

**Chapter 1181: If I Could Master the Law of Time**

Zhu Qiwu's chatterbox was indeed opened. Lin Moyu

He began to talk endlessly, almost saying everything he knew.

He also added his own understanding.

At this moment, he seemed to regard Lin Moyu as one of his own.

But Lin Moyu knew very well that if he thought Zhu Qiwu would tell him everything, he would be gravely mistaken.

Zhu Qiwu was not the kind of person who would speak without restraint. On the contrary, he was very clear about what should be said and what should not be said.

What he said was actually information that the public already knew.

If Lin Moyu were a bit stronger, had higher authority, and was willing to spend some time, he could have learned this information himself.

Zhu Qiwu was just telling Lin Moyu in advance, nothing more.

However, what he said made Lin Moyu realize the essence of the battlefield.

The battlefield was actually formed around special areas. After the chaotic laws stabilized, some special areas appeared here.

These areas continuously produced various materials.

All races sought these materials, so after countless years of confrontation, the current situation was formed.

As for chaotic places like the manor that occasionally appeared, Zhu Qiwu indeed did not know much.

There were too many involved, and the level was too high.

Zhu Qiwu told Lin Moyu that even if he knew, it would be of no use.

With Zhu Qiwu's status and strength, he could not know the information. Lin Moyu did not want to delve into it either.

Without enough strength, participating in such matters was no different from seeking death.

Zhu Qiwu patted Lin Moyu on the shoulder, "You have made a contribution this time, you should receive a lot of rewards."

Lin Moyu asked, "What rewards?"

Zhu Qiwu shook his head, "How would I know? You will see for yourself when you go back. Anyway, that person has spoken, your rewards will not be few."

The person Zhu Qiwu referred to was the middle-aged man in the black hole just now.

That man was unfathomable, a true high-ranking member of the human race.

His words were more effective than Zhu Qiwu's ten or a hundred words.

At the same time, Lin Moyu also found it strange why that person chose to speak to him in a black hole. The black hole was not a good place; even a slightly weaker god could die in it. Zhu Qiwu reopened the teleportation array and took Lin Moyu back.

In the dark starry sky, a manor shrouded in green, looking lush and verdant, hung there in a strange manner.

The manor looked full of life, but only those who had been inside knew it was full of killing intent. The human military had already ordered that no one was allowed to enter.

But other races still had people going in. They did not have enough information to make an accurate judgment. Most of the people who went in died inside, becoming cannon fodder.

Li Yuanbai had a smile on his face. The more enemies died, the happier he was.

Wang Xing, beside him, said, "If it weren't for Lin Xiaoyou, we wouldn't know how many more people would have died." Li Yuanbai laughed, "Yes, thanks to Lin Xiaoyou, many people were saved." The manor had appeared for only ten days, and more than 1600 people had already died. And more people were still coming, one after another. The Human Emperor Network predicted that the manor's appearance would last about 300 days. In 300 days, many people would go in, and more would die. Li Yuanbai looked at the manor, "By the way, do you think Lin Xiaoyou might be hiding something?" Wang Xing glared at Li Yuanbai, "Old Li, what nonsense are you talking about?" Lin Moyu had saved his life. Although he was friends with Li Yuanbai, he would not allow him to speak casually about his savior.

Li Yuanbai laughed, "I was just saying. Even if he is hiding something, it's normal. Who doesn't have some secrets?"

Wang Xing stopped talking. He did not deny that what Li Yuanbai said made some sense.

But he did not like to hear it.

In the dark starry sky a million kilometers away from the manor, a hazy figure stood there.

His presence absorbed all the light, making the distant starry sky dim.

Any light passing by him would be absorbed and disappear.

Not just light, all laws and energy fluctuations were the same.

No one could detect his presence, even if a god passed by him, they would not notice.

If Lin Moyu were here, he might be able to see him through the perspective of the undead and recognize him as the middle-aged man who had contacted him in the black hole.

The middle-aged man looked at the manor. In his sight, the manor appeared differently.

He saw through the appearance and saw the essence, the death aura surrounding the manor.

At this moment, the death aura had become unstable and was fluctuating violently.

Looking at it, it was like unpredictable clouds, and a storm might break out in the next second.

"Sure enough, it has become unstable. It seems this chaos will end in a few days."

"Is it because the Time Stone was taken?"

"What exactly happened in ancient times? What is the root cause of the human race's break?"

"Even with so much information, I still can't deduce what happened back then."

"The law of time, if I could master the law of time, maybe I could know."

The middle-aged man's words were full of countless questions. Finally, his figure gradually disappeared.

Lin Moyu was sent back to Fortress No. 1 by Zhu Qiwu.

As soon as he returned to Fortress No. 1, he immediately received a message from the Human Emperor Network.

[For saving compatriots, reward military merit: 500]

[For providing effective information and avoiding significant human losses, reward military merit: 1000, contribution: 1 point]

[For providing top-secret information and making contributions to the human race, reward military merit: 2000, contribution: 1 point]

Three rewards popped up in a row, and Lin Moyu couldn't help but smile.

He had received a total of 3500 military merits, which was not a small amount.

In his last mission, he had killed so many enemies and only received 2300 military merits.

Now, just one trip to the manor had earned him 3000 military merits.

The key was the 2 contribution points. Although he didn't know what the contribution points were for, they must be very useful, and more valuable than military merits.

Points were in the tens or hundreds of thousands, and military merits were in the hundreds or thousands, but contribution points were just 1 or 2.

Rarity made them valuable, so it was not hard to imagine how useful contribution points were.

After receiving the military merits and contribution points, Lin Moyu checked his information on the Human Emperor Network.

[Lin Moyu (Glory Eighth-Rank Warrior)]

[Age: 32]

[Level: True God Fifth Rank]

[Soul: Fourth Grade Peak]

[Potential Evaluation: Legendary]

[Highest Authority: Level Four]

[Comprehensive Strength: God King Fourth Rank]

[Points: ]

[Military Merits: 8010]

[Contribution Points: 3]

[Mastered Laws: Undying Law, Slaughter Law, Thunder Law]

"The Human Emperor Network has rated my comprehensive strength at God King Fourth Rank, probably based on my recent killing of the Prison Lion."

At that time, Lin Moyu was only at True God Fourth Rank and had not shown all his strength.

Now he was at True God Fifth Rank, and his strength had improved again.

According to his estimation, the Skull King was definitely not weaker than God King Fifth Rank.

If he went all out, he could probably kill a God King Fifth Rank.

"With the strength of God King Fourth Rank, I should be able to get on the strength ranking list..."

With a slight smile, Lin Moyu opened the Vermilion Bird Star Region ranking list.