covered by the stellar fire group was vast, with a radius of 500 million kilometers, forming a spherical region.

Flying along the periphery in any direction would cover 3 billion kilometers, enough for Lin Moyu to fly for a whole day.

The shell's sensing distance was only 500,000 kilometers, so Lin Moyu constantly changed positions, flying in circles. Finally, after three days, the shell reacted.

The shell emitted a bright light, forming an arrow pointing in a direction.

Lin Moyu immediately followed the direction and reached the designated location.

The flashing fire had not yet appeared, so Lin Moyu took out a few stellar fires and placed them there.

The stellar fires formed a light cluster, emitting light.

The light would be transmitted to the stellar fire group in 30 minutes, potentially being discovered.

Lin Moyu took out an array disk and activated the array, hiding the area.

The array disk was one of his recent spoils of war, not very useful but good for hiding.

Lin Moyu used it to block the light emitted by the stellar fires.

He didn't expect to block it completely, just enough to obscure it a bit.

After waiting for about half an hour, the flashing fire finally appeared.

To be safe, Lin Moyu had already left the range of the flashing fire, leaving only a few stellar fires inside.

He felt a flicker in the starry sky, and a spark flashed by.

One of the stellar fires was hit by the flashing fire and mutated.

It immediately absorbed the surrounding stellar fires, and Lin Moyu quickly took out more stellar fires for it to absorb.